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As soon as Fenrir reached Nell, he dropped Oleander to the ground to help her up.

Oleander, naturally, did not approve of this and pouted as he rubbed his rear since he fell on it, but he understood that an injured girlfriend was more important than an uninjured deer that made him question his sexuality.

“Are you alright?” Fenrir asked, leaning down to Nell.

She was covered from head to foot in dirt with black marks from the explosion all over her dress and skin. “Does staying alive count as being alright?”

“Well, it’s more than I expected in all honesty.”

“Do not underestimate me, my hero. Dying takes away all of the pleasure to be gained from such tragedy! While this is not exactly the type of pain that I would normally love, it is still delightful in its own way.”

“Masochist,” Serra said.


Fenrir helped her up onto her feet before brushing some of the dirt off her shoulders, causing her to smile. Then, as soon as he was done, she crouched done to pick up a handful of dirt only to drop it right back onto her shoulder.

“That’s a pretty big spot I missed somehow,” he said.

“Worry not, my hero. My family has experience in teaching others how to clean, so I will thoroughly train you until you never leave a spot dirty! Now then,” she paused, looking at her dirty shoulder.

Fenrir cleaned the dirt off of her shoulder once more, causing her to giggle as she considered placing even more dirt on her. However, somebody beat her to the point.

“My hero, it would appear that you have missed yet another spot,” Nell said.

Fenrir looked her over and didn’t see dirt anywhere on her, so what spot did he miss?

She raised a hand and pointed to behind him.

Turning around, none other than Oleander was behind Fenrir, still sitting on the ground with a large pile of dirt on top of his head. He was even winking and sticking his tongue out while holding one hand against the side of his head.

“You’ll have to pet it off me, Fenny,” Oleander teased, presenting his head to Fenrir.

“If you stay sitting, I could try kicking it off you,” Fenrir replied, turning his body to get ready to kick.

“Pet it off instead!”

“Why pet when I can—”

“Fen,” Serra said, tugging on his arm.

Fenrir looked at the smallest of his girlfriends only to see an even larger lump of dirt on the top of her head. Naturally, he immediately got to work petting it all off of her and gave her a couple of pats once she was clean.

Serra looked down at Oleander with a smug grin, causing Oleander’s eyes to go wide.

“Se-Serra! You betrayed me! I thought we were friends!” Oleander pouted and whined.

“I couldn’t resist. Sorry,” Serra said. Then she directed her attention back to her boyfriend. “You have to pet Olly’s head or no more lewd things.”

“That’s a horrible threat coming from you. You’re the one who can’t resist doing lewd things,” Fenrir said, poking her forehead.

“I’ll do lewd things to Cass Cass, Nell Nell, and Azawaza instead of you.”

“But I’d still get to watch.”

“No watching.”

“Then I could just do lewd things with them instead of with you.”

“Not allowed. I’ll steal them from you.”

“My own girlfriend threatening to netorare me… alright, fine.”

Fenrir returned his attention to the whining, teary-eyed Oleander to finally pet all of the dirt off from his head. Oleander would not be satisfied with only that, though. The moment that the dirt was removed, he grabbed onto Fenrir’s wrist with each of his hands and held it down against the top of his head so that he could nuzzle up against it.

“You’re so rough and strong when you rub me,” Oleander moaned, wiggling from side to side on his knees as he practically forced Fenrir to pet him. “Why don’t you give my antlers a little rub, too?”

Fenrir, doing as Oleander wished for, grabbed one of the deer boy’s antlers with his free hand… and then lifted him up off the ground to hang him from his antler.

“Nn-nngh… y-you’re so rough! Ha-haven’t I told you how sensitive my antlers are?” Oleander moaned with hearts in his eyes, his short tail wagging behind him as his wiggled around in the air from side to side.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to give you some fast and hard service. It’s only fair after not getting to give you much lately,” Fenrir said, causing those hearts in Oleander’s eyes to pulsate and grow in size.

That was when Fenrir took a step forward, grabbed Oleander’s other antler, and spun in a circle! Oleander’s body went from hanging down to sticking outward as Fenrir spun and spun around, growing increasingly faster with every rotation until coming to a sudden stop and releasing Oleander’s antlers!

The neglected deer boy went flying with dizzy hearts spinning around in his eyes and with the uncertainty of whether he should feel turned on or not by the abuse. As much of a top as he was, being abused like this was occasionally fun, too. At the same time, he didn’t want to steal being a masochist from Nell.

Perhaps more importantly, he crashed into the ground, rolled up into a ball, and continued rolling until coming to an upside-down stop with his head between his legs and his legs over his head.

Being thrown was actually pretty fun! If he was able to stand up without immediately falling back over from how dizzy he was, he would definitely ask to be thrown again. But alas, he figured that it would be best to remain where he was until his eyes stopped spinning.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” Cassiel said. “Is he going to be alright?”

“He’ll be fine,” Fenrir answered. “It’s not the first time we’ve done something like that.”

“Now I’m curious.”

“This actually happened just a few weeks before I met you and Serra. We went to a new bar that opened, I got drunk, and then he helped me back to his place. When he went to help me into bed, I begged him to throw me. I have no idea why. I guess I just really wanted to be thrown. I was so drunk that I can’t even remember it.”

“Then how do you know it happened?”

“Because he recorded me on his phone. He made sure to record me begging for it, set his phone down, and then recorded himself throwing me onto the bed. Then I told him to do it again.”

“Wait… you’re saying that there’s a video of this?”

“I have no idea if Olly still has it, but yeah. Wait…”

Fenrir’s girlfriends looked at each other and nodded, not even having to speak a single word in order to communicate their plan.

Serra and Cassiel took off after Oleander to interrogate him for information – for the video. Fenrir tried to stop them, but he found himself trapped by a certain somebody’s tail being wrapped around his ankles.

“I cannot let you impede them, my hero. I am sure that you understand,” Nell said, tightening her tail.

Then another couple of hands grabbed his shoulders to help keep him locked down.

“Eva?” Fenrir asked, looking at the hybrid girl in front of him.

“I… don’t really understand it myself, but I have an urge to help them,” Eva explained.

The only other person present who could help Fenrir was Corwin… or so Fenrir thought. Corwin was already holding onto his arm.

“Even you, Corwin?” Fenrir asked.

“My apologies, captain – ah, I mean, Fen. I know that this is what my Oleander would wish for,” Corwin answered.

Truthfully, Eva was the only one who posed an actual challenge to Fenrir, but playing along was more fun than breaking free and seriously trying to stop his girlfriends even if it meant he’d be getting embarrassed later. He was confident that Oleander still had that video… and many others like it.

But, he figured that since he didn’t exactly have embarrassing baby pictures or anything to show his girlfriends, they could at least get to see drunken videos of him.

“What’s wrong?” Eva asked upon noticing Fenrir’s expression turn sad.

“Nothing,” Fenrir answered. “I just realized how stupid I am.”

“You are not stupid, my hero,” Nell said. “What is bothering you?”

The three holding onto him let go.

“Really, it’s nothing. I just regret throwing out my baby pictures. When my parents passed, I had to go through all their stuff and see if there was anything I wanted to keep or not. They had a huge picture book of pictures of me from when I was a newborn up to when I was a preteen. I always hated those pictures since I thought they were embarrassing, and I wasn’t exactly in the best of moods or anything… so I threw them out. I threw out everything that my parents kept of mine that I thought were embarrassing or stupid. I wish I didn’t.”

“It is a shame, but it does not make you stupid,” Nell said. “We often do not appreciate such things until we are older and may look at them from a new light. It was one of the many follies of youth.”

“I know. I wish I could go back in time and smack myself for thinking those pictures were stupid. I don’t really have anything left from my parents now.”

“Eva,” Corwin said, “let us join the others in interrogating my dearest for that video.”

“Hm? Oh, yeah, sure,” Eva agreed with a nod, leaving Fenrir and Nell alone.

“Corwin is a good ‘bro,’ is he not?” Nell asked.

Fenrir joined Nell on the ground by sitting next to her, watching as Cassiel and Serra tried to shake the dizziness from Oleander. “You sound cute when you say bro.”

“It makes me feel like a hooligan, bro! Perhaps I should acquire a baseball cap to wear? It will be tilted down the side of my head, of course! I can even hold up peace signs and go, ‘yo, yo!’”

“Please go on.”

“I will be very ‘gangster,’ yo! What else is there… ah, yes! I will need a basketball so that I can be – I think it is… baller? A baller gangster, yo!”

“You’re awakening new things within me, Nell.”

Nell wore a smug smile as she held up a couple of peace signs to him. “What else do baller gangsters say, bro?”

“Say ‘fo shizzle my nizzle.’”

“F-fo shizzle my nizzle?”

“Now say it faster.”

“Fo shizzle my nizzle!”


“Fohizzle my nizzle!”


“Fohizzle minizzle!”


“Fohizzle—wha-what? Slower?”

“I bet you weren’t expecting that.”

“Indeed I was not! It would appear that I am not as baller as you are, bro.”

“You’ve got to combine ‘my hero’ with ‘bro.’”

“I see. That is easy, my bro!”

“That sounds much more like you.”

“Perfect! Now, my bro, are you feeling better?”

Fenrir didn’t even realize how much he was smiling until Nell asked that. “Yeah, I guess I am. Thanks, Nell. I didn’t mean to suddenly turn into a downer or anything.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek, and she made sure to turn her head so that he would kiss her lips instead.

“Anything for you, my he—my bro. You cannot be the only one doing all of the saving! It is my duty to save you as often as you save me.”

“Then can… can I talk to you about something else?”

“You may talk to me about whatever it is your heart desires, my Ryouta. Ah, wait. There is a requirement.”


Nell straightened out her legs before patting her lap. “You must lay your head here! My ears will shut themselves to your pleas if you do not.”

“You’re too good at this.”

“It is only fair that I repay you for how wonderful you are! Now, your head – lay it upon my lap!”

With a relaxed sigh, Fenrir got onto his side and rested his head on the top of her lap. Nell’s fingers were quick to find his head so that they could stroke along his scalp and rub him through his hair.

“Now, my hero, what is it that you wish to tell me about?” she asked.

“Having kids,” Fenrir answered, forcing himself to say it. He knew that if he hesitated for even a second then he would not be able to. Simply talking about it with Saya was already hard enough. He also considered bringing it up to Azalabulia during their date, but that clearly did not happen. “I’m worried about being a dad… and it’s why I’m afraid of having sex. In real life, anyways.”

“Ah, so that is why.”

“Was I really that obvious?”

“Well, my hero, you do live with three—if I may be so bold as to include myself—beautiful girlfriends who would be more than delighted to take things to the next level. Even if you have been able to satisfy us without such penetration, it is still something we look forward to, and I am sure that you wish for it just as much.”

“I do. I really do. It’s just that every time I actually think about actually doing it… my mind is stupid and starts thinking about what happens if I get any of you pregnant. Even if you all take birth control and we use protection and all that, I’d still be worried. Having kids changes everything. I really want kids, especially now that they’re steadily reversing how fucked they made the world, but… it means nowhere near as much free time as we have now, it means having lives that we’re entirely responsible for, raising them to be good kids and future adults, and I have no idea if I’ll be a good dad or not.”

“I understand. Rest assured that the rest of us have these concerns as well, though perhaps not as much as you do. I am worried that I will not be a good mother – that I will have to change my way of life for a life that I have brought to our world, but it is every bit as exciting as it is frightening.”

Despite the continued fighting in the distance as part of the tournament, neither Nell nor Fenrir were aware of any of it. They were too absorbed in one another to pay attention to anything else.

“My dad,” Fenrir continued, “he was a good man from what I can remember, but… I wouldn’t want to be like him. He was always serious, rarely smiled, never showed much emotion around me and my mom – he was a great dad in his own way, but I don’t want to be like him. The problem is that I don’t know what other kind of dad to be like. I can’t even remember any specific parenting moments from either of them anymore. I guess it feels like… this might be a weird example, but carpenters are supposed to train under others to learn what to do, right? That’s kind of how parenting is. Kids learn from their parents and use those examples to raise their own kids in the future. But me, I would be like a new carpenter with zero experience or education getting an important job and not being allowed to screw it up.”

“Who says that you are not allowed to make mistakes?” Nell asks, resting a hand on his forehead.


“You are very silly, my hero. Parents make mistakes all the time. The only parents who claim to have never made mistakes are perfectionist narcissists who likely did far more damage to their children than typically flawed parents.”

“Well, I don’t think I’m a narcissist, but I do want to be as perfect of a parent as possible.”

“That is fine, but you should not stress yourself out over it. It is only human to make mistakes. Whether you are parentless or the father of twenty does not matter. You will make mistakes regardless. You will have moments where you wish you would have done or said something differently. Our future children may even go through phases where they claim to hate us no matter how well we do. All that matters, my dearest Ryouta, is that we raise them to the best of our abilities. So long as we strive to do our best – so long as we keep our children’s best interest at heart while letting them live their own lives free of whatever selfish desires for their futures we may have, I believe that we will be proud parents.”

“Yeah… you’re right. Hearing you put it that way makes me feel a lot better about it. I promise I’ll have their best interests at heart.”

“That is more than enough! Many parents fail to do even that. So long as you genuinely wish for their best, you will be a wonderful father. Ah, I do have one selfish request before then, though.”


“I wish for us to enjoy ourselves while I call you ‘father,’ perhaps ‘daddy.’ I am not sure how I will feel about calling you those once we have children of our own calling you that.”

“You can call me whatever you want whenever you want.”

“Wonderful! I have one more suggestion, if I may.”

“You may.”

“Thank you. My suggestion – well, we will be visiting my home and father soon, so why not ask him for parenting advice? I am sure that he will provide you with all the information you could ever ask for and more.”

“That’s a good idea… but also embarrassing. How would I even ask that? Would I just say… ‘hey, I’m nervous about being a dad someday, can you please give me some advice?’”

“Why not?”

“I’m not sure I could bring myself to actually say that to anybody, especially one of my girlfriends’ dads.”

“Please, my hero. Cassiel’s father may not be receptive of such a question from what I know, but I am sure that Serra’s fathers and my own will happily assist you however they can. Furthermore, I am confident that you can ask for such advice. You are brave.”

“I’m brave in video games. Not so much in real life.”

“If you can deal with giant spiders on your own to save us, you can ask our fathers for advice.”

“If there is a hierarchy for what’s scary, spiders are at the bottom of the tier list and girlfriends’ dads are at the top of the pyramid.”

“My father is a very kind and lovable fool. He will not judge you in the slightest. As for Serra’s parents, while I have yet to meet any of them, their lifestyle should be all that it takes to get it across that they are very loving and accepting people.”

“You’re doing a good job of convincing me, I won’t lie.”

“If my feeble attempt at convincing you is working, that is all the more proof you are brave enough on your own to do what you must. My father may not be a carpenter, but you may still become his apprentice in parenting!”

“Does this mean that all our children are going to grow up to have delusional fantasies like you?”

“If they take after me at all, they will corrupt themselves once they are old enough to access the internet.”

“But kids get onto the internet at like… five these days.”

“We may require a major lifestyle change that results in no internet access until they are a more appropriate age.”

“You’re unconvincing me from this whole having kids thing.”

“I jest, my hero. Content filters exist for a reason.”

“They do make those things pretty hard to get around these days, but don’t underestimate kids. They’ll always be better at technology than their parents.”

“You do make a good point,” Nell said with a sigh, lifting her head to notice that Oleander has been huddled around by the others.

“Yeah. Anyways… thanks, Nell. This has been bothering me for a long time now. All that’s left I guess is to wait for Aza to meet up with us. I’d feel wrong finally doing it without one of our girlfriends being with us.”

“All the more reason to make sure that she visits my father’s with us! Both prerequisites will be satisfied that way. You will have the opportunity to approach my father for parenting advice, and all of us will be there! Assuming that the bed in my room is unchanged, it is more than large enough for all of us to share. The walls are very thick, too, and we can push a towel against the bottom of the door to be extra sneaky if we wish!”

“Asking my girlfriend’s dad for parenting advice… and then having sex with his daughter under his roof. I’m not sure how that makes me feel.”

“I am already imagining a rather wonderful fantasy to go along with it!”

“Of course you are.”

“Would you like to hear it, my hero?”

“It’s only fair to hear your kinky fantasies out after you had to sit through listening to me.”

“Then prepare yourself, my hero! This may be the most erotic fantasy yet.”

“Oh boy.”

“First… at night, when all is quiet and those still awake are exhausted from the day’s activities, we will lazily climb into bed – all of us, and gently hold one another while gently speaking of how much we love one another. We will discuss how much fun we had, how much fun there is to have yet, and how happy we are with one another. Then, Serra will most likely be the one to initiate by groping your crotch with one hand while her other hand slips down into her pants. Naturally, the rest of us will become aroused by the sight and sounds, and so renewed energy will course throughout our bodies as the desire to share pleasure with one another grows increasingly more powerful. It is only a matter of time after that until we are all stripped of our clothes. While I am sure that you and Serra will have no issue staying bare above the sheets, Cassiel and Azalabulia may sneak under the covers to hide their nude figures. I may or may not join them depending on just how bold I am feeling.”

“I like it when your fantasies are like this.”

“I can see that, my hero,” Nell said, letting one of her hands gently pat Fenrir’s crotch. Of course, she only meant to tease and pulled her hand away so that she could continue her fantasy. “Afterward, you would have your pick of us. As you are the only man in our relationship, we must take turns being pleasured by you. Perhaps you will go in order of who you met first? Serra, Cassiel, me, and then Azalabulia? Or will you go at random? Regardless of what you may choose, those unchosen will be able to pleasure one another while you are occupied. Perhaps we may join in on pleasuring you. As you are buried within one of us, whoever is left may bring their lips to yours to kiss while the other enjoys the body of the girl you are currently within. Or we may give you something to look at as you focus on her. Imagine that, while you are burying your length within the girlfriend of your choosing, your other girlfriends are cradling one another and passionately pressing their lips together. It is a very exciting thought, is it not?”

“Yeah… exciting enough that this is starting to feel like torture.”

“Torture? I am not cruel enough to be the one doing the torturing. I am, however, intelligent enough to know that filling your mind with such thoughts may help you get over the anxiety you are facing. If your bravery should require any assistance, your arousal will be there to assist it. If the lust of man is enough to begin wars, it is enough to overwhelm whatever fears you may harbor.”


“Yes, my hero?”

“I’m horny.”

“I can tell, my hero. Even if your pants do not make it obvious, let us not forget that I can feel what you feel. The intense, bursting arousal within you is more than obvious to me.”

“Think we could have sex right here?”

“Unfortunately, no. Our Azalabulia still needs recovering, and there is a tournament to see the end of.”

“Wait… Aza. I – I’m a horrible boyfriend. I completely forgot about her.”

“Worry not, my hero. You had your own conflict to work through. I am sure that she is fine.”

“I really need to go and help her, but… horny. And your lap is really comfortable.”

“While our discussion is a perfectly valid excuse for forgetting about her current situation, your arousal and my thighs are not satisfactory.”

“I know,” Fenrir said with a sigh. “Alright. Time to get up. Let’s go rescue our girlfriend.”

“Do not forget to help me up first! You have yet to even finish your rescue of me.”

And so, Fenrir stood up, reached down, and finally helped Nell up.

While he was not expecting to have such a serious conversation with her, he could not have been any happier that he did. The serious doubts within his mind were finally shared with his girlfriends. Saya was helpful, of course, but it was his girlfriends who he needed to talk to the most about it.

“By the way… I know this is cowardly of me, but do you think you could tell the others about what we talked about? I’ve got to save my bravery for asking your dad for help,” Fenrir said.

“I will assist you however I can, my hero!”


“Ehehe… I can see explosions in my eyes,” Azalabulia said with a muffled giggle, partially buried underground with her head being completely covered in dirt. More of her would be underground if it were not for her breasts getting stuck above ground, hanging upside down and serving as a stopper of sorts.

Not even her mightiest explosion was enough to overcome the power of her chest.


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