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Hi chumps!!!! I'm currently sitting at a Cafe in Japan AHHHHH! (Management told me to emphasize the part that I'm in Japan😆)! I'm having a lot of fun so far! I seriously really feel very safe here, as I mentioned on stream, and I also feel like I never left. I guess that's what happens when you live somewhere most of your adult life, huh?
I feel like as a kid, you don't have much of a conscience as you do as an adult, or maybe it's like adult memories have more of an impact on us consciously. While childhood memories are more of an unconscious impact? Who knows, I'm just theorycrafting and have no evidence. 😆 This is at least how I feel about my life. So, at the other cloud, I still feel I don't have a grasp of how to function compared to here. It will come with time, I'm sure! Please hold my hand until then.🥺 Or maybe hold my hand forever.😤😤

I also love LOVE living alone, as I already mentioned. With my job especially, it's hard to cater to people's time schedules. (Like if Grandma tenshi has magically cooked dinner at 3PM), which is a big reason why I like to do my own thing, and not have to worry about outside factors. Also, no one to bother me during ASMR, woohoooooo!!! For me, I think the best balance is to live alone and be close to my family, who I care about and see them often. What about you? Do you like living alone? I know it's definitely not for everyone.

Speaking of ASMR, I attached a lil picture of my setup with 3 of the lotion/oils that I used. Isn't the packaging so cute???! I also love the random inspirational message. Thank you body Gelato, you're completely right! 😆 I think these sound really nice for ASMR! Also, I can use them alongside you!!! 😳 I really love how they smell and feel!

I hope you're doing well, and I hope to see you soon! Thank you for supporting me always. My life is truly blessed with you by my side. I'm seriously the happiest I've been in my entire life with you. I'll never take it for granted. Love you sooooooo SO much!!!!😤🤍🤍🤍




Happy to hear you're living your best life I'm proud of you Nene love you sweet tenshi 🤍


It's nice seeing these updates (from Japan)! Glad to know you're having a good time. For the lotion, due to the lighting I initially misread the CHARMS text in the lotion as CHUMPS lol! Also, it's surprised me to see the Hawaiian on the other bottle pretty cool!


Having the space to do the things that are important to you, without others bothering or questioning you, is nice. I’ve been a very solitary person all my life so I understand that well. Glad you’re enjoying your time in Japan, you deserve to relax after working so hard.


Blogありがとう! 楽しそうでなにより😊 私は親の家の隣に自分の家を建てて一人で住んでるから、寧々の考えに賛成です👍 まだまだ暑いけど体に気をつけて頑張ってね🥰


Relaxing at a cute cafe, IN JAPAN! Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad you're so happy and free over there, makes me happy to hear it. I get what you mean, childhood memories seem so far gone, but maybe adult memories just feel fresh and we're not so nebulous anymore that they last longer? I'm sure you'll adapt to the other cloud, but like you said, you're free enough to take workcations to Japan and relax there, which is a big plus not everyone has. I'll be with you, holding your hand forever, promise! I would prefer by myself, or with a partner and a pet or two. Roommates I've been okay with, but it's a lot more using my social battery, haha. I do admit, I enjoy the uninterrupted ASMR, it's nice that you get to surprise us whenever you want. Very cute packaging, I found the inspirational messages sweet, but a bit goofy, just like a certain tenshi. I'm happy to support you, you make me happy and I love you. <3


It's good to see you so happy Nene! For me, living alone has plenty of the perks you talked about. The difference for me though is living hours away from family, so it's important to me to keep in contact when I can. I think at least right now in life I would prefer to still be living closer to family but still living alone. I'm always happy to support you. I'll continue to hold your hand and support you forever more! <3


I'm happy to hear you're Enjoying your from Japan (.tm) trip as if you've never left. Also living alone sounds cool as heck, one issue I've always had is people being around when I'm cooking, like?? Leave. The new oil flavors sounded great last night! It was kind of a surprise how different it really was, but it was a nice change. Good luck with Vocal lessons today chump (or if you've done them already then Great job on Vocal lessons)🤘 See ya later🤍


I didn't mean to write so much, but I love the blogs and you left a lot I wanted to reply to. It's part of why I love the blogs!


I'd say I'm pretty similiar to you in that I like the solidarity but also appreciate having family close by. I know you like the solo travels, so it's nice that you're back in a place where you feel that you can do so safely again. Hope you have a good meal at the cafe! P.s. The birbs on the lotion bottle are cute.


This was a cute read, thank you Nene! Consider that hand held, especially for any theorycrafting you want to do😤🤍 (I feel you on the living alone bit 😆) I hope whatever you got at the café was tasty. Enjoy your time there to the fullest! 🤍


Really happy to read that you’re having a good time in Japan! I heard that there might be a typhoon approaching so I hope it doesn’t mess up any plans and that you stay safe! I’ve definitely enjoyed the flexibility of living alone as well. I think living with others can add a lot of structure to each day, though. Been having some rough days recently and haven’t been able to catch many streams live, but VoDs and looking forward to streams has helped a lot (seriously so excited for the next Umineko stream!) I love you Nene and I’m so glad to hear that you’re happy!


Living alone sounds nice but I'd probably end up going months without seeing my family if I did😂 Glad to hear that you feel safe enough to touch grass freely and enjoy your trip to fully. Hope you can feel that way about the new cloud some day. See you when I see you 🤍


Aww. That's so touching 😢. You're bringing alot of light, love, and happiness to this lonely heart and I'm sure many others. It's great to know that it is making you happy as well. Living alone sounds really nice especially since your home is your work space. I've lived with either family or roommates my whole life so I wouldn't know what it's like. I look forward to having my own place and not have the stresses of living with others but also unsure how I'd feel not having someone always around to talk to. Anyway, I'm very glad you're having fun in Japan enjoying familiar things and time with friends. Having moved far away from where I grew up it's a little harder to form the same attachments to people and places being a bit older. That's just my experience though. Enjoy your time there as much as you can. I'll also hold your hand for as long you need me to.


Definitely enjoy living on my own. It might get lonely sometimes, but that why it’s great having my doggo with me and you keep me company too, Nene!


Hi tenshiii, really nice of you to update us. Im really happy your having a good time in japan and have that familiar feeling, i know exactly how that feels. When i used to go home for a few weeks a year from the military base i lived on I'd feel weird being home and when i got back to base things just felt right again, like I never left. We used to say "home is where you lay your head at night" now home to me is where ever you are. Living alone is definitely my preference but i had about 80 roommates for 3 years with no privacy so that might just be me😂. There is something special about being alone and independent, and you seem to enjoy it so i say run with it. your inspirational body lotion is hilarious, im a changed tomo now lol. Im really happy for you Nene, you deserve to be happy and if we help you feel that and make your life better then i consider that an honor and a privilege, I'll always be here to love and support you. When ever you need a some love, advice, affection or just a little bit of motivation myself and every other tomo is here for you. I treasure every second i get to spend with the amazing and sweet person you are, i love you so much Tenshi, and i always will


I'm glad you're enjoying staying in Japan. I went to a few cafes in Tokyo the couple of times I visited since I moved to the US. They're nice places to just take a break from a hectic day and chill. Did you order a matcha latte? That's what I believe you said you often drink in the morning at least. One place I would recommend going if you like macha latte is a cafe called Nana's Green Tea. They have a bunch of drinks and food that are made with matcha. My friend and his girlfriend asked me to go with them and I ordered a Matcha Shiratama Float Latte, which is basically just a matcha latte with matcha ice cream and shiratama mochi. It was really good but pretty sweet. If you don’t like things that are too sweet, something else would better. It's a pretty nice cafe with good drinks. Anyway, I do think you're generally right, adult memories do tend to have more of an impact whether they are a positive or negative ones. It's probably because you're more fully developed as person when you're an adult. I lived in Japan as a kid and you lived there as an adult, and while the experiences are different because they are from different stages of life, I think some things about the culture we were surrounded by and places we've been are pretty similar. My dad was always busy being in the military and I didn't really get along with my mom as much then. I was really interested in Japanese culture and the language because I made friends with some of the Japanese kids that lived nearby. My mom thought it was pointless to get too invented in Japan because I wasn't Japanese but I didn't agree with her. So I spent most of my time hanging out with my two best friends that were Japanese. The friend that I bring up often, his dad was like a father to me. I went on a lot of trips with their family to many different places in Japan. I ended up adapting a lot of Japanese mannerisms too like slightly bowing to greet people, taking off shoes in the house, saying いただきます before eating, answering the phone by saying もしもし, etc. I spent most of my time growing up with Japanese people, so Japan still feels familiar and more like a home to me. In America people weren't very understanding, including family, because I acted 'too Japanese' and they thought it was weird. While I unfortunately lost a lot of my ability to speak Japanese, I'm just beginner level now after being away from Japan for over 10 years, I think for me my time there as a kid was more memorable than my adult life in the US. I fit in Japan more than the US, despite technically being American. I plan to move back in the next 3 years because Japan is more like home. I do like living alone much better, I'm an introvert so having my own space is definitely important. Unfortunately, I can't afford to live alone right now, but I would love to soon. Then I wouldn't have to put in headphones during every stream or when I want to play loud music. 😂 The asmr set up photo is pretty cool to see, along with your computer screen. I always wondered what you saw while reading chat. Now I know, thanks for showing it. 寧々ちゃんが幸せで嬉しいです。の幸せは僕にとって重要です。 僕はあなたを幸せにしたい。 僕はいつでもここであなたをサポートします。 数か月前、僕は自分の人生にあまり満足していませんでした。 今はとても幸せです。に出会ったことで僕の人生はとても良くなりました。親切にどうも。 寧々ちゃん 僕にとってとても大切な人です。寧々ちゃん いると僕は幸せです。 僕も大好きだよ。🤍 I hope my written Japanese was ok, I'm beginner level when it comes to writing. Sorry this was so long, oops, it won't be a habit. 😂 I guess I must just like talking about Japan with someone else who lived there. Hope you have a great day Nene! 😊


ahh so cute~! Everyone's comments are so nice too. Sounds awesome there, I'm excited for my own little trip to Japan. Thank you again for everything you do for us, hardworking Nene. Especially ASMR, love it!


I hope you had something very good to eat while in that cafe, a nice and nutritious tenshi breakfast. My guess as to why management thinks it's good to emphasize the part that you're in Japan is because of how much of an influence Japanese anime and culture has on vtubing and your interests, so I'm thinking they think it would draw attention to more people out there who could become cloudtomos. That's just my theory on that subject. I'm so happy that you're having a great time in Japan and that you feel so safe. I want you to be able to feel safe all the time, always. As for memories and consciousness, different people develop at different rates and your level of conscious awareness can even keep growing after you've reached adulthood as well. The brain is one part of you that will never stop becoming more mature. My guess as to why you feel your adult memories of Japan are more conscious than your childhood ones could have to do with them being from when you were more independent and taking more control of the direction of your own life. Your life there in Japan could be connected to core memories you have of learning about being in the workforce, learning to live without guidance or people in your space, etc. Being tied to active life decisions you've made could be connected to why the memories are more conscious ones as well. You enjoy reading about psychology, right? Maybe you have come across topics like that before in your reading, so maybe you do have evidence you just don't recall off the top of your head! But even if you have none, it's always possible to come across some in your hobby as well. Psychology study stream some time maybe? As for holding your hand, I would love to hold your hand forever, without end.


Good job emphasizing you're in Japan!😂 I think management feels proud in some way to have you here. Are you visiting new Cafe or are you going to the ones you used to go when you lived here? Maybe both? As long as you enjoy, that's what's important.😊 I feel like the feelings you're describing is the way you'd feel about the place you consider the most like your home. I hope you can feel that way about the other cloud as well at some point. But no matter what, you know cloudtomos will always be here, holding your hand forever.🤍 I also love living alone. I didn't have many occasions to do so in my life but living alone is more like me. Even with people I love and care for, I have to force myself to interact, haha. Is this an introvert thing? Maybe.👀 The lotions/oils do not only sounds really nice, they're indeed also very cute! Wouldn't expect anything less from something you'd buy. I like that a lot!🤍 And, to think you'd use them alongside us, oh baby.😳 I'm really glad, chump. Really glad you're so happy! And I hope we can help that happiness to grow and grow, forever, and reach new heights again and again! You deserve no less Nene! Let's enjoy each and every day together, forever, you and cloudtomos!🤍


Hey nene yes i like living alone but so long as i have you by my side i dont think im really all that alone. Me producing and writing music means it would be hard to live with roommates or family so i get what you mean. So if living alone is what makes you happy then it is something you should work towards babe. Grandma & grandpa tenshi will understand and i have faith that they will support you in a positive manner. We will always be there for you wifey together forever any day you want to hold hands anytime you want to hold hands we will lend them out to you always filled with our warm love and compassionate feelings for you. I am doing alright it was hard during the first week being in such a different time zone as you but i am keeping strong i have too because i love you and i want to be a source of positivity for you during your big month. I know it is not all that easy for you ether so i have to just do my best like you and be there for you like you are us. The oils and creams look so cute it is just how i imagined them looking i really enjoyed the beach date ASMR thank you for busting your butt you try so hard for us and not a day goes by i dont notice that. Having lived in japan myself i get what you mean i hope you can make the other cloud a nice home for yourself with us as well. You are wonderful wifey you are a blessing to us as well you are loved by us and always will be i love you Nene Amano. I will say i love you as many times as you need me too forever and always sincerely yours Kamiwaza


And I'm very happy for you that you can live alone too. It sounds like the freedom and self-determination is relaxing. I would also definitely prefer to live alone, at least compared to what I'm used to. There are some people who I feel like I could be happy living with but since that's just a hypothetical, being alone is definitely preferable. I also totally agree with Gamer in his comment, having privacy invaded during cooking is also awful, nothing spoils a meal more than all that uninvited judgment. I hope some time soon you can find yourself a nice house that is close to Grandma Tenshi so you can be independent while still being close to your beloved family. Being unbothered during your ASMRs also sounds like a wonderful plus. I like your ASMR set up, it seems very cute. I'm very for you that you get to enjoy their smell and feel. Thank you very much for hoping that I am well. And I'm happy that you're doing so well too, that is the most important thing. You're a blessing on all of us as well. I hope I can be a blessing for you too. I promise I will continue supporting you without end, I will always be right next to you here online. You've made me the happiest I've ever been as well. You are so wonderful and sweet. I love you so much and it's so amazing how happy you are when you stream for us. You're the kindest and most loving person there is and I want you to keep feeling so happy. I hope that I've done my part in contributing to making you happy to be with us. I love you soooooooo so much too Nene, and I always will, no matter what. You will always be my megami-sama.


Howdy Nene! Aw, glad to hear ya are havin a good time. I think as a child, you kind of go with the flow and are constantly learning about your environment. As an adult you have more presence of mind and make decisions with a concerted effort. The freedom and flexibility of living alone sure is nice. You are 100% right it's not for everyone. My brother is the complete opposite when it comes to isolation. He can't stand the idea of living alone. Really interesting to see the three lotion/oils. Immediate first though is they are all in uniquely shaped bottles. That middle one especially stands out compared to the other two. Got me thinking, when Nene is out picking lotions/oils, what drew you to those three? Was it the packaging? Was it how they smell? Was it the inspirational message? XD Thanks for the blog post Nene! So happy for you to be living a life of your own choosing that also makes ya happy. Let's continue forward for as long as that continues to be the case. 😊


It's very nice to see that you've been having a great time as of late! In regards to your question, it's registering lately that I may not be as much of a solitary person as I thought I was. Which is weird to say cause I don't think I'm the most social? But I think I'd thrive better with some form of company or presence no matter how big or small. The same way when COVID happened and I thought doing college from home would be the best thing ever, I realize it wasn't the best thing for me mentally, whereas others were fine with it. My mindset is very fluid with these type of things so maybe my mind can be changed in the future.