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  • FUTA_question.mp4



About futa device.

This test animation is ready faster than expected and it looks like this is still a beta version of the device. What do you think needed to change (except size, it's really easy to change ) in shape, color, maybe add a color gradient or some dots?




A colour gradient using blotches, like almost a cows skin would work well. From dark to light. I think its far too long for a flaccid stance, but thats just my opinion


I'd suggest making it shorter, around knee length, and a little thicker.


Yes, I also think about this type texture, it looks kind of attractive :3


I agree with Jack, knee length would look great. Some color blotches also might add some variety to how they look. I also think a slight vein or two here and there might also give it some extra pop. Awesome work and I love how they’re turning out! Futa ponies are my weakness lol


Got it, length is close to the one that was in the previous picture.


big jusey balls to :D


Good grief, that outfit is just drool worthy. I so wish I could use that for my models. As for the cock, color gradient would help, maybe even trying to model in a few subtle veins.


Yep, I can add a little veins, I don't want cock to look monstrous: this is something more like advanced strap-on for me <3

Vebril Eladriandill

As far as the looking like it’s beta, I think that’s just because you have it matching the color of her fur so closely when it’s supposed to be flesh. Also some veins and details would help to make it look less beta as well. As for the size, like everyone else keeps mentioning, I think it’s perfect. The size ratio to her body looks more realistic to an actual pony’s member so size is perfect in my opinion


My thoughts would be little shorter and thicker at the base, or just thicker over all if keeping that long. Bigger in the balls and darker base with either gradient or spotted transition to her coat color around the midring.


Thicker and with a gradient is probably the way to go, here. I'm a massive size queen, so I wouldn't a bit mind bigger, myself - even if that throws realism out the window.


I think a darker gradient with splotches is a good start. Maybe squashing the head beyond the flare a little bit.

Bob Hershey

Knee-length, wider at the base, a few shades darker than the rest of her body, and smooth, shiny and even darker beyond the foreskin.


looks nice as is but maybe a slight difference in color from the body, like maybe a bit darker blue and also maybe a bit shorter


Darken it a bit and perhaps edit the head to be a bit less bulbous? looks like its half horse half human at the moment.


It’s probably already been said, but thicker dick and bigger balls~


Not a fan of the head. It resembles that of a human. I’m a fan of unflared but flared dick is still juicy. Maybe make the balls hang a bit more and up the size. My opinion but you do you

Cult of Dust

The head definitely looks too human currently. Though as a sub I absolutely love the POV >.>


slightly thicker, bigger balls, smush the tip a bit to make it look more like a horse, and definitely add a color gradient. i would suggest the gradient go from #000B18 to #00264D


It needs to be wider at the base and where the sheath ends the rest needs to be a little different color. and I'm not a fan of the head either but both or one of the first things i said i'd rather see done. But just as it is, is great work!


Also I'd LOVE to see a Sheathed version of this! Something about that i like so much but there is very little of it out there!


Perhaps darker near the base? Its seems off being one solid color


Thicker, definitely. Needs more of a horsey head than a human-ish one. Love the length personally.


Yeah like catch2000 said, have it more horsecock like, looks good btw


The base model is great I have to say. In regards to changes, I'll list them below, which I feel are needed in my opinion. 1. The part of the penis which connects to the groin should be quite thicker compared to the rest of the penis, up until the medial ring. This is due to the sheath where the penis will retract into when not erect. 2. The medial ring should look more like luscious lips sealed tightly around the bottom 'tube' section of the penis, as that is where some skin will accumulate ready for the penis to retract back into it. 3. The tip of the penis is fine, since it is still in it's flaccid state. However, if you were to create a flared version where the end expands, then that area will need to get a bit flatter. 4. The urethra on the top half of the penis, from the medial ring to the groin, shouldn't be as defined compared to the bottom part, due to that area having excess skin which forms the sheath. The bottom part however is fine. If this isn't clear, you could post a direct side view and I or others, could edit it to how we feel would make it look best, if that were to help. Many thanks for all your great work once again. A pleasure to be supporting you.