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Hey guys, so this isn't serious or anything, just something I feel should be noted in regards to these. So I still have DOZENS of you to add to the art pool, and lately I've been a bit pressed for time when it came to getting these started as some patrons were unable to respond to my messages/email right away. Of course I hold no one at fault, things happen, people are busy with their own things in life, delays are gonna happen!

That being said, I tend to send an email whenever I'm unsure a Patreon DM works a few days after I've posted it. So if I have sent an email but have not heard from you 5 days after the email is sent, I must sadly press on and move onto the next patron down the list. I will of course send an email that I have to move on to another patron but will assure you that you will be on the next art pool, if you wish to still be in it. 

I do apologize if this is an inconvenience for some but this art pool is already taking so long to get through and I want to get through everyone as quick as I am able to, I hope you guys understand. <=3



Sounds perfectly fair and reasonable to me. I was on the cusp of telling you to go ahead and choose another patron last month before the idea of a pangolin came to me. Isn't fair for you, your own schedule, and your workflow if you're left hanging.


i did express worry this may be too much when you originally started. make sure you don't burn out D:


Oh I'm not worried about the burn out, I just don't want to have to work on a sketch during the last few days of the month, that's my worry <X3


Thank you Vadric, but you were able to get back to me in time, so no worries there =3