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*CRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAK* She pressed her whole upper body into the large punch balloon, ”it’s quite big…maybe a bit sturdy…?” She noted about it was one of those few high end limited punch balloons you get from going to comic-con/doujin conventions. Rima shifted the balloon’s imprint face front as she lays her upper body into it. “The imprint…Kawaii-desu…~ ne,” she gave it a hug as she watches the sun go down from the vacant classroom. Lost in the moment, Rima instinctively undid the nozzle and begun to blow more air into it…

*inhale* *exhale* Rima made steady progress as she blows more air into the balloon through her mouth. *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale* She continues the process after a few moments…”…it needs to be bigger.” With a brief break she resumes, the process of blowing it up more…*inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale* time was at a stand still as she leisurely took her time. “*pant* There…but…*pant* I’m really taking quite the risk.” The punch balloon was now 14’’ inches plus past it’s recommended size(22’’ inches,)but she wanted to do one  more thing before she left for summer vacation and eventually leave her Highschool life…”I…I want to do one last hump-to-pop in this classroom, fortunately your the last punchball before I can truly graduate from Highschool.”

With a simple quick half-tied knot, Rima set the balloon on the classroom chair next to her and begins her punch balloon’s [last rites]. *creak* *creak* The balloon’s rubber contorts in all 4 directions as she plants her butt on the old(but well maintained)clear oxidized rubber. *HIGH PITCHED SQUEALING BALLOON NOISES* Rima held on to the chair’s back head with one hand while she has her other hand pressing against the balloon. Doing so, she repeated a pseudo-like bucking rodeo motion repeatedly over-and-over for several minutes, “*moan*…*moan*, This skirt…better fix this for a minute.” Rima grabs the back end of her uniforms skirt, along with the front end, shifting it to the point where her panty-clad butt was sitting directly on top of the balloon.

“Better… now then…”Rima now begins to grind her entire body into it. Each successive bucking, grinding and humping she did to the punch balloon… it would still hold out. The balloon gave but held intact against the soon to be college girl’s advances. *squeak* *squeak* Rima leaned her hips into the balloon, the squealing…the creaking…the balloon made these noises as the sun slowly sets in the backdrop of the classroom. with each slow churning figure-eight motion her hips did, she was getting more aroused as her panty-clad private area glossed over the balloon’s surface repeatedly.

“A-a-a-anytime…n-n-now… *pant*, NNNNGGHGHHHHHHAAAAAHHH~!” In that next moment, she came…but the balloon held out. It didn’t pop, “…so…your hell bent on resisting me?” Taking her damp panty drenched bum of the balloon, Rima grabs the balloon’s nozzle once again, undoing the knot. “Lets try blowing you up to the point where either you break from my breath…or… … … *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale*…”

After a few minutes of blowing more air into her punch ball, Rima would check occasionally between a few breaths of air to see if it’s showing signs of the balloon’s skin becoming taught and tight. ”Well, just a few more breaths…*inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale*…there, all done.” With a calm smile, she brought the balloon closer to inspect its size. The punch ball was now literally double it’s original size making it about as much as 4.7’’ foot tall(nearly her height of 5.1‘’foot.) Rima took a momentarily notice of the time of night drawing near, “night fall…well lets end this shall we?”

With those parting words renewing her will to bust her punchball, she sat it down on the classroom floor this time setting the imprint face up. The balloons imprint was a picture of a girl donning a school swimsuit in a walk-on-water ball(W.O.W. Ball)with a giant balloon being inflated behind her pressing her against the W.O.W. Ball interior, like if it were a vac-bed pressure play. “The imprint…I‘ve always found this type of stuff more appealing than the usual traditional type of imprints.“ Rima bit her bottom lip as she mounts the bloated balloon. Hiking her skirt, ensuring that her nectar drenched lingerie met with the well aged rubber of the punch ball, Rima was now in position to ride and grind her old punch ball to bits.

Rima starts with her usual routine; upright straddle approach, bobbing back-and-forth, working up her sexual urges as she straddles the now near 5’’ foot balloon she has beneath her. As she straddles it, she recalls her favorite mobile games having a few dozen characters that she managed to roll(yes a gacha game)and successfully gotten them were in so-so, to outright the same situation as her balloons imprint. There was that one character from an idle game she likes due to the high-end L2D(Live two-dimensioned/dimensional) it got has a whopping hundred plus touch interactions based on relationship level cap, level cap, star up cap, rarity, and props. “I’m surprised the devs even upped it to 3D since this game is made by one person and is managed by that sole dev alone.” Feeling frisky about it, Rima got off the balloon, she went to her carry bag, grabbing a pretty large(nearly borderline a tablet sized)phone.

She switched the phone on as she remounted the balloon, now shifting to a all fours doggy-style position. “Oh a new notification from the artist I follow?” Slightly surprised, Rima checked the post. A 50,000 written bubble encasement fetish story with a picture greets her eyes. A dervish lick arouse from just the image alone…”…I think I found my subject for this situation.” Hiking up her skirt she presses her soaked panty clad-privates against the punch balloon as she reads the story.

After a few hours of riding and grinding her punch ball relentlessly…Rima was ly face down… not on the floor, but the balloon she was hellbent on destroying… it withstood three straight hours of her sexual charged advances…the time was nearing midnight. “…I guess I could keep you around…who knows…I could learn how to make similar balloons… I could sell them, but at a somewhat fair price.” Feeling a sense of defeat, but at the same time relief, Rima grabs her bag, phone, she somewhat fixed her uniform(drenched in bodily fluids)and proceeded to grab her over blown punch ball she inflated to a ridiculous 5.9’’ feet tall(during her three hours of rambunctious balloon humping and blowing.) With a deep breath, she looks back at the class room, eventually leaving the premises of her school. Looking at how her giant punch ball was riddle with bits of bodily fluid stains she said, “hmm I guess all those years of high school, of maintaining and preventing you from popping might be key…now…lets head off to home, I want to look into making my own rubber balloon





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Some Derp

So nice how the balloon didn't pop and instead just wins against her by pleasuring her so much she surrenders to it! 🎈🥵🎈