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Hey everyone! It's time for another suggestion box! Our $6 patrons voted on what rule to apply, and they decided...

"The Character must be an Original Character" The Rules are a little different, because we're choosing from one of my OCs! Feel free to check the #Original Character Tag for some suggestions, or hell, any you remember from any of my other platforms, go nuts! Regardless: These rules still apply:

Characters must be Male
Characters must be Adults

Everything else is allowed!

Leave your Suggestion in the Comments down below! One Suggestion per comment, up to 3 Suggestions per Patron!  If you see a suggestion you like, leave a heart on it so that I know what's popular! I'll be looking over the suggestions, picking the ones that sound the most fun/y'all are the most into, and making a poll of 4 for everyone to vote on!

Suggestions Close on Friday Night!




Easterbunny Punk I can never quite remember the name for ;A;


My guy I need more Imp 😭