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First off, this week's "meme," if it can even be called that, sums up how I feel about recent news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxGrbtGmxnI&feature=youtu.be

Moving on, let me apologize for not posting updates on Friday. I got super off track early on in the week and then was playing a game of catch-up for the rest of the week, was feeling horrible on Wednesday due to me only getting 2-3 hours of sleep a day, and then just blagh. I'm going to try and get this done today, but if not, it'll be spread throughout the week: I'll be posting 6 chapters for each story (2-3 for Steel Glory) this week instead of just 5 to make it up to you all.

Anyways, let's get onto the "important" thing.

The war on lewds.

Does it sound dramatic? Yes. Is it happening? Absolutely. StudioFOW recently got permanently banned from Patreon due to breaking the content guidelines regarding "fringe sexual content," such as for rape and bestiality (when all they've ever included are monsters - not real animals). Now, it should be obvious why this is concerning me. On that note, I might have to be even more careful with the content that I allow on Patreon from here on out. I've already had to lightly censor one scene in EDE where the MC transformed into a wolf-like monster, and then I had to completely skip another scene involving an actual wolf (despite said wolf having an intelligence on par with an adult human's, being of legal age, and being able to consent). While I had no problem with doing that to fit the rules, Patreon is cracking down more and more on adult creators of which I very much am one.

Then there's the fact that Tumblr is going to be removing next to all NSFW content starting on the 17th.

So, why is this happening?

Well, it probably has something to do with SESTA/FOSTA ( https://stopsesta.org/ ). These acts were passed earlier on in the year and are designed to stop sex trafficking and to protect children. Only... the wording in these acts were so vague that they're also affecting sex workers and creators of adult content. It's now a common theory that this is the reason why Tumblr is cracking down and why other websites are, too. Even Craigslist had to remove their "personals" section due to this act. Anyways, these acts are going to be getting enforced much harder soon, and that's why more sites are beginning to crack down on lewds now.

So, that kind of really sucks. EDE might be the only story really at risk, but if Patreon gets an issue with it, I don't know what's going to happen. I really don't want to censor it any more than I already have been. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to switch to a platform that is accepting of all content like this, there isn't really an alternative that's reliable and that people would be willing to switch to. For now, only time will tell, and I hope that I can continue receiving your support regardless of what may or may not happen! I just have to hope that it was more the "rape" thing in StudioFOW's works than the monsters aspect of it that got them banned.

And finally, while this could go in the bottom of the update this week, I'm going to include it at the top. Something I've been struggling with is writing what I feel obligated to write versus writing what I want to write. This really hit me hard leading up to the weekend. I had an idea that I wanted to write extremely badly - like, it was legit all I could think about all day long for days, but then I kept on telling myself "but I have other chapters I have to write first." So, what ended up happening was me struggling to write those chapters because all I could think about was writing what was controlling my mind. There would have been no problem if I would have just wrote what I wanted to write and then wrote the regular, daily chapters rather than trying to force myself to write them first. Basically, my brain being stupid made me screw myself over rather than just do the common-sense thing. So, from here on out, if I ever get really struck by some inspiration, I'm just going to go ahead and make use of that to get it out of the way rather than try to force myself to shove it aside for later.

Now, onto the rest of the weekly update!

Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1opuDuEmgaiUuYSLQuy5G2lQJO9-s7kxQ

At least I still managed to hit a minimum of 40 hours for the week.

The True Endgame

I don't know why I try and detail what's going to happen only for it to not happen and then get sidetracked because the story decided to go in another route. Should I be the kind of overbearing parent who forces the story to stay on track, or do I let my story go where it feels like to explore the world and do what it wants?

You should know by now I'm in the latter camp.

Let's not forget that this story was originally supposed to be about fishing.

Ero Dungeon Evolution

oof censorship

yay blowjob arc

hype upcoming arc with new waifus

Re: Wan

The Queen's Hound on RR

Re: Wan in weekly updates

"woof" in the tags

This story might have a multiple personality thing going on.

Anyways, it's still been successful on RR which is nice. We'll be moving onto a new arc soon that will see much more character interactions and less loner grinding despite the loner grinding chapters being the most popular ones.

You know me, though.

Steel Glory

I swear I love this story even though it gets next to no love.

I'm to this story what Kate is to Lance ;-;

Well, that implies she loves him at all. So, even now, I'm not as bad as Kate.

Never be as bad as Kate.

An Author's Trash

This is a story that should probably not be read. It would not even be fair to call this a story so much as it deserves to be called the written waste of a rambling storyteller. There is no care for style, no care for realism nor rationality, nor is there any care for those being told the story. It is a story for the one telling the story and nothing more, nothing less. Proceed at your own risk, because what follows has a high chance of being even worse than how this is making it sound.


Expect absolutely nothing from this.

In Closing

I'm going to eat, shower, and then get started working. This weekend is my birthday, and I was planning on taking this Friday off, but I wouldn't feel right doing that after last week. Instead, I'll be taking next Monday off to ensure that this week is full of updates.

Thank you for your continued support, and you'll have more to read soon!


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