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Hi there everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, if you observed it of course! As I wait for the last patron to verify the updates for their sketch I am here to relay some...well I'm sure its not exactly pleasant news to hear; but I have to take a break from sketches this month. There's a number of things I have to take care of and I wouldn't really be able to work on the sketches if I did them this month, on top of visiting my folks later in the month for Christmas.

And sadly the only means I have of drawing when I'm not home is my sketchbook...I don't have a tablet to draw digitally on the go, be nice if I did but even them I'm not even sure what I would have to do or get to go about that ^^; 

I'm hoping to be able to work on something....ANYTHING for before the end of the year, maybe a nice Christmas art piece....hmmmm. Well if you guys have any suggestions for a Christmas art idea feel free to let me know <=3


Toon Power

I say take a break and enjoy the holidays, but if you're looking for ideas I would say Amelia decorating a large Akira like a tree

Jon Geist

Do whats right for yourself, my friend


Thank you Toon! Haha, well that would be a cute idea for sure X3 &lt;3