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Another couple of hours pass by. Fenrir has not been able to stop himself from taking peeks over at Cassiel with her new hairstyle, and she has been playing with her hair on and off the whole time. It turns out that twintails not only look nice but are fun to play with. Her hands swing and twirl her twintails whenever she has nothing better to be doing.

Fenrir has been wanting to comment on how cute she looks when she does that, but he knows she’ll probably get embarrassed and self-conscious about it if he does, so he has been resisting the temptation.

There is something else, though. He has been feeling… suspicious. Whenever he checks on the other girls, Tabitha excluded, he sees them looking at him and whispering to one another.

Aiko may have been a borderline stalker, but she was good at being sneaky. Serra, Nell, and Azalabulia are anything but sneaky. Nell has her tail and horns that give her away, Azalabulia has her bulias, and then there is Serra. Serra just doesn’t care about trying to be sneaky, so she stands out in the open while Nell and Azalabulia try to hide themselves.

Fortunately, the group has managed to get some work done. Tabitha and Rao set up the temporary docks for The Shoebill. The docks are as short as possible, only reaching out just barely far enough for The Shoebill to not run aground, but that is all they need. This makes transporting materials to and from The Shoebill far easier, and it gives them a more environmentally-friendly place to dock it rather than letting the anchor drag along the river’s bottom.

“That feels like it was a lot of work for just a little dock,” Fenrir says as he ties The Shoebill to the homemade cleats that Tabitha installed on the dock.

“Oi, keep in mind somethin’ like this probably would’ve taken way more work in real life, and it might not be workin’ as well,” Tabitha answers. “Be grateful, dog boy.”

“I am, I am. I mean, a city is supposed to take years and years to get built up, but I doubt it’ll take that long here.”

“If it’s just us it will. We’re going to need some new faces showin’ up and wantin’ land. The more workers me and Red here get to boss around, the faster this’ll all go.”

“Can’t we just have our own city without inviting anybody else?”

“Oi. Wasn’t part of you wantin’ to do this because ya want some goody-two-shoes home for AI or somethin’ like that?”

“You’re not wrong. Alright, alright. We’ll need to let others move here instead of finding a way to just clone ourselves.”

“I want to do some crazy stuff, but I don’t think clones are goin’ to help at all.”

“Is that even possible here?”

“With magic, but they’re only temporary.”

“So, if I get my girlfriends to learn how to use magic to make clones of themselves…”

“Do I need to send ya to go stand in the water some more?”

“No, please. I only just finished fully drying. Don’t make my fluff go away.”

“Bro,” Rao says, “what’s up with you wanting to be fluffy?”

“What’s up with you wanting to have spiky hair?” Fenrir asks back.



“I’m done with both of you,” Tabitha says. “Oi, Red. Come on. Let’s get some plannin’ done. Can’t just build whatever we want wherever we want.”

“Alright. I already checked out some of the area on my own, and there shouldn’t be any problems building here,” Rao says, going more in-depth as he walks off with Tabitha.

“Guess I finally get a break,” Fenrir says.

He looks around.

Oleander is standing in front of Cassiel and holding her twintails, surrounding his face with them as the back of his head rests against her chest.

Fenrir is jealous. He wants to try that. If it was anybody other than Oleander, and potentially Corwin, then he’d probably be jealous jealous.

Alright, he knows what to do.

Find out what that suspicious trio is up to.

Azalabulia looks panicked as soon as Fenrir starts heading over in their direction.

“Wh-what about the plan?” Azalabulia asks Nell.

“Shh! Do not worry about it. We must wait for the perfect moment to initiate it,” Nell whispers.

Meanwhile, Serra just waves at Fenrir.

Upon reaching the group, Fenrir asks, “So… what have you three been talking about? I kept on seeing you looking at me, and if Nell is whispering things, it can’t be good.”

Nell actually looks surprised that she was caught watching him, as does Azalabulia.

Neither of them takes into consideration the size of some of their body parts.

“We were not talking about anything, my hero!” Nell answers.

“Ye-yeah! We were just talking about taking over the world and raising monuments in my glory!” Azalabulia explains.

“So, you weren’t talking about anything, but you were also talking about something?” Fenrir asks.

Nell and Azalabulia look at each other with panicked eyes. They aren’t on the same page at all.

“It’s secret,” Serra answers for them. “Shh.” She raises a finger in front of her lips.

“Yeah, I figured as much. Should I be worried?” Fenrir asks.

Serra nods her head.

Fenrir looks back down at the other two. “Just be safe and don’t do anything too crazy, alright?” he asks them.

Nell pouts while Azalabulia blushes and looks away.

Neither of them thought that just saying it’s a secret would be such an easy way of hiding the truth.

“Nell, you’re not planning anything involving monsters, dictator kings, alien invaders, tentacles, or feral beasts in the middle of their mating seasons, right?” Fenrir asks.

Nell starts sweating.

“Aza, you’re not encouraging her, right?”

Azalabulia sweats, too.


“I’m encouraging both of them,” Serra admits.

Fenrir looks down at the other two once more and sighs. “Seriously. Stay out of trouble and be safe. I doubt I’m going to get you to tell me whatever it is you’re planning, so just be smart about it.”

“I can tell you,” Serra says before being swiftly grabbed by Nell.

Nell covers up Serra’s mouth and says, “Do – do not worry about Serra! She does not know what she is talking about.” Then Nell feels something. “A-ahn, Se-Serra! Now is not the… time for your skilled tongue work,” she moans.

Azalabulia turns bright red, Fenrir watches on with great interest, and both of them can tell just how smug Serra looks despite her mouth being covered up as she licks Nell’s fingers.

“You must really like being licked,” Fenrir calls Nell out on her fetish, causing her to perk up and blush.

“Because! It is so… feral,” Nell admits.

“Of course that’s why you’d like it.”

Nell squirms around and turns more red the more that Serra licks and teases the fingers over her mouth. That skilled tongue work of hers even manages to pull one of Nell’s fingers into her mouth to suck on, twirling her tongue around Nell’s finger as she wraps her soft, warm lips around it.

Fenrir is really enjoying this show, and he’s also jealous of Nell. He wants his fingers to get sucked on like that.

“Serra! This – this is, nngh, you – you really must not be – ahn, you must not be doing this wh-while around others!” Nell tries to say, but she does nothing to actually stop Serra. Her mouth says no, but her eyes, body, and her very soul all say nothing but yes.

Fenrir takes his eyes off of the sight before he gets too excited. There are still other things to be doing around here, and he wants to save the next time he does anything with his girlfriends for reality.

However, there is one thing – or rather, one particular person that he notices.

Azalabulia. She’s staring at him, but not at his face.

Fenrir looks down at where she’s staring.

He’s got a pretty obvious erection bulging up against his pants, and Azalabulia’s eyes are locked directly on it. She doesn’t even notice that he’s caught her, and she looks like she wants it now.

Fenrir turns away when he feels himself get even more excited.

“Darkness! Explosions!” Azalabulia shouts when she realizes what she was just doing. “Ba-Bahamut!”

If she was one of his girlfriends, he’d be comfortable teasing her about looking at him like that, but he’s worried he’s just going to stutter if he tries to say anything about it. He doesn’t want to make himself sound like some insecure virgin boy while dating three girls at once.

Nell notices Fenrir’s bashfulness and huddles with Azalabulia and Serra to whisper, “Now is our chance. We must not let this opportunity go to waste! Splendid work, Serra, even if you did use… a bit too much skill doing your part.”

“I got into it,” Serra admits.

“Is – is it time for the next phase?” Azalabulia asks.

Nell nods and says, “Operation: Big Bad Wolf begins!”


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