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Had a lot of fun making this one! Might make some minor adjustments here and there before posting it on Tuesday but overall pretty happy with it.

Also, side note, but I've come across people reposting my art on other sites and brushing out my name or otherwise taking credit for my work. So to try and curtail that I think I'm gonna be a bit more obnoxious with my watermark when I post on other sites but on Patreon I'll post my work without any watermark so that you guys can enjoy just the art.

Thanks again for the support and have a Happy Halloween!



jm lat

This is so sick!! You never fail to amaze me with your ideas 🔥 membership is so worth it!

jm lat

Btw is it possible to make a no blood/ no weapon version of this drawing? If not then dw! Phenomenal work


Yeah I can definitely do a no blood one, will update with that in just a sec. A no weapon would take a bit more doing but I could probably find time to update it over the weekend.