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Patch 7.0: The Defiance of a Wolf and a Serpent

“Is there a problem?” Ull asks.

“Not ‘at I know of. Why do ya ask?” Blackstache asks back.

Ull points to the cannon that is now aiming at his champions’ longship.

“Bloody… Ra—” Blackstache looks at where Rachel is supposed to be, but she’s already gone. All that is left are a few lingering sparks of electricity in the air. He looks back at Ull. “That ain’t us, I swear on it. Somebody’s tryin’ ta highjack it.”

Ull looks Blackstache over before returning his attention to the commandeered cannon. With magic, he is able to greatly increase his vision to see exactly who – or rather, what is controlling the cannon.

A small, blocky golem no larger than a child is pulling the lever to rotate the cannon and the other lever that raises and lowers it. All that is left now is to fire the cannon.

When it gets the order, the golem steps to the side of the cannon where its ignition mechanism is.

“A single, tiny golem is enough to steal one of this city’s most powerful defenses? It is a wonder that Indra has not already invaded and conquered this place,” Ull says.

Fenrir just hopes that the cannon is going to be accurate enough to not hit The Shoebill.

He barely even sees the huge cannonball crash into the longship’s bow. One second and the longship’s bow is intact, and a second later that same bow no longer exists but wooden fragments flying in every direction do.

The sound of the clifftop battery firing reaches their ears a couple of seconds later.

Fenrir wraps his arms around Serra’s waist to secure her as a wave from the cannonball crashing into the water heads directly for them.

The cannon may not have destroyed the longship nor have killed any of its crew, but it’s created a wave for them to ride and boost them toward the city.

A few javelins go wide of The Shoebill. With the wave and loss of the longship’s bow, those aboard it are unable to properly aim.

With Serra in Fenrir’s arms still, the two watch on as one certain Alexander even tries to use some of his magic. Just like the javelins, the bolt of fires that he shoots misses The Shoebill.

“And now the golem is dead – it looks as if it self-detonated. Do you have any idea who would be interfering with our tournament?” Ull asks.

“Not a damn clue. Whoever it was, we’ll find ‘em and see to it ‘at they’re punished,” Blackstache says.

“Your citizens and followers have been rather cold to my own ever since that first round. Between that and your own city’s defenses being taken away underneath your nose – or rather, underneath your mustache, I am beginning to feel that we are not welcome here.”

“I’m sure some’re pissed off after ‘at incident with the NPCs in tha first round, but I promise ya that they’re actin’ on ‘er own.”

“And how should I interpret it that my host’s defenses, which are meant to protect me, could be turned on me at any moment?”

Blackstache looks at the cannon and then the three ships racing toward the city.

Fenrir raises a single hand to show off his middle finger to the pursuing vessels.

“They’re going to be so pissed off,” Fenrir says.

“Super mad,” Serra agrees.

“How do you think the city is going to treat those guys for being traitors?” Oleander asks.

“I doubt they’ll care however they’re treated. They haven’t broken any rules, so nothing can happen to them – at least, not legally. Even then, I doubt that they plan on staying in this city. There’s no way that somebody would piss off an entire city that they plan on staying in,” Fenrir answers.

“Think they’re trying to earn Ull’s favor?”


“Think he was in it from the beginning?”

“I doubt it. He seems less like the type to play the long con like that and more like the type who just does whatever he thinks is best for himself in the moment. It wouldn’t surprise me if he thought that teaming up against the longship was a good idea until he realized that he’d probably gain more status for crossing his allies and teaming up with Ull.”

“Probably. From everything I know, Ull seems like the kind of guy who likes people who prove themselves to him, and Alexander proved it earlier. He’s probably on the good side of one of the game’s most powerful characters now while just being hated by a bunch of this city. Not that bad of an exchange.”

“You guys are smart,” Serra interjects.

“He learned it from me!” Oleander declares. “He’s good at long-term thinking, but he learned how to strategize from me.”

“He’s not wrong, but I don’t want to give him all the credit,” Fenrir clarifies.

The wind and the wave from the cannonball are just barely enough to send The Shoebill past that tower at the entrance of Port Tugator. While The Shoebill may be the first ship to pass by, both the longship with its freshly-repaired bow and The Steel Tiger pass it up on the way back to the docks.

Alexander stands proudly aboard his ship ready to feel the hatred of the city’s peoples.

“Hey, Alexa!” Fenrir shouts.

Alexander tries ignoring Fenrir’s call, but gives in and looks.

Both Fenrir and Serra have their hands raised to give Alexander a total of four middle fingers when he looks.

“Too afraid to take us on yourself that you’ve got to team up to do it?” Fenrir asks, shouting over to the passing ship.

“Too afraid to fight that you must run away?” Alexander asks back.

The city’s crowds cheer. Neither Fenrir nor Alexander knows why until they look up at the screen broadcasting the entire second round of the tournament, and the main display of it is showing Fenrir and Serra flipping off Alexander.

Alexander wants to cringe, but when he hears the crowd boo and cry over him and his ship being shown on the screen, he regains his composure. “This will be settled in the final round, Mr. Wolf. I hope that you’re looking forward to sinking,” he says.

“Right back ‘atcha, Alexa,” Fenrir says before giving a few dramatic waves of his middle fingers.

“You’re so lame, Fenny,” Oleander says, “but that’s exactly how to be around him.”

Fenrir grins when he sees Alexander’s cringing, annoyed expression. It’s the ugliest expression that he has seen anybody give him in years, and he loves it.

“He’s too serious,” Serra says.

“Yeah, I hate guys like him. All serious, no play. Want to see him get really mad?” Fenrir asks.

Serra looks up at him and nods.

“Alexa! One last thing!” Fenrir shouts out, grabbing Alexander’s attention.

When Alexander turns around to see what Fenrir wants, he sees an upside-down OK sign that Fenrir is making over his thigh.

Alexander does not say anything nor show any reaction, instead just turning away and returning to the rest of his crew as Fenrir laughs. “That will never get old. I remember kids doing it in kindergarten, and now people still do it.”

“What is meme may never die,” Serra says.

“Is that a reference to something?”

Serra audibly sighs and leans back against Fenrir. “Bad taste,” she says.

“Definitely. Now, let’s get docked.”

With the second round of the tournament over, Ull has returned to the visitor’s manor in the city where the rest of his harem is being kept.

Several girls are lined up waiting for him when he returns. The one standing at the front of the line is none other than his first girlfriend – the chained dragon girl.

“You look upset, Master. Has something happened?” she asks him.

“It’s that annoying wolf brat again,” Ull says and groans.

“You mustn’t let him get to you, Master. He is nothing compared to you. You are our wonderful master and the leader of the greatest faction within this world. I am sure that he disappoints both his crew and his lovers, whereas you are never anything but beyond perfection,” she says while running the tips of her fingers from Ull’s forehead to his jaw.

“Thank you, Eliza. Aside from him, a curious boy approached me after the round. He wishes to become one of my champions, and from what I have seen, he would be deserving of the honor aside from that I just cannot trust him yet. That is why I offered him a deal.”

“What did you offer him?” his girlfriend whispers into his ear.

“I told him that if he could kill the wolf and sink his ship then he would be allowed the honor. I also told him that if he can manage to bring me the wolf and his girlfriends to me, alive, then I would consider letting him have some… private time with the serpent girl.”

“What do you mean?”

“I told him that he will be permitted the chance to try and make her do whatever he wants. He cannot force himself on her, of course, and I know that she would never do anything or else I would not give him this chance in the first place, but it should serve as a good motivator.”

“You should offer him one of the defiant slaves instead, Master. They are no longer human, so they cannot say no to whatever he may wish.”

“I know, but just imagine how much worse the wolf will feel when he discovers that they shared a room together. Even if she were to, by some outrageous chance, do anything with my new prospect, I cannot truthfully say that I would care anymore. I know that she will never break, and that makes her incredibly boring. No matter how rare she may be, and no matter how strong the blessing is that she could gift to me, I just am tired of spending so much time on her. Maybe I will even offer the wolf’s life in exchange for her doing whatever the wolf’s new rival wants. She does love her drama, so I am sure that she would love being forced to spread her legs for her little crush’s life.”

“You are a twisted man, Master, but that is why I have fallen for you so. Now, which of us would you like to service you for the evening?”

Ull looks the girls over, all of whom are on their knees with their heads lowered and waiting to hopefully be chosen.

“Why not all of you?”

“Release me,” Nell says, her eyes glowing with a bright green energy that floods into the guards’ eyes.

They walk over to her and undo the chains binding her.

“Open the door,” Nell gives them their next command.

The two guards open the door and step aside.

“Now, clear the way.”


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