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Wow Theon continues to be a complete failure. I gained a little bit of respect for the Iron Islanders for not being ok with killing kids which is a very low bar to pass tbh.


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Kemi Stanton

Ah, looks like the video is set to private!

Kemi Stanton

Huzzah! It's working now. Oh man, it's time for one of my favourite character pairs, Brianne and Jamie! Jamie's a jerk but one of my favourite characters, for similar reasons as Sandor Clegane. They have their own personal sense of honour that they cover up with a harsh, uncaring mask. Everybody in universe reviles him as a man without honour but I mean, his biggest dishonourable moment was literally killing a mad king. You've seen the lore videos, what Aerys did to people was abhorrent. Jamie should be hailed as a hero for killing him and stopping the madness, but because he's kingsguard he was expected to look the other way and wait for somebody else to kill him?? Nonsense Oh! Btw, I'm not sure 100% exactly what Indi wants to be here for but I have a really good idea - and it's the second to last episode in the season! Should just be called "Blackwater". Just in case, I wouldn't want them to miss it! I love the two of y'all conversing for Steven so I'm stoked for the Indi cameos on this too!


Wow, your comment made me have to acknowledge a harsh truth. I criticized the knights following King Joffrey's actions earlier this season when he was abusing Sansa. Yet, when you put Jamie’s action in that context I somewhat respect him more. Idk i just assumed most of his motivation were for his family and not the good of the 7 kingdoms. And oops I’m so sorry I ended up watching Blackwater on my own and it was definitely the more action packed episode of the two :/ I think Indi was confused and thought I was on season 3 of the show because they said they really wanted to be there for the episode “The Red Wedding”