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Alright. So, let's just jump right into the important stuff.

But not without this first, you know?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TewCPi92ro 

Alright, anyways. So, on Sunday, I had the worst headache of my entire life pretty much and I've been getting daily headaches since then, but these new headaches aren't anywhere near as bad. Anyways, then on Monday morning, I had the worst writer's block of my life which was why TQH was late and shorter than usual.

But now... I'm motivated! I don't really understand it myself, but I'm back to feeling like I did when I first started writing where I just want to write, edit, write, edit, and continue this from the time that I wake up to when I fall asleep. Back then, I was writing for 40-70 hour weeks pretty much every week for the first 3 months. So far this week, I'm just short of 50 hours when lately I've only been having 12 hour weeks. I don't have any interest in taking the weekend off, so I'm definitely going to end up at around 60 hours or so before this week is over. I was just really tired today which is why it ended up taking me so long to do this update and why I'm not already over 50 hours.

Anyways, I don't understand how it happened exactly, but the switch in my brain has been officially flipped back into tryhard mode. All I want to do is work more. In particular, I'm working on finally editing The True Endgame to get it ready for self-publishing. About 10% of the first volume has been edited, and keep in mind that I'm rewriting the entire thing. The first 5 and a half volumes were written in present tense and I switched to past tense after that, so now I have to rewrite the first volumes to be written in past tense. That means completely rewriting them. It's copy-editing, basically, so it's faster than normal writing, but still. I'm also adding new content and revising it as I go, so the first few chapters are already longer than they were before with new dialogue, descriptions, etc.

In addition to that, I'm bouncing back and forth between 2 new series. There's a very strong chance that's going to be 3 new series. But yes, at least 2 new series are being worked on. I know that there are people who would rather me work more on my current series rather than start new ones, but I can't force myself to do that. I simply wouldn't be as motivated and I would have an unending nagging in my brain telling me to go write my new ideas instead. It's probably a bad thing if I'm not starting new series rather than a good thing, in all honesty, since starting new series is what keeps me refreshed and feeling motivated moreso than anything else. It even helps motivate me for my other series. There's just something about starting new series that keeps me going. And no, I don't plan on dropping any of my ongoing series. I'm a switch, meaning I'm also a masochist, meaning that I have no problem giving myself more work to do. Plus, going by how I was only working 12 hour weeks, I clearly have plenty of time to be writing more stories.

That being said, what I will be doing is stop trying to force myself to be on-time every day at 9am. I was already late for the past couple of weeks anyways due to sleep schedule fuckery and writing blocks, so not much is going to change. I'm still going to always write and publish a chapter for whatever the day's story is before I do editing work for TTE or wriite a new chapter for one of the new series I'm working on. I'm also still going to be writing them first thing in the morning for as long as I continue waking up in the mornings instead of the middle of the day, so chapters should still hopefully be out around 9am EST or within a few hours of that time. But, in the event that they're not, I'm not going to stress myself out and beat myself up over it seeing as how I'll be writing and editing for 50+ hours a week now. Chapters will be out when they're out. You're still going to get the right chapters on the right days, most likely still in the morning. 

Once I'm done rewriting the TTE volumes that need to be swapped from present tense to past tense, I'll be able to significantly cut down on those hours and all future editing will be much smoother. Even with extra stories, I'm expecting to be able to drop back down to 20-25 hours a week at most once I'm done editing. I just really, really need to get this rewriting/editing finished, and there's no way to get that done without me forcing myself to work at it every single day. Doing it just little by little over time wouldn't work for me since I'm bad at that sort of thing. That's why I've been procrastinating from doing it for so long. I'm a binge worker. So, it's time for a huge fuckin' binge of work.

Don't worry about me burning out or anything, though. Like I said, I've done this before and I never felt even slightly close to getting burnt out. If I do start to feel like I'm overworking myself, I'll give myself a week off to relax.

So, for now, my schedule will consist of: waking up, writing the daily due chapter, editing 1-2 chapters of TTE, and then writing 1-2 new chapters for a new series.

tl;dr: I'm going to continue posting stories on the days that they're due, but I'm not going to worry about a specific time of release since I'm going to be doing about 4x the amount of work that I have been lately for the foreseeable future. The editing of TTE has finally begun and I'm making consistent progress on multiple new series. Please look forward to it!

Anyways, I felt like that all deserved a long explanation and whatnot. The important stuff is over now, so you're welcome to stop reading if you only came to read the weekly update because of the title. The rest will be business as usual.

Also, I plan on starting a mailing list and building an ARC (advanced review copy) team soon, but I'll probably make a special update announcement post thing when I get around to actually doing that!

And now for memes 'nd things:




Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J1Ip_tugQiIFyE9aOoGAefDCth94sQu5/view?usp=sharing

49 hours, 28,216 words, and I'm going to be working more after I publish this and for the weekend \o/. I don't know when the next weekend I take off will be, but the more weekends I take off, that's the more days I get to take off in a row whenever I want, right?

The True Endgame

I have 14 minutes to finish this weekly update before it's no longer Friday, which would bother me for consistency's sake, so I won't be saying too much. Anyways, I've been talking pretty much daily about my progress editing the novel over on the Discord. It's mostly just me rambling about random things and being happy with my old writing still and enjoying the story I wrote. That aside, I'm actually having a good deal of fun editing it, and I'm adding a lot more to the descriptions and banter to bring up the quality to my current standard! I'm looking forward to people enjoying it once I self-publish it to Amazon!

Ero Dungeon Online

Not much to say about the rest of the stories this week since I've been in a very TTE-focused mood, but we'll be working more on dungeon stuff next chapter so that the dungeon continues staying relevant this volume!

The Queen's Hound

Next chapter will be extra long since a certain patron wants to use their monthly commission words on an extra long chapter, plus I have to make up for this week's chapter being shorter than usual, so look forward to that!

Lazy Dragon Queen

I never really have anything to say about LDQ that wouldn't simply be a spoiler. I am very much looking forward to writing the next chapter, though!


Stuff and things. Not really anything to say. But things are going to happen that I'm greatly looking forward to!

In Closing

Thank you once more for your continued support in making my dream a reality, and now it's time to go on a major writing/editing binge!

Please look forward to next week's chapters, new series soon(TM), and for my self-published stories on Amazon sometime this year!

Wew, still have 4 minutes to spare until it's Saturday my time. I can be satisfied with the weekly update still being posted on a Friday now.


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