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Should've posted this a LOOOONNG time ago, these are the roughs for a little comic story that Zera and I have been working on, with Zera having a wrestler side to herself she thought and helped me come up with mine, and this is a sort of origin story of said wrestler side. I've been working on the clean up for this but with work being as tiresome as it is art in general has been slow, but I'm doing what I can to work on stuff, wish I could do so faster but I'm managing with what I can <=3

More progress and such to be posted soon!



Sebastian delaBarra

Ye gods your expressions just makes this hundreds times hotter! Also that boop! iz adorable uwu


Love this kind of growth comics where there's a story behind it! Even the Ryu Oni design with his new fangs and horns, it was pretty enjoyable to read!