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Cassiel was put purely on the defensive as Eva brought all of her body’s abilities against her. Eva’s vampiric eye allowed her to detonate any and all blood that was on Cassiel or around her. Eva’s angelic eye gave her the ability to shoot rays of shining light at her evasive opponent. The draconic horns atop her head allowed her to even breathe fire at Cassiel, further burning Cassiel’s skirt and causing her eyes to fill with annoyance.

The few times that Eva had to actually land, her goat legs allowed her to jump and dodge away from any and all of Cassiel’s attacks.

It became a battle of little more than constantly evading one another’s attacks, and it was mostly Cassiel doing all of the dodging. Eva might have had an overwhelming variety of different abilities to attack with, but none of that mattered if she couldn’t hit Cassiel who was now taking the battle as seriously as she could.

Neither woman wanted to lose. They both intended on walking away victorious no matter what it took, but it was impossible for them to both win.

One would win, one would lose.

And nobody could tell who it would be at this point. Going purely by offensive capabilities, the winner was Eva. Going purely by defensive capabilities, the winner was Cassiel.

More importantly, as the battle continued on and on without much happening, the crowd slowly grew disinterested and were just waiting for something new to happen.

But neither girl cared about them. All that mattered was whoever stood across from her.

Showing off, being named the winner of the tournament – those didn’t matter. Even to Cassiel, who had her boyfriend and girlfriends watching, they didn’t factor into why she wanted to win anymore.

All that mattered was defeating the other woman at any cost.

“Fen, how’d you get into fishing anyways?” Serra asked, tugging on Fenrir’s arm.

“What, are you bored of the fight or something?” Fenrir asked in return.

“They’re hot but all they’re doing is dodging.”

“Would you rather them hit each other?”

“Yeah. It’s no fun if nobody gets hurt.”

“One of them is your girlfriend, you know.”

“But it’s a game.”

“She has a point,” Nell said. “Fights are not very interesting when the parties involved only ever dodge one another. There needs to be blood and the breaking of bones to maximize the crowd’s excitement! Or perhaps a lion needs added into the mix? A bull? A… wolf, perhaps?”

“I’m not going to interrupt their fight,” Fenrir said.

“Oh, I meant an actual wolf.”

“Of course you did.”

“Ah… just imagine it! Whoever loses against the wild beast is then subjected to whatever it desires of her body as everybody watches!”

“You’re thinking about it eating or killing her or something, right? Right, Nell?”

“You know that is not the case. Well, not initially, anyways. That is what would most likely come after.”

“You have dangerous fantasies, Nell.”

“Dangerous fantasies are the most fun fantasies!”

“She has a point,” Serra said.

“I mean, it’s not like I can disagree,” Fenrir sighed. “I guess I’ve turned vanilla after having actual girlfriends. Well, even then, I think consentacles are the bestacles, as they say. Nell, you probably like the grape flavor of tentacles.”

“Oh, I most certainly do!” Nell confirmed.

“When did you even start getting into this sort of stuff?”

“Ah. I think… I must have first stumbled upon it when I was twelve?”

“That’s way too young.”

“Are you any better, my hero? At what age did your curious internet searches begin to lead you down the path of depravity?”

“Eleven, but that’s also way too young.”

For once, Serra was the one who looked shocked at the lewd conversation going on between them.

“What’s wrong?” Fenrir asked her.

“I… didn’t discover porn until… I was seventeen…” Serra explained.

“How is that even possible? One, how is it possible for anybody to not discover porn before then, and two, how is it possible for you to have not discovered it sooner?”

“I… didn’t even know the weird stuff until I met you…”

“So, in other words, you only discovered porn a few years ago and somehow managed to turn into as big of a pervert as you are in that short amount of time? And it was mostly just for vanilla stuff?”

“I’m a failure of a pervert…”

“Nonsense!” Nell shouted. “You are anything but a failure of a pervert! If anything, you are one of the most perverse women I have ever known! Furthermore, for you to have developed such perversion in only a few years – you are truly a pervert among perverts! Imagine just how deep your perversions may run in a year from now – a decade from now! None will be able to topple you as queen of all things perverse, my dearest Serra.

The more that Nell spoke of Serra’s future reign over all things perverse, the wider Serra’s smile spread across her face.

“Is cheering you up as easy as calling you a pervert?” Fenrir asked her.

“Yeah. It’s important to me,” Serra answered with a nod of her head. “Don’t forget we’re doing lewd things after this.”

“How could I forget? You keep bringing it up.”

“That’s to make sure you don’t forget. It’s very important to me.”

“I feel like ‘it’s important to me’ is about to become a new catchphrase of yours.”

“Sweet. I need a catchphrase, it’s very important to me.”

“Wow, it’s a lot more versatile than I realized. You could add that on to almost anything.”

“Yeah, being versatile is important to me.”

“You’re really good at this.”

“Thanks, your praise is important to me.”

“I guess it’s officially your catchphrase.”

“Heck yeah.”

“Wait, I feel like something’s missing.”


“You forgot to say it.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“That’s alright. If you say it too much then people will get annoyed of it too fast.”

“I don’t want people to get annoyed by it, it’s very important to me.”

“There we go.”

“Me next!” Nell said. “What is my catchphrase?”

“I don’t think you have one,” Fenrir answered. “Your thing is having delusional fantasies full of things that would get you banned from platforms if you ever tried writing about them or anything.”

“I may have a thing, but I do not yet have a catchphrase!”

“It’s very important that she gets a catchphrase,” Serra said with her arms crossed over her chest, nodding.

“Catchphrases?” Azalabulia asked. “I – I was watching the fight… are we doing catchphrases?” She sounded more and more excited.

Fenrir answered, “Yeah, Serra has one and now—”

“I want one!” Nell finished for him. “My dearest Azalabulia, you are wonderful at such things! What should my catchphrase be? Do you have any suggestions? I want something that flawlessly captures me!”

“If… if it perfectly captures you, wouldn’t it be something about loving to be the victim?” Azalabulia answered.

“Well, yes, but that would not make for an entertaining catchphrase. Hmm. Perhaps it is not important to perfectly capture me.”

“You should have one that – oh! It should involve the serpent! You can call upon it and—”

“My apologies, but I am thinking of a more… normal catchphrase that could be used in everyday conversation.”

“But it could be. I use ‘My name is Azalabulia, Wielder of the Cursed Flame of Bahamut,’ in everyday conversation all the time.”

“That you do, that you do. However, I would not want to take away from the grandiosity of your own catchphrase of your own catchphrase by mimicking it with a clearly inferior copy. I wish to see your catchphrase reign over all others without any equal!”

Fenrir and Serra stared at Nell with knowing eyes as Nell clapped her hands together and smiled at Azalabulia. Meanwhile, Azalabulia looked moved almost to the point of tears because of Nell’s kind words in support of her.

“Even – even though you are my new rival, you have such respect for me! I-if only you were an ally of darkness instead of the serpent, then I am sure we could rule over this world together!” Azalabulia declared while holding back tears.

“I may not be an ally, but you are always welcome to enslave me and force me into serving you against my will!” Nell explained.

“I… have never put much thought into the idea of owning somebody else as a servant…”

“I assure you that it will be a delightful experience for the both of us. If you are interested, perhaps I should find a collar that you may put around my neck? Hmm. Since it is you we are talking about, perhaps a spiked collar with the a dragon head on the front of it that a chain may connect to?”

“A – a collar with a dragon head on it? That sounds awesome…”

“Oh? Perhaps you would rather be the one to wear the collar, and then we may have my hero snap it!”

“Snap it? But… I wouldn’t want it to break. Why would he snap it?”

“Ah, my dearest Azalabulia. I can tell from the confusion in your voice that your innocence runs deep.”

Fenrir couldn’t help but to laugh a little upon hearing that, and he instantly realized that was a horrible thing to do. Azalabulia turned to face him with a pout and a bright blush as he turned his head away from them, rubbing his hand over his mouth.

“Oh? I feel as if my hero may have just given me valuable information at the cost of any favors for the foreseeable future,” Nell said.

“I didn’t say anything,” Fenrir replied.

“You didn’t need to,” Serra said.

Meanwhile, Azalabulia looked like she was about to cry.

Fenrir knew that it was his fault for instinctively chuckling as soon as Azalabulia was called innocent, so he tried to make things just a little bit better by wrapping his arms around her in a hug and whispering, “Sorry.”

“D-don’t laugh at something like that,” Azalabulia whined against him.

“I’ll get you something dragon related to make up for it. Like a dragon necklace.”

“A dragon necklace?” Azalabulia asked, pulling away from him to look directly into his eyes with widened, excited eyes of her own.

Fenrir finally learned the power of buying his way to his girlfriends’ forgiveness. While it would surely lead him down a path of financial ruin in the long run, it had excellent short-term results.

“I’ll find you the coolest dragon necklace on the internet,” he confirmed.

Azalabulia lit up like an excited child being told that Santa was going to bring her an actual dragon for Christmas. “Really?!”

“Yeah, really. They also make fancy staffs for show in real life. I could find one that’s carved like a dragon on the top, if you know what I’m talking about.”

“You’d buy me one?! Those are – those are really expensive! I’ve looked into them already! Will – will you really buy me one?!”

Fenrir realized that he was digging his wallet into a deeper and deeper hole the more things that he offered to buy her, but how could he resist when she looked so cute?


Nell poked his back to grab his attention and then gave him a thumbs-up. In other words, she gave him consent to use her credit card.

And Nell’s credit card was the most powerful belonging that any of them owned. With it, even financial miracles were possible. It was the strongest magic that they had ever witnessed both in-game and in real life.

“I’ll get you one that’s custom made to be perfect for you,” Fenrir said.

Azalabulia could no longer resist at that point. She wrapped her arms around Fenrir and brought him into a tight hug, forcing his head down against that copious amount of cleavage she had on display.

Fenrir figured that if he was ever going to die, he wanted to die like that – he wanted to die being smothered to death by Azalabulia’s breasts.

“Lucky,” Serra said. Unfortunately for her, she was too short for her head to be directly applied to Azalabulia’s breasts. It was more like she’d headbutt them instead and that just wasn’t the same.

Times like this were the only times when Serra wished that she had more inches to add to her height. Even just a few more inches would be enough to give her a face full of Azalabulia’s breasts rather than only a forehead full of them.

“Now, now, Serra,” Nell said, wrapping her arms around her shorter girlfriend. “It will be alright.”

While Serra might have been too short to fully benefit from Azalabulia’s chest, she was the perfect height for Nell to smother her. And that was exactly what Nell did as she pulled Serra’s head against her chest.

Of course, Serra wasn’t able to stop there. Serra’s hands reached up to rest on the sides of Nell’s breasts to gently hold them and push them even more against her head.

This turned Nell’s cheeks a bright shade of red, especially since they were still part of a large crowd of people who were now watching the sight, but she did not try to stop it. Being watched only made it better.

Of course, Fenrir wasn’t going to let others watch. He stepped next to them to block some from being able to watch and then Oleander blocked others from watching on the side that Fenrir couldn’t cover. Even Corwin joined in to help block others from watching Serra grope Nell.

Being watched made things better but being protected was even better than that to Nell.

“Thanks, but how long have you guys been here?” Fenrir asked.

“Fenny, we’ve been here the whole time,” Oleander answered.


“Yeah. You were just ignoring us like always.”

“I – I wasn’t ignoring you.”

“It’s okay. I know that the guy who has four girlfriends and a fifth in the waiting line must be too busy to give his best bro of all time any love.”

“That makes me feel horrible.”

“Good. After all those nights we shared together and this is how you repay me…”

“Do-don’t give them the wrong idea.”

“Please do,” Nell said.

“Yeah, do,” Serra agreed before returning to Nell’s chest.

“When you were cold and naked, who was it that joined you in bed?” Oleander asked.

“All you did was cover me in blankets when I was drunk and got naked! And then you slept on the couch!”

“What about all those times when you needed me to use my mouth?”

“That was because you’re better at explaining things to people than me!”

“Even – even those times when you penetrated me so deeply and made me scream in pain… were those meaningless to you, too?!”

“Those were duels in video games!”

“Fen! I had no idea – I had no idea that you were so cruel! Even after you’ve thoroughly devastated my body time and time again, I’m just some little toy for you to toss away when you’re bored! You’ll probably do it to your girlfriends, too, until you’re some lonely, middle-aged man giving away all his money to child support drinking away his sorrows and using whatever money he has left on robotic hookers!”

“Nell, have you been training him?”

“We have had several conversations of various natures, lately,” Nell answered.

“She runs her plans by me first so that I can tell her how to make them as good as possible for you. You’re welcome,” Oleander explained. “Too bad that helping your girlfriend fuck you doesn’t get me any special points around these parts. It probably just makes you want to toss me aside even more. Hmph.”

“Olly – we’ll have a guy date sometime soon, alright?” Fenrir proposed.

“A guy date? That sounds gay.”

“You are gay.”

“Oh shit, I had no idea. How could I never notice that my raging love for throbbing cocks has meant that I’m gay this whole time? I’ve swallowed so many loads with no idea.”

Corwin stayed silent, blushing and smiling, as Oleander mentioned the swallowing of many loads.

“Seriously though, let’s hang out sometime soon in real life,” Fenrir said.

“We better,” Oleander said. “Should I go over there or do you want to come back to the city for a day?”

“Got any free weekends coming up? I could come and stay at your place for a weekend. I don’t think my girlfriends would mind. If anything…”

“We would love to discuss what you may or may not be doing while alone with him!” Nell explained.

“Yeah,” Serra said before, once more, returning to Nell’s breasts.

“Can we go bowling?” Oleander asked. “I haven’t been bowling in forever. Or we can play mini golf. Let’s do both. And we can go see a movie.”

“You only want to go bowling and mini golfing because you know you’re going to kick my ass at them,” Fenrir said.

“Well, duh. It’s not my fault that you’re horrible at sports.”

“I’m not sure that being bad at bowling and mini golf counts as being horrible at sports.”

“They’re the only sports that matter.”

“What about football? Hockey? Soccer?”

“My hero, did I hear you say something?” Nell asked. “I could have sworn that I heard you say something after hockey, but I am not sure.”

“Sorry,” Fenrir apologized. “I meant hockey, football, and American football.”

“Ah, I see. I must have misheard you originally.”

“What’s wrong with soccer?” Oleander asked, placing no short amount of emphasis on “soccer.”

This caused, for the first time, a vein in Nell’s forehead to pop.

“It’s not a battle you can win, Olly,” Fenrir warned. “Serra, distract her.”

Serra took one of her hands off of Nell’s chest to give him a thumbs-up over her shoulder before getting a bit more rough and fast with her groping hands.

The crisis was averted as Nell’s anger turned into arousal. “A-ahn… to manipulate my emotions – you are all so wonderfully horrible…”

“Anyways,” Fenrir said, “mini golf, bowling, and a movie. What else?”

“Gay things,” Oleander answered.

“I don’t think your boyfriend would approve of that.”

“Cor, can we do gay things?”

“I would give you my permission if I knew that Fenrir was alright with it, but I feel that I must say no for his own good,” Corwin answered.

“Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Plus it’s no fun if you’re not involved. We’ve got to convince him to do gay things with us when we’re all together. Besides, I know the girls would totally be okay with it. Especially if they get to watch.”

“This is true,” Nell said.

“Yeah,” Serra agreed before, yet again, returning to Nell’s breasts. “Oh. I mean it’s very important to get to watch.”

“Well, Fenny?” Oleander asked. “Will you disappoint all of us, or will you—”

“I’ll disappoint all of you,” Fenrri said and reached over to flick the back of Oleander’s head.

“You’re so cruel, Fenny…”

“We’re having a one-on-one weekend of bromance. I’m a good friend. Not cruel.”

“It’s okay. It’s hot when you’re cruel.”

“This is also true,” Nell said.

Serra, rather than pull away and agree again, nodded her head.

“You’re all a bunch of degenerates,” Fenrir said. “But I am, too, I guess.”

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Fenrir noticed something.

He noticed two large, black eyes staring directly at him.

And those eyes sat atop a round, yellow head.

But before he could really realize what he was looking at, the crowd cheered in excitement as it sounded like something was finally happening in the battle. Upon returning his attention to the battle between Cassiel and Eva, he saw something that he never expected to see.

Eva punched through Cassiel’s armored abdomen with enough force to break through her armor and body to come out on the other side. Meanwhile, Cassiel thrust her blade all the way through Eva’s chest and twisted it around.

The girls, utterly exhausted from the length battle, couldn’t even be bothered to do anything after that. All they did was stare into each others eyes as they panted with bloodied faces and messied hair.

“Did one of them win?” Serra asked.

“I – I don’t know,” Fenrir answered.

Cassiel and Eva rested their foreheads against each other, each closing their eyes.

“Why… why are you trying to win so hard?” Cassiel asked her opponent in a hushed, tired voice.

“I – I could ask you the same thing,” Eva answered.

“I didn’t think you’d take a stupid tournament so seriously.”

“I could say the same thing to you.”

“Then why?”

“Because, fighting – fighting you is fun. I wanted to show off before because you challenged me, but all I care about now is fighting you. What about you?”

“I – I wanted to make Serra have faith in me and impress Fen, but… all I care about now is fighting you.”

“Hey… I have an idea.”


“We’re both too tired to fight, right?”

“I think so.”

“And we both wanted to show off, right?”


“A-and… I – I’ve heard you guys talk about how I’m… how he’s allowed to start dating me since you all like me, too, and you’re expecting him to make the first move…”

“We don’t pay attention to who’s around when we talk enough…”

“It means I’m going to date all of you, right? If – if I start dating him… aren’t I also dating all of you?”

“B-basically. It’s how things work with our relationship.”

“Then I have an idea. I theorized this might be the best possible outcome as soon as we ended up here.”

“As soon as you punched a hole through my gut and I stabbed you?”


“What’s your idea?”

“Let’s – let’s kiss. If we both wanted to show off to them in the first place, I think that kissing has the highest possible success factor of surprising them and impressing them.”

“What?! You – wha-what kind of plan is that?! We’re not even,” Cassiel hushed her voice as soon as she realized she was being loud enough for everybody else to hear, “w-we’re not even… you know… dating yet…”

“Well… I realized while observing all of you, after realizing that I’d be dating the rest of you, that I was really interested in what it would be like with a girl. I never imagined it before which made me feel like a failure of a scientist, so I started watching and reading a lot of girl-on-girl stuff.”

“Th-this isn’t the time for a confession like that!”

“But my point is that it made me really interested, and… I don’t know, maybe it’s the pain making me admit this, but your lips look really soft right now and I guarantee you that there’s a ninenty-nine percent chance of success that they loves this. A-and… if I’m right, isn’t Fenrir usually the one who starts dating you all first, so he’s the one who sort of ‘invites’ more girls to your relationship?”

“Just how much information have you gathered about us?”

“It’s a scientist’s duty to observe her surroundings. Also you all talk really loud about a lot of private things no matter whose around.”

“I used to try and tell them to be quiet about it…”

“A-anyways, if I’m going to date all of you… couldn’t you be the one to invite me to the relationship? Isn’t it equal? I-if it is… you have the power to bring me in, too. Our kiss can serve three purposes. One, it officially makes me one of your girlfriends since the rest already consent to it. Two, it will impress and surprise them. Three, it will let me determine if your lips look as soft as I theorize they do.”

“Wha-what kind of theory is that? A-a-and you’re awfully confident about this sort of thing all of a sudden!”

“Being hurt flips my safety switches off. You should see me when I’m on the edge of death. The more pain I’m in, the more honest I am and the less I care about doing things the proper way.”

“E-even if we kiss, what does that do about the match?”

“We’ll call it a draw. I don’t like losing, but I’ll lose for science.”

“I – I…”

Cassiel didn’t know how to respond, but she did know one thing. Eva’s lips looked temptingly soft as well. Cassiel found her eyes unable to pull away from Eva’s lips and, when she did eventually look elsewhere, she realized just how pretty the woman in front of her was. Before, adding another girl to the relationbship wasn’t really a big deal. It already happened with Nell and Azalabulia. She fell in love with both of them, so she had no worries that she wouldn’t be able to fall in love with another woman even if those feelings weren’t quite present yet.

But now, after hearing just how bold and assertive Eva was with her plan and actually paying attention to her looks… Cassiel realized that those feelings might already be starting.

Or maybe she was just delusional from having a fist punched through her gut.

At the same time, the idea of being the one to bring a new girl into their relationship instead of them all waiting for Fenrir to do it was kind of nice. She wanted to see just how surprised the others would look, especially since this was something she never would have considered until the past couple of minutes, plus there was just something empowering about it. Rather than be the one to only agree to things and let the others do the work of actually bringing others into the relationship, she would do it all on her own. Even if Fenrir might have been the primary target of Eva’s eyes, Cassiel could be the target at least in this moment – she could be bold and do something that none of her partners would ever expect her to do.

Even if it was Eva’s idea rather than her own, she was the one who got to make the final decision and that was all that mattered.

And it was blatantly obvious that it was eventually going to happen anyways. If they had to wait on Fenrir, though, then it might take weeks to months longer.

“Al-alright,” Cassiel said. “Bu-but – there’s – there’s one condition.”

“What?” Eva asked.

“If we – i-if we want to surprise them… i-it’ll surprise them even more if I’m – I’m the one who… y-you know… starts it.”

“That’s a good point. I might be bold, but you’re usually the submissive one from my observa—”

“You observed us too much!” Cassiel said with a pout.

“Sorry. I wasn’t stalking you or anything. I just mean you guys always talked so—”

Cassiel pressed her lips against Eva’s.

The crowd didn’t know whether to be confused or to cheer way more than before.

When Cassiel pulled away, she couldn’t believe what she just did. She, all on her own, officially brought somebody else into the relationship. It wasn’t Fenrir, Serra didn’t advise her to do it – she did it on her own.

And when she looked into Eva’s eyes, she saw blushing panic.

Did she mess up? Did she do something wrong? How could she even begin to describe the look on Eva’s face?!

“S-sorry, I—”

“Theory… confirmed,” Eva said. “That… I – I think that repeasted tests are going to be necessary to confirm the results. Science requires lots of… testing.”

Cassiel didn’t understand the look on Eva’s face because it was usually her who was making the look instead.

Eva looked lovestruck.

And Cassiel was now the subject of Eva’s infatuation.


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