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The Black Hound of Death

No matter how many monsters may exist in the world – no matter how many humans believe that monsters are their greatest foes to ever exist, war between human nations remains the most common conflict.

It was an ambush that had months’ worth of buildup for a climax that was over within hours.

The Chosen Empire of Ereyus, a central nation populated by monster-hating humans whom rely on their faith and technology to combat their enemies, has been at war with the western kingdom of Vertonna for years. Vertonna was able to make significant pushes into the empire’s land, but after being led into an ambush and facing the holy wrath of the empire’s angelic allies, Vertonna’s main fighting force finds itself rotting in the bloodstained knolls once known for their beautiful abundance of bright flowers.

Only corpses and bloodstained soil remains.

Raoul coughs out what little blood he has left onto his chest.

He has no idea how he is still alive. The battle was days ago, and he survived the aftermath being surveyed by his opponents by hiding underneath the corpse of one of his dead allies, but major nerves in his legs were severed during the conflict. He can no longer stand no matter how hard he tries to. While he can move his thighs, anything beneath them is dead weight that has been leaking his blood into a puddle underneath him.

Everything he has ever known is gone. His friends all served with him in the army and not a single soldier was able to escape the ambush. At least he has no family left alive to worry about now that the empire will surely invade Vertonna’s land.

The sound of rattling chains reaches the dying soldier’s ears. At the same time, he feels his body grow cold while his vision begins to darken.

This must be what finally reaching the end of one’s life feels like.

Then he hears howling.

Some stray dogs or wolves must have come to the field to pick the corpses clean.

The cold sensation grows stronger while the sound of rattling chains grows louder.

Raoul turns his head around to look at what could be making the noise, but he doesn’t see anything anywhere around him. That is, until he faces forward once more and sees a woman standing in front of him.

She is unlike anybody that he has ever seen before. It is clear from first sight that she is a monster, but he has never heard of anything like her.

Both her skin and the hair that reaches down to the backs of her thighs are as dark as the night sky. Her arms and legs are covered in dense, but short, black hair that lead into her canid feet and clawed hands.

Something about her is just eerily beautiful, but at the same time, he feels as if he is looking at the very incarnation of death when he looks into her flaming eyes. Yet, while her eyes are glowing red with what appear to be magical flames flowing away from them, she looks at him with an expression that instantly calms him.

Raoul didn’t want to die before even though he knew it was inevitable. Now, he feels like dying will be alright as long as he does so in her company.

He relaxes against the war-torn ground and lets his eyes lazily look her over. A pair of pointy, canid ears sticks out through her silky hair. He occasionally catches glimpses of her thin tail swaying low behind her.

Broken chains hang loosely around her neck, wrists, and ankles which contrast against the beautiful, black dress that she is wearing. It looks like the kind of dress that nobles back home would wear to funerals.

“Who are you?” Raoul asks, mustering what little strength he has left to speak.

“Worry not about me, brave warrior. Know only that you will be at peace soon,” she answers, her voice just as eerily beautiful and soft as the rest of her looks.

He was at peace with dying just moments ago, but hearing her say it – hearing somebody else confirm that he is going to die… it reminds him of just how much he wants to live. There is still so much more in this world that he wants to do, but none of that can happen now.

He lost.

While trying to hold back his tears, the woman sits on her knees next to him and pulls on his body so that his head rests on her lap. She is careful with her clawed fingers to not injure him as she strokes her fingers through his hair.

It feels nice. Even though he knows that he will never be able to feel this again after a short while, he is happy that he gets to feel it before the end.

“Brave warrior, know that you fought with honor and will be treated kindly in the afterlife. This world may forget about you, but your spirit will live on beyond this realm and you will want for naught,” she says, her voice further soothing him as her fingers carefully massage his scalp.

“Are you going to take me to the afterlife?” Raoul asks.

The woman nods her head as her other hand reaches up to gently stroke the back of it against his cheek.

“Can you tell me what you are at least?” he asks.

“Alright. I am a being from the Realm of Spirits. I believe that humans of this realm refer to my kind as barghests,” she answers.

“Never heard of a barghest, but I understand enough that you’re a spirit. Guess having a spirit with me in my final minutes is a nice enough way to die.” Raoul takes a deep breath and looks up at the sky. “Guess I should say that being held by a beautiful woman is even better than being with a spirit.”

He gets a slight smile out of her. Hearing her voice, resting on her lap while she strokes her fingers through his hair, and finally seeing her smile is enough for him to happily exhale his last breath.

The next time he inhales is out of habit, not because he needs to anymore.

“What?” he asks. “Am I dead?”

The war-torn landscape has been replaced by swirling, spiritual energy.

Looking up, he sees the face of the barghest above him looking down into his eyes still.

“Yes,” she answers.

“What now? Where am I going to go?” Raoul asks.

“You may stay here with me or you may move on to the afterlife.”

“I can stay with you?” he asks, seeing her ears twitch in response.

“You may, but only if you wish.”

“As much as I wouldn’t mind spending the afterlife with a beautiful woman, I wouldn’t want to be a burden on you.”

Being dead feels surprisingly nice. Raoul no longer has any worries, he feels no pain nor aches, he assumes that he no longer has to worry about food, water, nor money, and he is still being comforted by such a beautiful woman. Even if she’s a monster – even if she is something that would be feared and hunted in his home country, he can’t help but feel at peace while in her presence.

However, he gets quite the surprise when she leans down and places her lips against his own.

Just being around her makes him feel cold, but her lap and lips are both warm and soft.

While he subconsciously gives in to her kiss, one of her clawed hands trails down his torso until he feels the sharp tips of her claws gently tracing over where a bulge is growing in his pants.

He realizes what sort of situation he is in when she uses said claw to cut open the crotch of his pants. She then slips her hand through the torn fabric to gently wrap her padded fingers around his growing tool to pull it up out of his pants.

She breaks off the kiss and gazes into his eyes with needy lust.

“Allow me to do the work. You have done enough, so now you need only lie back and allow me to reward you,” she tells him as she gently takes his head off of her lap to instead straddle his hips.

Raoul wants to question this, but he’s a man who loves a good woman, plus he’s dead, so why not enjoy it?

Rather than question her, he moves his hands up underneath her dress to rest on her thighs as she grips the bottom of her dress to pull it up over her head.

Her breasts are as lean as the rest of her body. While she may not be as curvy as the women back home, her lean and toned body is incredibly attractive. She looks feminine and light, but also powerful and fast.

His only complaint is how cold her chains feel when they brush against his bare skin.

With his cock held between her fingers, she leans up, positions his cock directly underneath her entrance, and then lowers herself upon his firm rod.

Raoul already feels more pleasure than he knew was possible the moment that her tight, warm pussy wraps around his cock. Yet, mixed in with the sexual pleasure is something else.

He feels a part of him losing strength.

It takes him a moment to realize just what exactly she’s doing: draining him of his spirit energy.

Though, with how little she is actually taking, he has a feeling that she is only going to take as much as she needs while repaying him with unparalleled pleasure.

She places a single hand on his shoulder while her other hand gropes her own breasts to put on a show for him.

It’s one damn great show once she starts bouncing on his cock.

Raising her hips and lowering them over and over, she is intent on doing all the work herself to milk him of both his cum and his spirit energy.

Her cheeks take a light blush to them, offering contrast against her skin, as she starts moaning from pleasure.

She isn’t the only one making noise, either. Raoul’s grunts and moans match her own if not exceed them in frequency as she masterfully rides him.

But, his pride as a man refuses to let her do all the work no matter how nice it might be.

He reaches up, gently grabs the sides of her head, and brings her head down to his own so that he can press his lips against hers once more.

He makes an important discovery when he feels her inner walls tighten around his cock from his hands accidentally grazing her ears. The pleasured moans she makes when he touches her ears gives credence to his new theory.

His warm, rough hands gently grab her canid ears and start to squeeze and stroke them.

Her eyes shoot open wide with lustful hearts visible within her pupils.

Her hands each instinctively grab onto his shoulders, digging her sharp claws into his skin.

Now he knows that it’s still possible to feel pain and get injured in the afterlife.

Even so, he can’t stop playing with her ears. They are just fun to play with on top of causing her more pleasure, thus causing him more pleasure as she more excitedly bounces on his cock.

It feels like she’s trying to form fists, but with his shoulders being in the way between her palms and her fingers, she ends up just scraping her claws up against the backs of his shoulders.

Cumming inside of her should be fine since they’re both spirits now, right? It isn’t like spirits can get pregnant, and even if they could, he knows that he cannot resist trying to knock up a woman as beautiful as her.

With his cock buried deep within her, its crown pushing up against her womb, Raoul releases his loudest grunt yet as he starts pumping her full of his thick seed.

He feels himself cumming more inside of her than he’s ever cummed before. As if his cock is an endless geyser, her womb grows full of his seed as her eyes almost roll back into her head.

Convulsions take over her body from her own powerful orgasm. Her claws dig even deeper into him as she subconsciously tightens her grip throughout the duration of her orgasm, unaware of how violently she is bouncing her hips still to milk him as well.

When she finally gets out of the high from her orgasm, she places a single hand over where her womb is and nuzzles her face into the crook of his neck.

She wrinkles her nose at the scent of something she is all too familiar with.

Looking at the back of his shoulder, she sees blood seeping out from the wounds inflicted by her claws.

When she looks at his face, she sees him looking lifeless even for somebody that technically is no longer alive.

Family: Spirit

Species: Barghest

Classification: Legendary Monster

Danger Level: Severe

Habitat: Realm of Spirits, battlefields, hospitals

Intelligence: Average

Behavior: Serious, comforting, honorable

Diet: Spiritual energy

Barghests, or “black dogs” as they are known in some regions, are legendary monsters that only a handful of humans will ever see. Their existence is only known because of a few times where they have attended the funerals of kings leading packs of stray dogs behind them, and there are two known cases of a human encountering one on their own and surviving.

While they look similar to canid members of the Beast family, they are actually classified as Spirits. They are not mortal and they primarily exist on the spiritual plane, only manifesting bodies on the physical plane when they need to feast on souls or are attending an important funeral procession. As for how they determine which funerals are worthy of attending is a mystery. Funerals with recorded appearances of barghests have primarily been for the deaths of great kings and emperors, but some legends claim that simple peasants have had a barghest in attendance for their funerals.

One can tell that a barghest is near if they hear rattling chains accompanied by howls and/or growls. They are capable of invisibility while manifesting physical bodies, so recognizing those sounds in addition to feeling a cold presence around oneself is the most effective method of detecting any potential barghests.

Barghests should, under no circumstances, be engaged nor should one get in their way if they are attending a funeral procession. They will lash out and attack any who oppose them or are in their way, and any injuries caused by a barghest will never heal. It would take the miraculous healing magic of a Celestial family member in order to heal a wound inflicted by a barghest.

One report claims that a barghest was seen mating with a dying, human soldier after a battle, but there are no official observations of such behavior. However, given that they are still monsters, it is not unreasonable to assume that they engage in sexual activities. One theory is that they will have sex with dying men while taking their spirit energy from them in order to comfort them during their passing.

“So, I’m going to be bleeding for all eternity now?” Raoul asks as he rubs at his bandaged shoulders.

“I am truly sorry. I – I lost myself in pleasure due to your hands upon my ears,” she says with an apologetic bow.

“Why do I even have blood if I’m dead? Can I run out of it, or is it possible to like, die die?”

She shakes her head. “You will eternally bleed without any consequences other than dripping blood everywhere.”

“Well, that’s inconvenient.”

She hangs her head even lower. “I am sorry, I should have been more carefu—”

A hand petting her head between her ears interrupts her.

Raoul smiles when he sees just how rapidly her tail is wagging as a result of being petted.

“I guess,” he says, “you’ll just have to take care of me until the end of time. After all, you’re the one who cut me, so it’s your responsibility now to take care of me until I’m healed.”

“But you shall never heal,” she reminds him.

“Exactly. Besides, somebody has to stick around to feed you some spirit energy, right?”

Sure, he might not have wanted to be a burden to her before. But, now that she has eternally wounded him and introduced him to what true pleasure feels like, he doesn’t plan on leaving her.

He has regrets from his life as a mortal human, but he doesn’t plan on regretting anything in his afterlife.


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