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Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sUlrx-SBuDz1K6oigKDySlqI8u7IePNj

You see how I tried working on a weekend again? Yeah, all that fuckin' work got lost, so apparently life refuses to let me work on the weekends anymore. Hot damn was that annoying. It wasn't anything too important, but still lost about 3-4 hours in work.

The True Endgame

Uhhhhhhhh........ words and things. Alright, let's see. What to talk about.... Seems like people appreciate Aiko more after her having her breakdown and admitting she needs help, and actively trying to go and get it. I was kind of expecting that. She was never meant to be "AWW YEAH NEW GIRL I LOVE HER" tier. She was meant to cause drama and issues, and to work on herself rather than just devoting herself to Ryouta and the harem. Her presence also helped to trigger more of Cass's growth, and was meant to be somewhat of a fakeout to everybody who thought she'd be a new harem member just because she's a yandere and a girl who exists in general.

Ero Dungeon Evolution

I replied to some of the story's criticisms in the last Friday's post-chapter note. If you're curious, you can read that here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19467/ero-dungeon-evolution/chapter/284863/vol-1-pt-55-do-fairies-count-as-lolis

Just scroll down! But yeah, I replied to the most common complaints/criticisms I've gotten for the fun of it. Most of them can be answered with "you're trying to judge this as a serious Western novel when it's meant to be a hentai story for weebs and uses hentai logic," but oh well. Got a whole bunch of lovely messages and comments afterward which was super nice<3. People underestimate how much a single word of support can mean to creators.

It's also funny how many people I got telling me to please make Damian even gayer after hearing about how many people complain about that.

Mecha Story

So. That thing I was working on Sunday? Plotting. Anyways, I didn't realize how fucking far into the month it is. I said that I'm going to push out more chapters to upgrade the current tiers ($5 tier to 10 chapters ahead and $10 tier to 20 chapters ahead), so I'm going to do that before continuing work on this. Still getting more and more ideas for this, too!

Also, while it is going to be harem-y with a bunch of girls because that's just what I fucking love to write, I totally want to write some yaoi shipping bait and bromances. Or fuck it, maybe he'll just be bi like EDE's MC is.

In Closing

Scoopidy woop.

That whole upgrade thing will probably happen Thursday and Friday. EDE's 6 new chapters one day, TTE's 6 new chapters the other day.

Anyways, time to get some sleep! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!


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