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   It was a Friday at the end of the week, two animal students in the classroom after school were talking with each other. The female student black cat in the school uniform is Kimasobi. On the other hand, was a tall white tiger by the name Banko. The two were chatting about what their class was going to do for the festivities that's scheduled to happen after spring break. "THIS…THIS WILL WORK!"

   Banko proudly proclaimed to the black cat. He brings out a small tub of liquid. Kimasobi clocked her head to the right as she stared at the liquid. "What is this stuff," she asked the white tiger on his latest contraption. "Since we're selling sweets and Mikane likes fluffy stuff…"

   Banko grabs a metal wire and does a few quick adjustments to it. After a few moments he made a large ring out of the metal wires. "Watch this," he submerged the ring flat on the tub filled with the liquid. Next he lifts it and gives a sharp whipping-slashing motion. Kimasobi in the next instance eyes open up in her shock at what just unfolded.

   A massive sphere formed from the film of water Banko flunged from the wire shaped circle. "W-what in the fangs is this?!" Kimasobi stepped back a bit from the sight of the massive spherical object. "Impressive no,it's a giant soap bubble." Banko pounding his chest as if to prove his genius.

   As banko rambled on with the quibble and tidbits of how highly burst resistant the formula was. The unchecked giant soap bubble slowly leans closer to Kimasobi very ominously. "This bubble is creeping me out, that's it I'm popping it!" She immediately ready her claws and thrusted them into the bubble's membrane…but it didn't break…no it resisted along with sucking in her hand. "Wha-WHAT, LET GO!"

  As Banko rambles on Mikane, their classmate burst through with joyful greetings…but before she said anything, the scene of Kimasobi getting taken in by the giant soap bubble left her speechless.  "What the- BANKO WHAT HAPPEN HERE," also it still testing- oh, you Mika…I was explaining to Kimasobi how we would use bubbles in place of helium pump containers to wrap the balloons up and also…-OH MY FU—--ING GOOD BASTET LORD, WTF IS THIS?!!" A shocked Banko jaw dropped at what was in front.  Kimasobi was fully inside the bubble she attempted to bust with her claws.

   "What is this- GET ME OUT NYAAOOOOOOW!!!!" Kimasobi raged in her new confides, she rams her entire body against the insides of the bubble, but it flung her back. She tries clawing it but her hands slide off the walls. She finally starts beating on it  but to no avail… it was a fruitless endeavor. "(HISSSSS)this can't get any worse-"

   In the next moment…*slam* Juno the beaver was wheeling in the electric pump and crate full of balloons. "Hey guys just leaving-WHA!?' He instantly slipped on the dragging plug near his foot from the pump. The pump's hose with a random balloon pre-attached to it flung from Juno's accidental slip up, penetrating the bubbles membrane. In the Next second…-*WHHHHOORRRRRRRRRRRRR*!!!!!!!

   "Huh why is it- what the…!" Juno realized the pump automatically switched on due to his clumsy handling. On the other hand, Kimasobi noticed the hose lodged into the bubble with a balloon attached to it increasing in diameter. "Oh snap… why do I get the feeling…this is too much, I gotta find a way out!" Sensing the potential events unfolding, Kimasobi resumes her futile attempts to escape the now encroaching balloon.

   "Huehuehueeeee, Kima-cat getting trapped in a bubble with an encroaching balloon trapping her is a dream story plot fetish come true, huehuehueheeee~!" "BUBBLE-DUNCE, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR SEX FANTASIES AND HELP ME NOW!" Kimasobi shouted angrily at the fantasizing Mikakane, meanwhile Banko and Juno tried to find out how to turn the pump off. Unfortunately to the boys' horror… the power button is jammed in.

   "Bad news Kima… the balloon that is…invading your personal space, it's one of the ones that's from the science club." As Juno reviews the crate full of balloons, he accidentally grabbed not the regular…but the science club's experimental weather balloons. "Those- oh shit… Juno… find a way to either turn off, or break the air pump machine, at this rate she's gonna be squashed!"

   Over hearing the revelation that her life may be in danger, Kimasobi pushed the balloon expanding on her space trying to keep some room left. As minutes past she was now being sandwiched by the balloon crushing her and the bubbles limited space,"GGGGWWWWWWOOOOOOOOH(HELLLLLLLP!!!!)

    Just a few moments later, Banko smashes the air pump, stopping the inflation… but it was too late. "MMFFFMMMM(Can't move,)" Kimasobi was completely compressed between a bubble on the outside and a nearly over inflated weather balloon on the inside. "Umm… is there a way to pop the bubble at least?" Mikakane asked Banko sheepishly, "....k…" "huh," "it would take a week for it to finally wear out and burst…" EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!" The group reacted to the response with shock.

   Thus Kimasobi spent her spring break stuck between the confides of Banko and Juno's horrendous accidents.




heh, funny school looner romp