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Alice still wasn’t ready, Serra and Cassandra were already down, so that left Ryouta with two options: Azalabulia and Eva. Seeing as how Azalabulia was already going and came a few times from being played with by the others, Ryouta figured that she would be a good next target. She was already ready and everything. Relaxed, aroused, and prepared. Also, naked. Well, everybody was naked at that point.

After getting a new condom on, Ryouta left Alice with Serra and crawled on the bed over to where the other two were. “Having fun over here?” he asked, not sure of how else he was supposed to suddenly join the fun when they were already having fun with each other. Well, it was more like Eva was having fun with Azalabulia. The latter was pretty much only lying there while the former relentlessly teased her with her hands.

“Yeah,” Eva answered. “I think I’m doing a pretty good job at this. All the studying I did must have worked.”

“By studying, do you mean watching a bunch of porn or something?”

“Basically. Speaking of that, do you know how much of a pain it is to find girl-on-girl porn made for girls? Even though way more women admit to watching porn these days, I swear the majority of it is still made for guys. You have to go find amateur stuff for genuine scenes between girls.”

“This is why hentai is better. I have no idea if it’s actually better or not when it comes to that, but I’ll still call it better.”

“You have to do research and gather evidence if you want to call it that.”

“Too much work. I’ll be a mad scientist instead of a real scientist.”

“Mad scientists still do research. The difference is that their research is usually unethical or insane.”

“Then I’ll be a lazy scientist.”

“I… guess I can’t argue against that. Anyways, let’s let her answer your question.”

Ryouta and Eva looked down at Azalabulia. As soon as the older woman noticed both of them looking at her face, she covered her reddened self up with her hands to try and hide from them. “D-don’t look at me right now. This is too embarrassing,” she whined.

“But you’re even cuter when you’re embarrassed,” Ryouta said.

“I – I’m not drunk enough for this…”

“You can’t hide behind alcohol every time you want to have sex.”

“Yeah,” Eva joined in. “That’s really bad for you.”

Azalabulia whined even more.

“You know,” Ryouta said, “if you’re not ready for it tonight, we don’t have to. We can do it some other time. Like the next time we meet. Or—”

“No!” Azalabulia said, spreading her fingers so that she could peek out between them. “I – I want to… tonight. We finally met, so… I don’t want want to let it go to waste.”

“It’s not a waste if we don’t have sex.”

Azalabulia shook her head. “I wouldn’t be able to look any of you in the eyes again if I chickened out tonight… so, we have to do it.”

“Are you sure?”

Rather than shake her head, Azalabulia nodded it this time.

“I’ll leave her to you,” Eva said, giving Ryouta a smack on the back as she crawled over to Alice.

Now that Ryouta and Azalabulia were alone on their part of the bed, they looked into each other’s eyes and blushed. Well, it would be more appropriate to say that Azalabulia blushed even more while Ryouta started to blush a little. He wasn’t prepared for her to be the most nervous and submissive of all the girls even if he knew that he should have expected that, especially considering that she was sober.

Even though he wasn’t prepared, he still had an idea for something that might be able to help.

“Azalabulia,” Ryouta said in a deep voice, “are you ready for my—I’m sorry.” He was already back to his normal voice. His idea failed quicker than any other plan of his ever did. “I was going to call it my spear of darkness and try to roleplay, but I can’t.”

He heard a little chuckle come from behind her hands as Azalabulia’s eyes grew to look slightly less worried than before. “You – you don’t have to do that. But… thank you for trying.”

“I’ll do anything if it helps.”

“Then… if you’ll really do anything, can you… hu-hug me?”

Ryouta was going to do that whether she asked for it or not. He also got himself into position before doing it. Getting between her legs, Azalabulia looked a bit panicked as she wasn’t sure what he was about to do, but then she relaxed when she felt him wrap his arms around her as his head ended up pressing against the top of her breasts. Hugging her was pretty amazing now that she was so much taller than him. Both of them being naked helped, too, since it meant he got to feel his cock pressing down against her warmth.

But back to her chest, her breasts were massive enough for him to get lost in. His mind went to imagining getting a titfuck from her first and having his dick completely lost between her breasts, but then he realized that she could fit way more than even the biggest of dicks between them. Heck, she was busty enough that she could probably completely wrap her tits around his head and make him look headless.

Seeing their size in-game was one thing, but in real life? Sure, they were slightly smaller, but that didn’t matter. They felt considerably bigger solely because of the fact that they were real and genuine. Big breasts in video games was no big deal since anybody could do it. In real life? In real life, Azalabulia was blessed by the goddess of sexuality.

Or she was blessed by whoever was in charge of tits.

“Let me know whenever you’re ready, alright?” Ryouta said.

“I’m not sure if I’ll… be ready, so… do it whenever you’re ready,” Azalabulia said, hardly able to make herself say anything. Even what little she said required all of her sober, non-immersed courage to say.

Rather than allow himself to feel like he had even more pressure piled onto him, he forced himself to stay confident and collected. “I’ll be gentle, alright?”

Azalabulia nodded before looking like she had a brilliant idea. As for what that brilliant idea was, it was reaching behind her to grab a pillow, pull it over to her, and cover her face up with it. “I – I think I’m ready if I can stay like this,” she said, her voice muffled and barely intelligible.

Ryouta would have liked to get to see her face during it, but if that was what she found helpful, then he didn’t mind. “Alright, then I’m going to start.”

He assumed that she must have nodded her head given that it looked like the pillow nodded at him.

And now it was time for him to get back to work. Positioned between her legs, he grabbed his cock and slipped it against her lower lips. Her entire region down there was already soaked from the others playing with her and she reacted just as strongly as she did to them when she felt her lover’s cock rubbing over her clit. Though, unlike the others who focused mainly on her clit or who used their tongues against her, Ryouta had something nice and hard to stuff her with.

Azalabulia’s back arched with every single inch of his tip that he pushed into her. Not only that, but he heard muffled screams coming from behind her pillow after just seconds. He wasn’t sure if she was in a great amount of pain or possibly feeling pleasure already, but he did know that she shook the pillow from side to side when he asked her if he should stop.

Those noises only grew even louder and more intense as he continued. She had a habit of making noises and practically melting within his grasp in-game, but she never made noises anywhere near as loud as she was making at the moment. If she made noises that loud in-game, she probably would have attracted some wild monsters to kill them both in the middle of having sex. At the very least, she would have scared any nearby, smaller creatures away into hiding.

But then, after going at her for a few minutes while taking things nice and slow for her, he noticed a difference. Azalabulia stopped making such loud screams which couldn’t even be hidden by the pillow and went silent instead.

Did she fall asleep? Go unconscious? Was she in so much pain that she couldn’t even make noise anymore?

Ryouta had no idea, but he did know that he could find out by taking the pillow away, so that was what he did. He grabbed the pillow and pushed it back so that he could see her face.

And when he saw her face, it became clear.

Azalabulia was biting down on her lower lip so hard that she was making it bleed.

“He-hey!” Ryouta said. “Be careful!”

“But… it was the only way to be quiet,” Azalabulia said. “It started feeling really… really good…”

“Then were all those screams before from pain?”

Azalabulia nodded with burning cheeks. Her eyes were able to look everywhere but into his own.

“But now,” he paused to give her a single thrust, “you feel fine?”

Azalabulia smiled and moaned before giving him a bashful nod. 

Making a girl smile and moan like that, just from thrusting, was definitely inspirational.

And it made Ryouta get a bit full of himself. “Then what about this?” He thrust his length all the way into her once more but with even more force.

That one got another scream out of Azalabulia, but it was not a pained scream. Instead, it was one of pure pleasure as her eyes failed to focus on anything at all.

And that encouraged Ryouta to do it again. And again. And again.

He ended up thrusting harder and faster with Azalabulia than either of the girls that came before her. He was far more gentle than usual with them, but Azalabulia brought out his usual behavior from all the times they had sex while in-game. The animalistic instincts of Fenrir were his to embrace, and that was exactly what he did as he put all of his energy into fucking Azalabulia to the absolute best of his capabilities.

He still might not have been able to go as hard at her as he could as Fenrir, but he tried his best.

And that best of his was enough to drive Azalabulia wild. She clutched at the bed sheets, arched her back, moaned out far louder than anybody else – whatever embarrassment she felt before must not have mattered anymore as she lost herself to his primal drive and her own carnal lust.

Ryouta couldn’t even tell whenever she came. She practically seemed to be in a state of constant orgasming if the other girls were anything to go by, so he didn’t try to hold back his own need to cum. When he was ready to, he carefully dropped himself onto her and wrapped his arms around her again with his face buried between her breasts. At the same time, he never slowed his thrusts down. If anything, this new position allowed him to go even harder as he pounded her down against the bed.

But unfortunately, no matter how much he might have wanted to cum inside of her, he still had the condom on which caught all of his seed without fail. And now it was his turn for his voice to be muffled as he moaned and grunted from between her breasts.

A deep, satisfied sigh left his lips once he felt his own orgasm come to an end. That was when he pulled out of her and scooted a bit farther up her body to check on her.

The Azalabulia that he saw underneath him was similar to the one that he was so used to in-game. “Eh-ehehe,” she giggled to herself as her body twitched a few times from leftover, overwhelming sensations. “Ex… exploooosion… ehehe…”

Melting status was successfully achieved as she became completely limp on top of the bed.

“Well, I’m guessing that I did a good job,” Ryouta said, not that he expected an answer from her.

“Oh my, my hero. You truly ravished her,” Alice said. “Unfortunately, I will have to hope that you treat me gentler when it is my turn.”

“Speaking of your turn – you ready?”

Oh my. You just finished, yet you are already ready for another round?”

“I have a feeling that I’m going to have a bunch of pulled muscles in the morning, but yeah. I might as well make use of this arousal while I can.”

“In that case, perhaps we should try and tire you out some more first. Eva? Would you be so kind as to do that for me?”

“You sure?” Eva asked Alice. “You can go if you want to.”

“Ah, as much as I would love to, I am having more than my share of enjoyment by watching. Also, I will admit that I am a bit intimidated by his prowess, so weakening him before he reaches me would be appreciated.”

“I can hold back, you know,” Ryouta said before looking down at Azalabulia. “What are we going to do about her?”

“I will keep her company, of course!” Alice separated herself from Eva to crawl over to Azalabulia. “I have to admit, I am very much enjoying this role of taking care of the others once you are done annihilating their bodies.”

“You really make it sound more intense than it is.”

“It certainly sounded that intense, too.”

Ryouta blushed and scratched his cheek before turning to face Eva. “So… you’re next?”

“Guess so,” Eva answered. “Not that I mind. I’m excited now.”

Taking Eva up on the plan, Ryouta replaced his condom with a fresh one before moving over to Eva. Though, rather than take control or feel like an equal, he was gently pushed down onto his back instead.

“I know I’m supposed to tire you out, but I figured I would give your body a break. I’ll try tiring out your lust instead,” Eva said, now directly positioned over Ryouta in the perfect position. All she had to do when she ready was lower her hips a little and he would be inside of her. “Also, I read that it’s good to surprise guys the first time by getting on top like this.”

“How many of those dating sites have you read?” Ryouta asked.

“Enough to collect a sizable pool of data.”

“Eva, you don’t have to do this just because some random dating blogs recommended it.”

Eva lowered herself down onto his thighs right in front of his cock so that she wouldn’t be awkwardly hanging over his length while talking. “I’ll be fine. Are you forgetting that I have my pain setting all the way up to max in-game? I’ve had my body bitten in half. I’ve stuck my legs into lava before. I’ve fallen to my death from thousands of feet into the air. I’ve probably experienced the worst possible pains there are that normal people would never even get to feel. I’m a bit nervous when it comes to the psychological side of things, but if you think I’m worried at all about any physical pain – I promise you have nothing to worry about. Honestly, now that I’m thinking about it, I should have proposed that we all take some lava baths are max pain setting before doing this so that any of this pain would feel like nothing.”

“Pass,” Cassandra spoke up now that she regained enough energy to actually say something.

“Come on, don’t you want to know what it’s like to feel your legs melt off?”


“I will have to agree with Cassandra,” Alice said.

“Sa-same,” Azalabulia agreed.

Serra wasn’t sure what they were talking about, and she was tired out, so she stayed on her phone looking for good memes.

Some people went and smoked after sex.

Other people went to the bathroom and cleaned up after sex.

But Serra? Serra pulled out her phone and looked at memes after sex.

“Alright, I get it,” Eva said. “No group lava baths. Oh, but,” she looked at Ryouta, “what about sticking your dick in lava? Don’t you want to know what that would feel like?”

“Please no,” Ryouta answered. “I’d rather never put my dick near anything that will melt it off. Well, unless – never mind.”


“It’s a weeb thing.”

“Come on, tell me. You make it sound like you thought of an exception for something that might burn your dick off.”

“Just – like, a lava monster girl or something.”

“A girl made out of lava or something?”

“Yeah. Kind of like a golem girl who looks rocky and stuff, but with lava.”

“I see. So, in order to seduce you into sticking your dick into lava, it will have to be a girl with a nice body who is full of lava down there?”

“I still don’t think that I’d do anything with her if she’s going to burn it off by sticking it in her.”

“Hmm. I’ll have to figure something out then. Or maybe I could find a way to give myself a penis in-game and try it out on my own.”

“Why are you so obsessed with finding out what it would feel like?”

“Because why not?”

“Are you an extreme masochist or something?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve probably killed off any hope I have at being a masochist, honestly. Nothing legal and non-lethal in real life exists that would be able to compare to pain in-game. It would be like somebody who wants to enjoy a really weak drug, so they skip straight to the hardest stuff in existence and built up a resistance to it to the point where the weak stuff doesn’t even have an effect on them anymore.”

An expression of concern painted Alice’s face after hearing that. “I did not even consider that! I will have to check and make sure that my pain tolerance is at zero the next time I immerse. To become desensitized to something so wonderful… how horrible that sounds!”

“See?” Eva asked Ryouta. “Now that’s what a masochist sounds like. I’m not a masochist, I’m just somebody who thinks it’s fun to see what it’s like to have my legs melted off by lava. And you could be somebody who thinks it’s fun to have your dick melted off by having sex with a girl made out of lava.”

“I’m still going to have to pass on that,” Ryouta said with an unimpressed face.

As for Cassandra, she sighed at their conversation and said, “I’m honestly amazed you’re still hard after all of that. What guy manages to stay hard while a girl is talking to him about melting his cock off?”

“The kind of guy who just lost his virginity and wants to have more sex.”

“You horny bastard.”

Ryouta’s cock twitched at the insult. “Thanks. I love you and your tsundere fanservice, too.”

Cassandra wasn’t sure how to reply or even what sort of face to make at what he said, so she opted for doing neither of those to instead scoot up to where Serra was and look at her phone with her. Serra made sure to hold her phone in a way that allowed Cassandra to look at the memes, too.

“Alright, you ready?” Eva asked Ryouta, now getting back up and positioning herself over the tip of his throbbing tool.

“I’m ready whenever you are. You’re the one who’s going to be in control here and have to deal with the pain.”

Eva showed him a cocky smile as she said, “I bet I won’t even feel anything.”

“Oh dear,” Alice said with worry as she looked at Ryouta.

“Nice one,” Cassandra commented, half sarcastic and half serious as she thought it was genuinely funny.

“I – I can confirm that’s not true,” Azalabulia joined in now that she could talk again, looking like she wanted to try and comfort Ryouta after that.

As for Ryouta, he wore a blank expression as he stared up at Eva. “I’ve got to admit, even though I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you didn’t mean for that to sound how it did, it still kind of hurt.”

“What?” Eva asked. “All I said was that I won’t feel any—oh. Ooohhh. Wait! I’m sorry! I – crap, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean it like that! I meant that I wouldn’t feel any pain, not that I wouldn’t feel anything!”

“It’s fine. I understand. You’ve been so desensitized that you won’t be able to feel me.”

Eva whined and leaned down against him, resting her chest against his as she looked up at his face. “I’m seriously sorry. That was probably one of the worst things anybody could say before something like this, and I said it. Please don’t be mad at me. I’m sure that I’ll feel you. You already made all the others feel you, so there’s no way that I won’t feel you.”

Ryouta was already over it and in the mood to laugh about the whole thing, but he was also in the mood to take advantage of a rare, worried Eva while she looked so cute and was trying so hard to make him feel better. “I guess.” He followed up with his best attempt at a depressed sigh while keeping his head turned away from her so that she wouldn’t see him accidentally slip and smile or anything.

“Please forgive me. I’ll – I’ll do whatever you want to make up for it? Like, uh… sexual experiments? Like… we could do an experiment where we see how many times you can cum in a single day! Or I could find a bunch of different things that look like they’d feel good without burning your dick off, and you could use them all as toys! Or uh… you can perform any experiment you want on my body?”

“Everything is always experimenting and science with you, isn’t it?” Ryouta finally broke his depressed act and looked at her with a smile. “I’m teasing you, don’t worry. I thought it was funny and I know that you didn’t mean anything bad.”

“Oh… good. I was seriously worried. I didn’t want to accidentally cause you to develop erectile dysfunction or anything.”

“You’re not going to cause that, don’t worry. If anything, you should be more worried about making Alice go ‘oh dear.’ That’s only the second time I’ve ever heard her say that.”

“Ah, no need to worry about my,” Alice said. “I simply felt that insult myself, and I do not even have a member for it to apply to. I do not know how I would cope after hearing something like that – or rather, if somebody said that and seriously meant it, I do not know how I would cope. I would likely lose all motivation to live right there on the spot! I am amazed you were able to handle it as well as you did, my hero.”

“Well, it’s Eva. I know she wouldn’t actually say anything that cruel. Right, Eva?”

“Right. I don’t even know how to be mean,” Eva answered. “If I ever say anything mean, there’s like a ninety-nine percent chance that it’s unintended and that I’m going to feel horrible as soon as I realize how it sounded.”

“Now that you’ve said it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you really mad or angry or anything. Other than when I protected you in that cave, but I don’t think that really counts.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that counts. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve ever been angry about anything. I mean… there’s not really anything to ever get angry about. Anything in my life that could potentially make me angry, I get rid of it before it has the chance to do so.”

Cassandra held up a thumbs-up. “That’s not a bad way of doing things.”

“So, basically, you live in a bubble of positivity?” Ryouta asked. “What about us? We could potentially upset you and make you angry.”

“I have faith that none of you would ever make me angry,” Eva answered.

“Not even accidentally?”

“Not even accidentally. Well, unless it’s possible for you to accidentally cheat on me. Or accidentally steal my favorite ice cream.”

“The second one makes me worried since I can see myself doing that somehow.”

“Huh, then maybe I should break up with you right here.”

“Please don’t.”

Eva smirked and kissed his chest before finally getting back up over his crotch. “For real this time, are you ready? Even I’m impressed you’re still hard after all of that. I’m tempted to see how long we can talk about random things while keeping you hard now, but I don’t want to keep Alice waiting any longer.”

Ryouta looked over at Alice who was busy enjoying using Azalabulia’s breasts as pillows. “Ah, please do not worry about me,” Alice said. “I am more than happy staying like this while listening to you two.”

“I ran out of things to talk about for now anyways. All I can think about is finally letting this guy down here stop waiting.” Eva reached down with one hand to stroke along the top side of Ryouta’s length.

“You know, you were all worried about this on the boat and implying that you’d also feel pain,” Ryouta said.

“Well, technically, I will feel pain. It might even hurt enough that I’ll cry, just like I implied. However, that would still be nothing compared to the pain I’ve felt in-game.”

Ryouta sighed and smiled. “I hope that I can be as brave as you someday, but hopefully without the part involving feeding my legs to lava.”

“It’s alright, you don’t have to feed your legs to lava as long as you feed your dick to lava.”

“Please stop wanting me to shove my dick into lava.”

“Want me to shove it into me instead then?”

The boldness of that almost made Ryouta laugh from surprise, but he held it back as Eva looked a bit embarrassed by the fact that she actually said that. He gave her a simple, excited answer instead. “Yes, please.”

“Then here we go. Station Eva is ready to proceed with docking procedures for the shuttle Ryouta.”

“Is – is this… space station docking roleplay?”

“Look, I first thought of saying that back when I was fifteen. I’ve always thought about making an extremely stupid joke like that during my first time. It was as stupid as I thought it would be, but I have no regrets.”

Even Alice, who would normally be up for all sorts of play, simply stayed there against Azalabulia’s breasts as she blinked a few times while not a single response to what Eva said came to mind.

Azalabulia and Cassandra both had to try not to laugh so that they wouldn’t ruin the mood.

Now, rather than say anything else to embarrass herself more than she already had, Eva held onto Ryouta’s cock with a lone hand and held it steady as she lowered herself onto it. She winced when she felt just how thick he was as he stretched her inner walls, but she didn’t hesitate for even a moment to take more of his length into her. She wasn’t exaggerating when she said that she’d be able to handle the pain.

Lower and lower, Eva lowered herself until she had the entirety of Ryouta’s shuttle docked inside of her station. “See?” she asked with clear pain in her voice. “I – I told you I’d be able to handle it.”

“But can you feel anything?” Ryouta asked. “Since you said you wouldn’t be able to feel anything, after all.”

Eva pouted and flicked his chest. “Don’t bully the girl riding you. And… I – I can feel a lot. It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it might, so I shouldn’t cry at all, but I didn’t expect it to feel… how it does. It’s hard to describe, not that it matters.” With that being said, Eva lifted herself up until only the upper half of Ryouta’s length was left inside of her before dropping herself back down onto him.

Considering that only Serra ever rode Ryouta before, excluding Serra and those times where the others might have ridden him but kept their chests against his, he never got to watch anything like a woman’s chest bouncing as she rode him. Now, though, he got to watch. He got to watch as Eva’s breasts bounced and jiggled with every movement that she made. The harder she dropped herself onto his cock, the more they moved, and he found the sight both incredibly arousing and mesmerizing.

Once Eva noticed that he seemed to have his glues glued to her chest, she forced herself to be confident enough to grab him by the wrists and pull his hands up against her chest. “You can do more than watch,” she said in a lower voice than usual as she kept his hands held against her breasts.

“Watching is nice, but I might have to take you up on that,” Ryouta said before allowing his fingers to sink into the flesh of her tits. Eva might not have been anywhere near as stacked as Cassandra nor Azalabulia, and couldn’t even compete with Alice, but there was still enough there for Ryouta to enjoy with his hands as Eva did all the work down below.

While Eva might have felt some pain, her body did a horrible job of expressing that. She rode him without any difficulty. She didn’t have to stop and take a break, she had no problem picking up the speed or being a bit rough, and any pain that was visible on her face was quickly replaced with pleasure. It was probably safe to assume that, out of all the girls, she got to feel the most pleasure out of the night simply because of the fact that she was the most desensitized to pain.

But that meant something else.

She was also the quickest to orgasm.

Ryouta already came several times, so it was taking him a while to get to the point where he felt like he could cum. But Eva? She was ready to cum in less than half the time it took any of the previous girls. Being so desensitized to pain meant that she could focus on the pleasure, and that focus on pleasure, as somebody entirely new to this with their real body, was too much for her to handle. She ended up quickly turning into a hot and panting mess before collapsing onto Ryouta as she came, trying not to make too much noise with her moans as Ryouta’s ego grew even more inflated.

After all, a girl came by riding him before he could even feel close to cumming. He simply chose to ignore the fact that it wasn’t fair considering how he already came multiple times and was building up endurance simply by the fact that it became harder to cum each time afterward.

There was only one thing wrong with this situation. Eva stopped moving once her orgasm hit and she was trying to hold back her noises. So, there was only one thing that Ryouta could do to stop this problem.

He grabbed her by her ass and thrust up against her on his own.

“Shi-shit!” Eva moaned out, not expecting the sudden effort by him as he drove that pleasure of hers to even greater heights. “Wai-wait! Too – too soo—”

Ryouta didn’t wait. He kept on thrusting, causing Eva’s voice to reach even greater heights until she was forced to bite down onto him to muffle her noises. This resulted in biting into his shoulder, and she bit far harder than he expected her to given that she managed to actually draw blood and cause him to stop.

At that point, he was worried about doing something she didn’t like. Maybe he actually should have waited when she said to?

“I’m sorry,” Ryouta said. “I—”

“Shit, first I insult you, now I make you bleed. I’m – I’m sorry,” Eva said, looking down at the bite mark with a cringe. “I swear I didn’t – I just… I didn’t want anybody to hear me. Outside of the room, I mean. But they totally did, probably… and I didn’t even get to make you cum.”

Ryouta brought one hand off of her rear to pet her on the top of her head. “Don’t worry about it. I should’ve slowed down and waited, but I really wanted to hear you make louder noises. I didn’t think about other people being here who might hear.”

“Then I guess we’re both jerks.”

“Hey, that’s Cass’s thing to call people. Well, mainly bastard, but she used jerk a few times before.”

“Does she get a monopoly on all insults?”

“Only the common tsundere ones.”

Cassandra, listening in on their conversation, rolled her eyes before Serra opened up a meme compilation of dogs slapping cats.

“So, want to continue?” Ryouta asked.

“I can’t. Between biting you and knowing that probably everybody in this mansion heard me… I don’t think I can bring myself to go again,” Eva said.

“You know, people probably heard Aza even louder, and she’s not worried about it.”

Azalabulia went from looking relaxed to panicked with wide eyes in an instant. “I – I was?!”

“You… didn’t realize that?”

She quickly shook her head from side to side as stuttered mumbles and various other noises left her lips before bringing her hands up to cover her mouth. She looked like she was ready to cry. No, she already was crying.

Fortunately, Alice was there to pamper her and to try. “Give me a few moments, my hero,” Alice said to Ryouta. “If Eva is finished, then I suppose it is finally my turn! After we make sure that Azalabulia does not wet the sheets with her tears.”

Speaking of sheets, Ryouta looked around at the current state of things… and realized that if they wanted to prevent wet sheets, they were doing a horrible job of it.


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