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That was another busy week where I felt like I constantly had something to do, which was a bit stressful at times, but I'm happy with how everything came out and how much I got done. Though, I probably could have done a better job about remembering to do this and the PDFs before the very last minute.

I'm a bit disappointed by not publishing a novel yet, but I'm not going to feel too down about it since I would have had to rush editing and potentially put out an inferior product to have done so. More importantly, the first volume of LDQ is almost done being edited, so it's 1000000% coming out in March unless I die or something.

That being  said, for those who care, my streaming schedule is pretty much going to look the same as last week.

Tuesday at 7pm EST: Noita

Thursday at 8pm EST: Skul

Saturday at 12pm EST: Something, as in not sure yet

I'm kind of disappointed that I'm mainly just streaming at this point instead of doing daily video uploads since there are still so many things I want to do with Rimworld, but like I've said before: writing is my priority. I wouldn't be able to work on rebooting TQH, starting a couple of other new series behind the scenes, and be editing LDQ if I was trying to upload that much. More importantly, for now, I'm more than happy enough with streaming for the same few people from Discord who show up every time, so thanks to those of you watching!

And now for memes 'nd things:






Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17nubPQyBs2-GhT-_8gvfgXIVOpn0wyMN/view?usp=sharing

29 hours and 18,760 on the writing and editing side of things, and 14 hours on the vtuber things.

The True Endgame

And so, the ninth volume is here. Or it's probably more like the 15th volume by the time I'm done splitting up the earlier volumes. I believe I did a pretty good job this time around of keeping the 8th volume to the size that I've basically always wanted the volumes to be, being about between 250 - 300 pages in length more like proper light novel style. Anyways, we've started off with what I believe was a pretty powerful dose of cute to go with the drama, and now it's time for more plot! Let's see how long it takes for anybody to figure out the theme of this volume. It probably won't be as blatantly obvious this time since I kind of spelled it out multiple times in the last one.

Ero Dungeon Online

And now we finally have the introduction of another character from the original series. Only a few left! Aside from that, not really much to say this time around. I should probably work on wrapping this volume up as it's gotten to be a bit too long for what I'd like for my series. So, we'll go ahead and work on that!

Lazy Dragon Queen

And here we have Drake the Villain again with him being, probably, the most physically violent and blunt of all my protagonists outside of self-defense. Leave it to my silliest and most lighthearted series to have the protagonist who is the most like a villain. Anyway, we'll finish up this date, have one more battle, and then that should be it for the volume if I'm trying to keep the volumes at a shorter length!

As for editing, it's about 80% done now. I just have to finish proofreading about 50 pages more or so and then I'll go through all comments on the chapters to check for any typos or mistakes people might have pointed out that I forgot to take care of!

The Queen's Hound

It's been a while since TQH has been with the other series down here in its own little update section. Anyway, it's taken me four different attempts and like six months, but I'm finally, finally happy with it. I think the key ingredient all along was really changing basically everything there was about it, the main character included. The previous attempts more or less tried to keep it close to the original series with the plot, opening chapter, etc. As soon as I completely threw those out to do something else, I ended up being happy with it.

Reception seems to be a little bit mixed with more people being hopeful and excited than not, but that's enough for me. Now I just have to build off of what's there and post more chapters for it this week! I'm probably going to work on that tomorrow, as in Monday, rather than EDO first for the week. Hopefully introduce Elanah soon.

That being said, I'm probably going to do like 30 1k-word chapters and then do 10 3k-word chapters before I start posting it to the free platforms. That way I'll be able to do the usual of a chapter a day for the first month while then having 10 advanced chapters ready!

I'm not sure if I'll keep the name, though. I do love "The Queen's Hound," but I feel like it needs a new name now because of how different it is. Also because if people try Googling it they're going to end up finding pirated versions of the original and people talking about the original rather than the new, rebooted series.

But I have no idea what to name it in that case.

Reading Report

I ended up being busy enough this week that I 100% forgot about reading until the very last minute. I think I need to set an actual alarm to remind me to read.

In Closing

Thank you once again for your continued support! And thank you in advance since tomorrow is a new month!

I hope that you continue enjoying my stories and the new projects that I'm working on, and I hope that TQH's reboot ends up being just as good if not better than the original!

Once again, thank you, and please look forward to this week's chapters!


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