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Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PaA-6MBCOialIv2mv5nCWShn2WJOqSK3

Only like, 43 hours last week, but I was also feeling like shit on the one day.

Anyways, I think that trying to write for 55-60 hours a week has finally caught up to me. I'm probably going to cut back on the hours I'm working every day to more normal ones, like only 8 hours or so a day. I'm just going to try to be more efficient about it and give myself more free time so I don't feel overworked. 40 hours is technically a full-time job and what most people work, but it's like... I just feel like I'm not writing enough or not trying my hardest if I don't write for almost ten hours a day. But, at the same time, trying to write for ten hours a day every day fucks my schedule up and leaves me always feeling tired. So, I think I might have to force myself to be happy doing "just" 40 hours a week. Don't get me wrong, this isn't going to affect the stories or anything. I'm just going to try to do things more efficiently now and try to stop feeling bad about not overworking myself. 

The True Endgame

Nothing to really say here other than that I plan on the third volume having a sex scene for each harem member. Plenty more slice of life planned, and then volume 4 will probably have a bit more actual plot progression without being as heavy on it as the second volume was. I think a good way to do things would be: slice of life -> plot -> slice of life -> plot -> slice of life -> plot. But, seeing as how most people started the story for the SoL and I've been gaining more followers now that it's back at SoL, I'm probably not ever going to make it as focused as the second volume was again.

Ero Dungeon Evolution

EDE is going pretty well if I do say so myself. I'll probably wait another month or so before putting it on RRL. Why? Because. If I wait that long, I'll be able to release daily chapters until it hits the Trending section (and I'm 99% sure it would hit Trending unless a mod or admin specifically stepped in), and then I'll release a new chapter every 4-6 hours until it's caught up to Hentai Foundry so that it gets a reading boost and more followers and ratings and stuff to keep it up on Trending for a longer duration. So, basically, business reasons.

Aside from that, the upcoming $10 chapters are going to have a bit more of a focus on progressing things to get the ball going. Can't have the dungeon being a super awesome sex dungeon full of staff and thots and money if there's no plot progression to actually get to that point, you know? So, don't be alarmed if there isn't non-stop sex.

A Slave's Voice

There's a bit of news for this. As I've mentioned in the Discord server, I plan on ASV's rewrite to be slower-paced, Albert's rape-y-ness is going to be toned down a lot and be replaced with more charm and child grooming, there are going to be more hints to the whole split personality thing early on and there will be more breaks to show people light at the end of the tunnel instead of non-stop suffering, etc. I also really want to get started on this before the end of the year.

Fara is still best girl second only to Tabitha.

don't @ me


I'm happy that I haven't promised that this would be out anytime soon seeing as how I still haven't started it. It's weird. I really want to write this story, and I know exactly how to start it, and I've already got enough content planned for it for at least three or four volumes (and they're in-depth plans, not just general ideas for volumes), but blegh. I'll hopefully start it this week now that I've fixed my sleep schedule. I will give a very general synopsis of this, though: chosen of Pride, in a desert, focus on expansion and city/army building potentially with some dungeon elements, narcissistic and borderline sociopath MC who is not a good guy.  It's not going to be edgy nor grimdark, but the MC would have very little care for morals and find himself and his own advancement in the world to be the most important thing. This will be a very "serious" story and tie into future EDE plots. The MC is seriously going to be a piece of shit. So, I just have to figure out how to make him an unlikable piece of shit that the audience still wants to read about and reluctantly root for.

Normally, a writer would probably just combine these stories into the same book and just switch perspectives each chapter/intermission or so, but I want to try something different. I want to have one world where there are multiple paths to follow. You can choose to read all of the stories to get the entire picture, or you can just read one of the stories to follow that particular character while not missing out on too much important information just because you don't read about a character/story you're not interested in. Every series within the world would have its own, self-contained story while also building off of each other and forming a larger story overall. It's like, in Halo 2, instead of switching between Master Chief and the Arbiter, there are just two (full) versions of Halo 2 with one of them being all about Master Chief and the other being all about the Arbiter. Silly comparison, but I'm tired and just thought of that. However, EDE is very much going to be the "main" series.


I wonder how people would feel about a first-person female MC chosen of Wrath who's a total badass in a Chinese-Japanese hybrid setting with a monkey girl sidekick and a LitRPG combat system where fights are like they are in Touhou. I mean, I'm definitely going to do this, I just don't know when and am curious about how it'd be received. I have just as many plans for it as I have for ???, but because I'm 99% sure that it would be much less popular (and result in less financial gains), ??? is the priority. Both ??? and ???2 would take place in the same setting as EDE and follow chosen of the other sins, though. I just see these three chosen as the most important. The rest would be side characters in other stories or have their own little side spin-offs rather than be "main" series.

In Closing

I'm legit thinking of buying a boat to live on. It would be way cheaper than renting an apartment and would give me the freedom to live pretty much at any coastal town/city I want, get to go out fishing, etc. More importantly than that, I have finally fixed my sleep schedule. It's been like a month coming, but it is fixed and now I should be able to work more efficiently and have more energy.

Until next week!


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