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Your wife surprises you by sending the kids off trick or treating with a neighbour for some sexy roleplaying as the hot cheerleader. #kidsareaway #goodboy #roleplaying #husband/wife #loving fdom #good little slut #blowjob #lockerroom sex-ish πŸ˜‰

I always laugh when someone comments: "This isn't realistic." The point of sweeping you up in an erotic fantasy is to make ANYTHING feel realistic!!  That's what I do! If everything I created was traditionally realistic, what would be the point?πŸ˜‚ You would be so bored with me.


When one of my incredible patrons mentioned he would like a husband and wife getting sexy time while the kids are out theme...I kind of loved it. Actually I really loved it and I waited for inspiration to hit. And it did! This was all improv recording so I didn't lose the idea in that moment. Hope you love it!



Randy Nanjad

Love this theme, Y! Would enjoy hearing a variation of your shy guy work, maybe at a hallows party, taken by the costume but not quite able /ready to chat her up?


Thanks to the idea originator and to you for the amazing improv because this was thoroughly enjoyable.