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Just noticed that one update post was tagged "Update" instead of "update" from like 20 weeks ago. Had to go fix that.

I planned on writing more yesterday, but I ended up falling asleep and sleeping on and off throughout the day, then ended up staying up all night writing, and now I'm tired and blagh.

Anyways, another week done, and I'll definitely be writing more over the weekend!

Memes 'nd things:






Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W5CtZ5ELTwiZAvWL3xiAkNeAMxkN444t/view?usp=sharing

17 hours, 20,408 words. Higher than average on both counts. Though, in the case of hours, more hours isn't necessarily good since it means more that I'm slowing down rather than writing more.

The True Endgame

Despite what I'm about to say for some of the following stories, TTE just keeps on getting longer. My plans for it do, anyways. Like... I struggle to see TTE not lasting at least twice as long as it already has. There are just so, so many ideas I have for it and plots that I can do with it without ever really getting repetitive (imo), plus I could never get tired of writing the characters. I remember a few volumes ago thinking that TTE was maybe like 40% done, but now it seriously is like only 20-30% done. Part of me just wants to try and write the entire thing in all my free time and whenever I'm not writing the other stories to make as much progress as possible, but I don't want to get burnt out, so that wouldn't be smart. Either way, TTE is going to be around for a long while yet.

Ero Dungeon Online

While I do have plenty more ideas for EDO, it's probably only going to last for a total of 3-4 volumes if I'm being realistic. Beyond that and I can't really think of what else to add without getting repetitive. There are some serious themes and stuff I'd like to touch on, though, so it'll be fun to explore those arcs with the series. Of course, you never know. I might get to volume 4 and then feel like the series is only just beginning.

The Queen's Hound

Now, this is probably the series that is going to be far shorter than originally planned. Don't worry, though. "Far shorter" for TQH is still pretty damn long. It's just that, originally, I was thinking there'd be like 20 volumes if not more. But now that I've gone over my original plans again, decided that some things wouldn't fit anymore with how the story has gone and so on, I've realized that it's probably going to be around... 8-9 volumes, maybe? To be fair, though, that's about how many volumes I had outlined. All the ones past that were more like extremely vague ideas not fleshed out at all. We'll see, though.

Lazy Dragon Queen

LDQ is another one where it's probably just going to kind of go on forever. I'm kidding, of course, but with how it's set up, the potential is there. LDQ is too strong to be defeated by the concept of a series ending. Also it needs turned into a video game. Anyways, yeah. TTE and LDQ - the two stories that are basically just going to go on for far longer while the rest will probably be shorter than I was originally planning.


CORE - I never really knew how long CORE would end up being. I think I used to think it would be around 7-9 volumes in total, potentially more since I love the idea of super long-lasting series. But now, maybe... 4-5 volumes in total? Also, keep in mind that is taking into consideration that the first two volumes will be merged into one, so we're only really on the second volume now as far as I'm concerned even if it's labeled the third volume. But yeah, I can easily see CORE getting finished in 4-5 volumes total.

Other Thing

Since I just feel like talking about it a little, even though nobody will really have any idea what this is for, I have an idea for another series that would have the main plot of it last probably 2-3 volumes at most. I think that, after that, I'd consider the main story "complete." Those 2-3 volumes would be focused with a clear plot and steady progression. However, after those, I see myself turning it into a more casual slice-of-life series. An "after story" of sorts that probably ends up being significantly longer than the actual main story. I have no idea if I'll actually do it this way or not, but it's something that I'm interested in experimenting with.

In Closing

That's all for now! I hope that you all had a great week, thank you again for your continued support, and please look forward to new chapters next week!

Enjoy your weekends!


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