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comic finished! hope you enjoy itttt~ this was the last commission from the batch i took in february that had around 15, am so happ i was finally able to finish x3

btw, about the recent polls, Mirko won her poll by quite a bit so yeah, youll see her complete comic soon :3 i already have base colors and some shading ready, so you should see it in the next 2 or so days. and in the ZZZ poll Grace and Nicole were very close, taking into consideration the double votes that they got, the difference was of only 1 votes in favor of Grace, so I'll be doing a drawing for each of them! 




WOW! A great contender for my favorite Sachi-verse character~! Amazing work as always <3

David Barrios

I would of definitely lost on purpose I would not mind being a carpet for you Sachi.