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So, having a conversation with a few folks, made me realize, I need to break down my projects into smaller chunks if I intend to really get them ironed out and finished, and since one of my projects is a Calendar, it fits the vibes for a Monthly release! So... with that in mind, this is my statement of intent:

I will be continuing the Fairy Calendar Project, with a Monthly Release, and collecting the entire project after they're all finished!

 I will be trying to release these Calendar pin-ups on the first of each month (or a few days early, the last few days of the month before) so that they are accessible to everyone! Patrons will get content here and see my WIP progress (and I'll be talking about it in the discord). So, I'll be trying to make October's Page and details first, since... well... That's the month that's coming up? But if I miss that hurdle because of other projects, November will be coming then. 

This break-up of the projects into smaller projects that can like... voltron combine together into a bigger project also makes me want to reapproach some previous projects I've abandoned, so we might see more projects coming back up, but for now, I'm gonna try to keep it simple! Here's an early example of what to expect: 

This is Carrot! He was my intended Fairy for January, but, obviously, he's gonna need to wait a few months now, but yeah! Expect these pseudo character sheets! Also, a Proper Pin-up for Each Calendar page, along with... maybe some little phone wallpapers and such? Unsure, but I want to make this a monetizable project! 

If any of you have input, suggestions, places to sell, or other product ideas I could maybe take up as ways to diversify my income streams, let me know! I'd love to hear them! 

Thanks everyone! :D 


Hayden Hayes

I’m always in support of doing whatever works best for you! Pushing yourself isn’t going to help, and don’t forget to give yourself credit for the work you’ve put in.