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Here's a drawing I made to commemorate today's MHA animation!

Two years ago, I saw this exact scene in the original work and drew fan art of it. At the time, I had many areas that were lacking compared to now, so I really wanted to draw it again.

I made this drawing while revising the sketch and line art multiple times during the time I had left between commissions, haha.

I'm glad I could let go of my lingering feelings this time.

I'm also happy because the animation turned out well and satisfying.

As I worked on this personal piece, I had more thoughts about drawing, and besides lectures, I also got a lot of help from consistently watching YouTube.

I can't say it's been a good life, but I think I was born in a good time, haha.

The fantasy Mirko I'm currently working on also applies the concepts I learned recently.

Especially, the concept of density was very vague to me, but I got to hear a really well-organized explanation.

Although my color sense and other skills are still lacking, I'll try to improve them slowly and steadily!













오늘 mha 애니메이션 기념으로 그린 그림입니다!

2년 전에 정확히 이 장면을 원작에서 보게 되어 팬아트를 그렸었는데, 당시에는 현재에 비해 미숙한 부분이 많았던 시기라 꼭 다시 한번 그려보고 싶었습니다.

커미션을 진행하면서 남는 시간에 스케치랑 라인아트를 여러 번 수정했었던 그림이었어요 하하

이번에 미련을 털 수 있어서 다행이라고 생각합니다

애니메이션도 만족스럽게 잘 나온 터라 기분이 좋네요

이번에 개인작을 진행하면서 그림에 대한 고민이 더 많아졌었는데, 강의 말고도 유튜브를 꾸준히 보면서 많은 도움을 받았습니다.

좋은 인생이라고는 말을 못하겠지만, 좋은 시기를 타고났다고 생각해요 하하

바로 진행 중인 판타지 미르코도 이번에 배운 부분의 응용입니다

특히 밀도에 대한 개념이 매우 모호했는데, 정말 잘 정리된 설명을 들을 수 있었어요.

아직 색감이나 다른 스킬들은 아직 부족하지만, 천천히 꾸준하게 고치도록 노력하겠습니다!




😳....👌 I'm starting to like Mirko more and more thanks to your art. She there with midnight for me


Thank you for the highest praise! If I ever come up with a good idea, I'll make sure to work on drawing Midnight as well!


Youve been doing a great job, i can tell youve improved a lot. im looking forward to all future art 🙏❤️❤️


Thank you for the compliment! I'll continue to do my best!🙏❤️