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I realized something while heading back to my dungeon with Lily.

There was still a seed in my inventory.

I completely forgot about it because of how distracting everything was with Sophie. What I was really curious about, though, was whether or not Lizamoo also really forgot about it or not. Did she forget about it, or did she pretend like she forgot about it so that she’d have an excuse to go and have some more fun with those plants? Knowing just how much she loved those plants, I figured it was probably the latter.

Once we made it back to the dungeon, I decided to relax in the hot springs for a little bit with Lily. There was no need to rush things and spending some time relaxing with her in some hot water was always nice.

“I’ve got to ask,” I said as Lily sat nude on my lap, my hands underneath her breasts to lift them up a little, “what’s it like having a chest like this in real life? I mean, I’ve heard other women complain about it before, but I’m curious how you feel about it. The only women as stacked as you who I’ve known or heard stories about basically all hated their chests.”

“A-ah… that – that is difficult, mon maître,” Lily answered. “I… have mixed feelings? They grew when I was very young, so I hated them. They made me… stick out. Other children always bullied me. Older kids and even adults would stare at them and make me feel… gross. I have always blamed a lot of problems on them.”

“That’s understandable. Girls who develop like that at a really young age have it rough.”

Lily nodded and placed her hands underneath mine. “Even now, they cause back pain and make too many people stare at me. That is why I usually wear baggy – is that the word? Baggy?”

“If you mean like baggy clothes, yeah. They’re really loose clothes that are usually too big.”

“Thank you, mon maître.” Lily turned her head to kiss my shoulder before continuing. “I always wear baggy clothes to hide them in real life.”

“Do you? I never would’ve guessed. The pictures you’ve sent me of yourself are usually doing the opposite of hiding them.”

“Mon – mon maître!”

“I’m teasing. You just wear baggy clothes whenever you’re not taking pictures for me, right?”

“Hmph… it is not nice to tease me! And yes.”

I lowered my head so that my lips were right next to her ear, allowing me to whisper, “But you love it when I tease you, don’t you?”


I slid my hands from underneath her breasts to the front of them so that I could focus on her nipples with my fingers.

“Y-you… are not wrong. Bu-but, I have to go soon! If you want to do something… we will have to be quick.”

“Honestly, I’m just in the mood to grope you. I’m kind of sexed out for the day. Is that alright?”

Lily smiled and turned her head once more, taking advantage of where I left my head by kissing me on the cheek. “Of course, mon maître. I like this sort of thing. Sitting together with you… being a little lewd but not doing more – it is nice.”

“It really is. Anyways, I feel like I interrupted you from talking about your boobs. Was there anything else you wanted to say?”

“A-ah, umm… have I already brought up wanting reduction?”

“Yeah. Because of the back pain, right?”


“That’s more than fine by me. Just let me know if you need any money to help out with—”


“Well, that was sudden.”

“I – I would feel horrible! And… such surgery is covered by our healthcare now, so it is alright!”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess most places would cover that sort of thing. I never need to go to the doctor’s or anything, so I forget just how nice we have it these days. It’s insane to think about how so many people used to not have health insurance. Then again, I guess technically nobody has health insurance now. There’s no need for health insurance when everybody just… you know, has equal and free access to medicine and doctors.”

Lily nodded before leaning her head back against my shoulder. “It is sad to think about. People were so cruel to each other.”

“That’s human history for you. In a hundred years, there will probably be people who think that we’re still being cruel to each other now.”

“That is true… and, mon maître, when is the last time you went to a doctor?”

“Well, I don’t want to eat up their resources and time when there are people more in need than me. The system wouldn’t work as well as it does if people always went in when they don’t need to.”

“Mon maître… last time. When?”

“He-hey, you sound pretty serious now.”

“Answer me or else I will… I will…”

“You will what?”

“I will not hug you for a whole day!”

“Seven years. At least. I don’t remember the exact last time.”

Lily jumped from my response. Then she spun herself around so that her breasts pushed up against my chest with her face in front of my own, her eyes staring into mine with a combination of shock and anger in them. “Seven years?! Mon maître!”

“Wha-what can I say?” I rubbed the back of my head. I really wanted to look away, too, but I felt like trying to look away at the moment probably would have been a bad idea. “I don’t like going to the doctor’s.”

“What about getting shots?!”

“I… I’m afraid of needles.”

“What about checkups?!”

“I take good enough care of my health that I don’t need them… probably.”

Lily puffed out her cheeks before placing her hands on my own cheeks, smooshing them together as she continued staring into my eyes. “Mon maître! You will make an appointment for as soon as possible! The… the man I love is not allowed to not take care of himself!”

Then I had an idea. Because we were talking about Lily, and we were talking about taking care of myself by going to the doctor’s… it was only natural to think what I did. “If I go to the doctor’s, will you give me a titfuck while dressed up as a nurse?”

“Mon maître… you – you know,” Lily blushed as her voice became less assertive and more timid, “that I would do that for you anyways…”

“But if you act like you won’t do it unless I go to the doctor’s, I think I’ll be able to motivate myself to do it.”

“Then… deal! If you go to the doctor’s, I will – I will wear a nurse outfit and… allow you to—” Lily paused. She looked like she was deep in thought about what she was supposed to say. I was tempted to help her figure it out by reminding her, but her expression as she thought it over was adorable and would have been blasphemous to interrupt. So, I sat there watching her face right in front of me as she tried her hardest to remember what she was supposed to say. Then she finally figured out what she wanted to say and looked like a lightbulb popped up over her head. “Ah! I will wear a nurse outfit and – and… allow you to defile my breasts!”

If I was drinking something, I probably would have spit it out all over her face when I heard her phrase it like that. “I – I wasn’t expecting you to put it that way,” I said, unable to hold back some of my laughter.

“Ehehe… I read it in a hentai!”

“Oh yeah? What kind?”

“It was about a horny nun trying to seduce a pigman! The pigman was so cute and embarrassed, and the nun was so horny and desperate. It was funny! And… very nice once the action started.”

“That sounds like something I’d like. Mind sending me the link to it later?”

“Of course! But, please, mon maître, promise me that you will go see a doctor?”

“Even though I’m in perfect health and don’t have even the tiniest thing wrong with me?”

Lily nodded. “And get your eyes and teeth checked!”

“So, a doctor, an… eye person, whatever they’re called, and a dentist.”

“And get up to date on all your shots!”

Just the thought of that made me shiver. “If it’s all of that, then I want to upgrade to defiling your breasts and your mouth at the same time. Then I want to cum all over you so that your face and tits are covered in my cum. Deal?”

“When you put it that way… it makes me feel bad. I am the one getting what I want, and then getting even more of what I want by making you do something you do not want.”

“What a lucky girl you are.”

“Ehehe… but, mon maître, is there anything that you would like me to do that I normally would not?”

“Not a single thing. The only thing I can think of would be asking you to go to the doctor’s, too, if you haven’t recently. And to get an eye exam. And to go to the dentist.”


“Wait. Lily, that was a really suspicious ‘ah’ there.”

Lily looked away.

“Lily… don’t tell me that you were getting on my case about all of that without doing it yourself.”

“We-well… it… may have been a while.”

“I see. In that case, we’re both doing it.”

“But—! It – it requires so much effort to leave and go there…”

“It’s less effort than flying across the ocean to eventually meet me. If you can’t do this, how could you do that?”

Lily adorably grumbled before sighing and looking at me once more. “Fine… but – I only need the teeth and eye visits. I had a checkup a few months ago and am up to date on my shots.”

“Then should I dress up like a doctor while you dress up as a nurse?”

Her eyes widened a bit at the thought of that. “Yes!”

“Alright. Then I guess we’ll both be getting all our exams done, and then I’ll be defiling you while you’re dressed up as a nurse while I’m dressed up as a doctor.”

Lily bounced a little on my lap out of excited agreement. That was pretty great considering that her thighs were down against my cock with her tits still pushed against my chest. “Deal!”

To officially seal the deal, I pressed my lips against hers for a kiss. “Deal. Now, you said you had to go soon. Don’t you have to leave?”

“I – I was supposed to leave five minutes ago, but I don’t want to leave you, mon maître.”

“I’ll still be a degenerate pervert by the time you’re back, don’t worry.”


The sound of a player logging in could be heard from behind me. At the same time, a message popped up in the chat log letting me know that Akorya came alone.

“Ooh, you guys are already having fun!” Akorya said. “Nice, Lily is the one riding today.”

It definitely looked like that was what Lily was doing, though we really were only cuddling. Before I could explain that, though, Lily spoke up with that sadness over leaving in her eyes now gone. “Ah! You can take my spot! Then mon maître won’t be lonely!”

“Hmm? What’s up?”

“I have to leave now, but I do not want to leave mon maître alone, so you can take my spot!”

“Oooohhh, yeah, sure. I’m down for a rodeo.” Akorya was already stripping what little clothes she had off while Lily placed a last kiss on my lips.

“Have a nice day, mon maître!” Lily said and then vanished.

While some men might have been suspicious from a girlfriend trying to leave them so suddenly like that… I knew that Lily only left that suddenly so that she could give me and Akorya alone time. I knew she wanted us to get closer and for Akorya to officially become a girlfriend of mine, so that much was obvious.

And right after Lily disappeared, Akorya was happy to take her place on top of my lap. “I’ll have to lean closer if I want to do what she was doing.” I wasn’t sure what she meant until she leaned close enough for her breasts to press up against my chest. Seeing as how Akorya’s breasts were significantly smaller than Lily’s, she had to bring her face way closer to mine as a result. “There. So, what should I call you today? Master? Officer? Chief? Captain? Spice it up with a Daddy, maybe? Wait… your dick isn’t even that hard. Wasn’t Lily totally riding you?”

“We were cuddling,” I finally got to say. “Just cuddling is nice sometimes.”

“Oh. Nice. I was excited to pick up where she left off, but… I might be even more excited if that’s what you were doing.”

“Then, want to cuddle for a bit before I drag you to do some chores with me? I’ll even pet your head and call you a good girl while we cuddle.”

“Nyehehe, sure!” Just like that, Akorya already had the top of her head presented to me with her ears twitching in anticipation. “One head pat, please.”

“Only one?”

“Nyehehe, you know I’ll take as many as you’ll give, but I don’t want to sound too selfish!”

“Then I’ll pet your head until my hand falls off. Does that sound good?”

“Ooh, that does sound pretty nice, but you won’t be able to pet me anymore if your hand falls off.”

“Please, you think being handless would stop me from petting you?”

“But – what would you use then? Your feet?”


“Your arm stubs?”


“Your face?”

“Come on, Akorya. You should be able to figure this out.”

“Oh! Your dick!”

“There you go. Even if I lose my hands, I can still rub my dick against the top of your head. Actually… with how fluffy and soft your ears are, I wonder how they’d feel.”

“He-hey… Master, you’re not going to try to fuck my ears, are you?”

“I’ve seen hentai of that once. Giant dicks with a girl who had really bug, fluffy kitsune ears. It actually wasn’t that bad.”

“You… might have to have Lily grow some ears if you want to try that.”

“Don’t worry. I only imagined how it would feel if I was rubbing my dick against your head and then it brushed against your ears.”

“Oh, that’s not too bad. Still kinda weird, but not scary.”

“The worst I want to do to your ears is this,” I said before leaning forward while holding her head in place so that I could easily latch onto her nearest ear with my mouth, giving it a playful little bite and kiss.

“Nye-nyeha! Wha-what are you doing?!”

“Teasing you,” I answered with a whisper directly into her ear before blowing.

Akorya’s entire body shivered atop my lap as she shook her head. “He-hey… ears are off limits!” Her face was pure red.

“The way you reacted – you’re making me think I just discovered an extreme weakness of yours.”

Now it was Akorya’s turn to turn her head to look away as she scratched her cheek. “I – I have no weaknesses.”

I blew into her ear again.


“You’re suddenly pretty bashful when it comes to your ears.”

“Ears – ears are only for petting!”

“What if I bite and kiss them while fucking you?”

Akorya bit her bottom lip as the blush on her cheeks grew more intense. Even so, she shook her head.

That was all that it took for another item to make it onto my to-do list for the day.

And that item was to find out the truth behind Akorya and her ears.


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