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Hey everyone! This month my main goal is to Finish Flora, ideally I can do that sooner in the month than later in the month, but we shall see! 

Also, the Suggestion Box is opening up once more! I kinda wanna take this month a bit easier, since Roadhog was a bit of a challenge for me to think of a pin-up idea for! I'm happy with the result, but I wanna make the process a touch easier, while still giving you all a good amount of choice and influence in the process at large! I initially was gonna pre-pick some options this month, but I think I'll just loosely pick a theme instead? if that works for you all? 

Continuing on, this month's Suggestion Box theme is: Monstrous Men
Please suggest a man (up to 3 per person) who fits the criteria of being Monstrous, or Monster Related

These can be anthro/gijinka versions of non-human Monsters, like from Pokemon, or Monster Hunter

These can be Characters who are Monsters, such as Swamp Thing, Frankenstein's Monster, Scott Howl, etc

These can also be Characters who are Monstrous, like Gascoigne, Ganondorf, etc 

These CANNOT BE MINORS, even if they are Monsters. Characters like Jake Long, Spyro, Baby Pokemon, Stitch, etc will not be considered

I'll put a few of my own in the pool, so feel free to use those as inspiration! Please put each suggestion in a separate comment! 

If you see one you like, give that comment a like! I'll add the most liked ones to the poll, as well as any I take a particular liking towards! 

If there are any potential suggestions that absolutely blow the others out of the water, I will take those out for a separate image, and choose whoever comes in second

I'll close the box, and open the poll for $6 patrons starting on Friday! 



Suggestion 1: Morty the Minotaur, from Monster Camp


Suggestion 2: a Gijinka of Magnamalo, from Monster Hunter Rise


Suggestion 3: Swamp Thing, from DC Comics


Mike Haggar, the Mayor of Metro City from Final Fight



Keldric Usugi

Boar Ganon from Zelda.

Keldric Usugi

Malice corrupted Darruk from Breath of the Wild (Not canon, but a nice what-if situation if Ganon took over the big guy).

Keldric Usugi

A literal werewolf (no specifics, but my favorite is probably Warwick).


1. Dracula 2. Ganondorf (the big one) 3. Swamp Thing


Wolverine 'mutant ?'

Jonathan Marion

A minotaur or centaur, kink optional lol


Gijinka of Ridley, from the Metroid Games