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Blegh. I was hoping that I'd be able to figure out for sure what I want to do with TQH and CORE this week, but given that there's no easy solution to this where everybody is happy, it's not exactly simple to figure out. What I can say, though, is that despite how stressful and anxious it makes me knowing that I'll most likely suffer a significant drop in patrons if I drop/reboot TQH/CORE, that I felt way less stressed than usual this week. I guess that's pretty telling. Writing those two stories every week was causing me more stress and anxiety than knowing that I'm probably going to seriously hurt my financial situation.

That aside since there's nothing new I can say that I haven't already said in these past two weekly updates, I need to try and fix my schedule. I got so used to not writing chapters until later in the week since I always had TQH and CORE to do first, which were the hardest chapters for me to write thus causing me to procrastinate, that now I'm in the habit of not writing until the week is already half over. So, definitely going to try and fix that this week. 

I'll aim for posting the first chapter of the week on Tuesday, then Monday the week after. Then things should be back to normal.

Anyways, memes 'nd things:





Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QhDw3c0d_bpmr7Cq2l5Gbsyb9YbmgyXU/view?usp=sharing

16 hours, 13,456 words. I'm happy with that all things considered.

The True Endgame

You know, if there's a silver lining when it comes to me struggling with TQH and CORE, it's that I've realized TTE is my passion project. I've always enjoyed it, but I never really considered it a passion project. I had other ideas for that which I wanted to hold onto until I was a better writer. But I just... love it more and more lately. I'm honestly having so much fun writing it and I'm getting more and more ideas for it every single week. Not just TTE, either. I mean like the entire universe of TTE in relation to Ryouta and the upcoming sequels.

For starters, and I really don't consider this a spoiler because it should be extremely obvious that this will happen, Ryouta is going to have kids.

And these kids are going to be the protagonists of their own series in their own games.

As things stand right now, I already have detailed plans for 3 series revolving around Ryouta's kids as the main characters. One of these stories is going to be more serious and dependent on the later arcs of TTE, so I won't be publishing that one until TTE is over or at least close to ending even though I've already written a bit of it. That's not going to be the main sequel to TTE, though, despite being more dependent on it. That will be more like... 70% standalone, 30% sequel.

There are two series featuring Ryouta's kids that will be out before TTE is over, though, and they're what I plan on releasing next as far as new series go. These will basically be 99% standalone and 1% sequels. There won't be any spoilers from TTE in them aside from referencing the parents and maybe some occasional shows from them, but the plots will be completely independent. That's why I feel comfortable releasing them before TTE is finished.

On the topic of the kids, I plan on having one series per pairing from the harem. What I mean by pairing is like Ryouta x Serra, Ryouta x Cassandra, Ryouta x Alice, and so on. I want to do a series for a kid from each pairing.

I don't know whether I should tell you which kid will be the first one. Probably not. It would probably be more fun to discover that yourself, especially seeing as how it should be very, very obvious very quickly. Let me just tell you that this guy is the perfect, obvious fusion of his father and mother. I'm already in love with writing his dialogue since he's unlike all my other MCs, at least that's how I feel.

That aside, something else happened this week. When I was writing TTE's chapter yesterday, I was suddenly hit with a single tiny little idea that led me to have a massive burst of inspiration. I already had a very vague idea in mind for what TTE's true sequel series would be like, but now I know for sure, and fuck I am so excited for it. Both for the rest of TTE and for getting to TTE's sequel. I really think that it's going to be amazing. Well, amazing in my opinion. Part of me is a bit worried because the things that are going to happen to lead into the sequel - well, I can't even hint at any of it without it being too much of a spoiler.

I will say, though, that I was so inspired and hyped that I ended up writing the beginning of TTE's sequel today. That's obviously, definitely, not going to be out anytime soon. TTE still has a lot of life left in it and this is its direct sequel, so it won't be out for a long time. That doesn't mean I can't start working on it, though!

Now, with all my plans for TTE, something I'm considering doing is upping the release rate of it. Maybe switch to two, possibly three, chapters a week. Three is extremely unlikely but there's a good chance I'm going to up it to two chapters a week. The universe and things that I want to do with the setting of TTE are just way too huge for me to only be writing a chapter of it a week.

I just really, really love TTE.

Ero Dungeon Online

EDO might share a world with TTE, but when I talk about the long lifespan of TTE and following the children and everything with a bunch of sequels, I don't have similar plans for EDO. However, while I might not have plans for anything like that, I do have another special plan for it. To give even a bit of detail would be spoiling things, though.

Anyways, time for a new monster! I'm honestly not sure which monster it's going to be, but I want to give myself something fun and different to play around with, so I'm excited to go and search for a new monster to use!

Lazy Dragon Queen

LDQ just straight up soothes my soul. I love writing it as much as I love writing TTE and EDO, and it just always lets me do whatever I want and that's extremely relaxing. I don't even think it's possible to feel any stress from writing LDQ. Anyways, all I really have to talk about in regard to LDQ is how I have no idea what the fuck to do with how long the second volume has become. There's nothing in it that I want to cut out, but I can't leave it this long when the first volume is only like half the size. I think I talked before about potentially taking some of the content out from the second volume and putting it into the first volume instead to balance their lengths out, and that sounds more and more like my only real option.

In Closing

I started typing this weekly update feeling pretty meh and down because of the CORE and TQH stuff. Now that I've gotten to gush over the other three, mainly TTE, I feel so much happier.

There will be an official announcement of what I'm doing with CORE/TQH within the next 48 hours. I want to make sure to say something while leaving at least a full day before the end of the month so that people can get notified and potentially cancel their pledges before getting charged on the 1st if they're only here for those two stories.

Thank you once again for your continued support! Please look forward to this week's chapters, and I hope that you all have a great end of the month! I know that, despite everything that's going on, the end of my month is going to be amazing because my downstairs neighbors are finally moving out in just a few hours. That alone will be a massive boost to my morale.


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