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Operation: Full Chuuni has begun.

It’s a simple mission with the only planned casualty being Fenrir’s pride.

Sure, he’s supposed to be helping out with setting up their new base of operations and all of that, but even Tabitha and Rao want him to just hurry up and make things less awkward between him and Azalabulia first. Even Oleander and Corwin are tired of how awkward it’s been and it’s only been a week!

The first phase of the event is already underway as Fenrir leads Azalabulia out into the forest.

Serra, Cassiel, and Nell follow behind them, making sure to stay out of sight, so that they get to watch what happens. Really, though, they just want to tease their boyfriend about this later.

Once in the forest, seemingly alone, Fenrir turns around to look at Azalabulia. His ears are low, tail is stiff, and his stern eyes are focused on the woman in front of him whom seems absolutely confused as to why he’s essentially glaring at her.

“Azalabulia,” Fenrir says, his voice low. “Do you know why I have brought you here?”

Azalabulia looks around before answering, “N-no?”

Fenrir internally prepares himself against his own cringe before saying, “Then you are a foolish woman. How could a woman as incompetent as you claim to be the wielder of Bahamut’s cursed flame?”

Part of Fenrir is worried that she might not play along and potentially even get offended by his words. The last thing that he needs to do is upset her and make things even more awkward. But, just as Nell reassured him, Azalabulia smiles and strikes a confident pose.

“What’s this? Is my dark general wishing to rebel?” Azalabulia asks. “Know this: if you rebel against me, I will not be taking it easy on you. I will cleanse you with the Cursed Flame of Bahamut just as I have countless foes, man and monster alike! Is this truly the path that you wish to go down? One of failed rebellion?”

“Why should I follow a queen of darkness when she has yet to prove her strength? If you cannot defeat me, then I have no interest in following you. So, Azalabulia! Prove that you are stronger than me – prove that you can tame the Unleashed Spirit of the Fenris Wolf!”

Serra has to cover her mouth as strongly as she can to not laugh. Even Nell is looking like she’s getting ready to laugh… but Cassiel is totally getting into it and watching with great interest as her boyfriend goes full chuuni.

“Do you expect me to take a hound as a serious threat? My Bahamut is a dragon! A wolf cannot beat a dragon!” Azalabulia declares.

“Anything can be defeated when you go for its neck, and I will come for yours,” Fenrir replies, trying to think of several more “cool” lines in his head to say next. This is more difficult than he thought it would be. Azalabulia never wastes a single second replying to him, so he has to try and keep up with her. The play will be less impressive if he has to pause to think.

Azalabulia whips her stave off of her back and sticks it out to Fenrir. “Then come at me! I, the Dark Sorceress of Twisted Flames, the Breaker of Reality, and the One Who will Set the World Ablaze, the Wielder of the Cursed Flame of Bahamut, Azalabulia, shall be your foe, Unleashed Spirit of the Fenris Wolf!”

Fenrir can not deny that he’s nervous about what might happen. He just really, really hopes that she doesn’t plan on going all-out against him. He’s seen her go all-out before against that boss in the dungeon, and he knows that he would get destroyed with ease if she tried to do that against him. Then again, that also required prep time for her to cast such a powerful spell. As long as all of her most powerful spells require a long charge-up time like that one did, he should be—

“Watch thine head, for mine dragon hungers!” Azalabulia shouts, causing a long serpentine-like dragon composed entirely of crackling, red energy to shoot out from her stave and go right for Fenrir’s head.

Fenrir’s eyes widen as he jumps out of the way just in time to dodge the attack! When he looks up at the aftermath, he’s really glad he dodged it, too. Her “dragon” tore straight through several trees, leaving only smoldering holes where once was wood.

This might be bad. It is now that Fenrir remembers that he has basically nothing that can compete against her. He doesn’t even have any flashy skills or spells!

Well, there is that one thing, and it requires going as all-out as he can. Plus, Nell is nearby, so he’ll get that boost to his abilities thanks to the “blessing” she bestowed upon him.

Fenrir searches his being for that bestial feeling of his.

Another attack flies at him that he has to dodge. With every attack that he dodges, though, the more that bestial instinct comes out.

He grabs onto that feral instinct and fully embraces it.

The lower halves of his legs and arms both turn larger in size, twisting into the limbs of a wolf’s, as large claws protrude from where his fingers and toes previously were.

Unaware to him, but obvious to the three girls spying on the battle, even his tail and ears are growing larger now. They never noticed that before, but his ears, tail, and even his hair seem to be longer and bushier than it was before.

“Is this your true form? Is this the realized, ultimate form of the Unleashed Spirit of the Fenris Wolf?!” Azalabula shouts, a wide grin on her lips as she readies her next spell.

“You’ve got it. You can rely on your spells all you want, but I’ll tear right through them with my claws,” Fenrir says, having no idea if that’s even possible or not. He hopes that it’s possible, though, because now one of her spells is coming straight at him.

He really hopes that it’s possible.

In a readied stance, Fenrir waits until the bolt of dark fire is right in front of him before swiping his right hand at it, his claws tearing straight through the magic!

“Holy shit it actually worked,” Fenrir thinks to himself. “Am – am I actually a badass? Maybe there’s something to this chuuni roleplaying.”

“Impressive, but not impressive enough!” Azalabulia shouts. “Feast on his head!” Another magical dragon shoots out toward him.

Fenrir tries slashing at it again, and it works, but not entirely. The remnants of the dragon explode against his chest and send him flying backward into a tree, almost knocking the tree over from the sheer force of impact.

“Oh? You’re still alive?” Azalabulia asks. “You look to be enjoying yourself, wolf.”

Fenrir looks up at Azalabulia with a smile as blood trickles down from his forehead.

“How could I not be? This is the most fun I’ve had in a fight in a long time. Now, dragon, let us see who is stronger: the wolf or the dragon – your magic or my claws,” Fenrir replies, jumping off of the tree and charging right at her!

“This… is kind of getting out of hand, no?” Nell asks. “What if they seriously hurt one another?”

“They’ll respawn, it’s okay,” Serra says.

“They look like they’re having tons of fun,” Cassiel points out.

When the girlfriends look over their boyfriend and latest member of their relationship, they see that both of them are smiling and laughing. They don’t even know if Fenrir is pretending to be chuuni or not anymore as he dances around Azalabulia’s spells and closes the distance between them.

Unfortunately for Fenrir, Operation: Full Chuuni involves him losing.

Yet, at this point, he doesn’t even care about the operation. He just wants to fight the powerful foe in front of him, and the same goes for Azalabulia as they test each others mettle.

“You’re finished!” Fenrir shouts as he lunges at Azalabulia, her eyes wide.

His claws are going straight for her throat.

Azalabulia grins and shouts, “Bahamut Burst!”

Dark flames shoot out from all over her body like an expanding shield forming around her, knocking Fenrir away and sending him skidding along the ground.

“You may be able to tear away some of my spells, wolf, but you will not be able to pierce my defenses with claws alone,” Azalabulia says.

“Then we’ll just have to put that theory to the test. Here I come, dragon,” Fenrir says as he stands back up, his eyes never leaving his opponent’s for even a second.

“Yes! Come to your ultimate despair and loss, wolf!”

Once more, Fenrir charges at Azalabulia as she casts one final spell.


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