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  In an old castle fortress in a foreign land, a battle was unfolding. “TAKE THIS, HEAVENLY WALTZ,” a flash of steel dances against a barrage of energy waves from a sword saintess. “Pointless cannon fodder,” the pale skin, umbral-eyed deity warded off the attack, “GEO-LA-ZWEISS!” A fast crescent of earth and steel rushed to the dark being. “GRAGH, MORE IDIOTS TO CONTEND WITH-!? 

  In that instance
”DIVINE REIGN!!!” An armored paladin drives his lance into the dark being.“GRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” In that instance an unholy ember of flames erupts from the monster. Slowly as it’s body is immolated, it took one last step, cursing the three opponents in front of it.

  More people entered the room to check the current battle situation. “Has the deed be done?” A scholarly fellow entering the battlegrounds of the room asked the paladin, “yes
 VICTORY!!” With those words roared, the party has confirmed their opponent was confirmed defeated. The cheers of the party celebrating their accomplishments echoed throughout the now hallowed fortress, the band of adventurers left, leaving the now hallowed castle with their opponents defeat.

  one millennium later
”*groan* where am I?” Words echoed out in the old fortress castle, the voice belonged to the corpse of the fallen dark lord. As if struggling to get up, the body twitched and convulsed like an inch worm. “Urrgh, my head
” Mustering the strength the inebriated dark lord stood on his own two feet, leaning against a near by wall.

  In that instance figure hobbled of to a path way where this lead to a secluded room. The room had a old bed, and a mirror along with the basic bathroom necessities. The weakened figure looked into the mirror, “wait
 what-what is this
 who or what happened to me?” The now weakened dark lord discovered their reflection. “How
 I remember how my life was back on earth- wait
 don’t tell me
 did I reincarnate, or something?”

  As if trying to regain some memories of how he end up here, “right
now I remember
. I was an average man helping an old elderly ma’am up and getting her out of the way from a runaway retailer truck.” Looking at the mirror, they notice their reflection. “God I’m fucking brittle and ugly as hell
-“ before throwing itself under the wheels of the proverbial bus. “Wait that god I bumped into when I was dead, I bet it’s like those reincarnated stories where they say they give you some busted skills only to screw you with a shitty setting and the skill be relatively inert.” “Oh well
 not like it promised some cheat voucher like they did-?”

  In that moment he thought about his situation, “let’s check
Speaking something into existence a menu showed up, in the top section of the inventory display was something labeling {GOD’S DEPARTING GIFT}. Suspicious of a dubious named item the revived dark lord took it out of the inventory space. “I bet it’s some silly single voucher like that god said-?! He began counting the vouchers each, one-by-one

  â€œTheir ain’t no way
ONE THOUSAND VOUCHERS?!” Shocked at the number of vouchers, they couldn’t believe it. “Guess that god may be the only [legitimate] thing in my life not to lie in my face
”  Regaining some composure it thought about how grim and grotesque it looked, “I got nothing to loose lets test one and see if I can fix this ugly appearance.” With nothing to loose it took one voucher out.

{999/1000}|-1 Voucher Used


  • Fixing up and improving Appearance.

  After spending a bit of time sprucing their entire being
 “Done, not bad
not bad at all I look similar to my favorite comic book character.” With in moments time the disfigured appearance changed into a medium height young man in their early twenties. “Next lets confirm another suspicion I had after discovering the item box function, [STATUS WINDOW:APPRAISAL].” As commanded the young man saw an interface screen which displays his name, age, race, class, and statistics..

“What the hell type of stats are these, this guy must’ve been an retarded damage sponge- THIS BODY’S HP IS IN THE FREAKING BILLIONS!?” “Still, how the hell the previous guy has low stats in all other departments has(except HP?)” Disgusted at the current body’s statistics, he decided to use one of his vouchers to fix the stats, all while changing his current Identity to fit his setting of his new life in another world. Moments later, “good, had to use a few vouchers to import and customize my stats based off some of my previous lives video game knowledge. “Now to erase this ridiculous long name [Zegaryuomngandeblash], lets change it to something more simple
sleek, rolls of the tongue
 I can live with it.”

{994/1000}|-5 Vouchers Used


  • Stat Readjustments
  • Stat Modifications Based on Current World Knowledge
  • Learn -Skill Creation-
  • Change Name/Existence to “Zerrato”
  • Make a Custom Attire

After all that was done, Zerrato turned his attention to fixing up the rundown castle fortress. “I’m gonna use my innate skills plus my old world and current worlds knowledge to turn this into my own personal base.” With that declaration he began his long decade project. Years past as he repaired each area of his castle, with due diligence, along the way he used a few vouchers to set up his own [entertainment/gaming room], a [workshop  room for making his personal fetish hobbies] and of course an R/D Room for making weapons and stuff of the sort. “Lets add an alchemy workshop room for the hell of it as well, while I’m at it
lets make an personal female attendant that I can fall back and relax with too!”

{987/1000}|-7 Vouchers Used


  • Inter-dimensional PC Gaming Room Set Up
  • Inter-dimensional Gaming Console Room Set Up
  • Inter-dimensional Ando*d Emulation Device Set Up
  • Fetish Hobby Private workshop Set Up
  • R/D Lab Room Set Up
  • Perfect Alchemy Workshop Set Up
  • Custom Female Vassal/Attendant[Lilac Persephone]

  A Decade later
 “Lord Zerrato you have an intruder,” a female maid notified him, “I see
 a female hero of the holy sword
 lets test out our latest bootie trap on this silly wench.” With a snap of his fingers, he caused a sigil to appear below the  female swordswoman invading his territory. The female swordswoman wanders wary near the now reforged entrance to the Demon Lords Fortress dungeon. Remembering what the king from the kingdom of Timmasst order her to do; investigate and kill the revived demon lord.

  â€œAlright Kalintz if I can beat this dungeon and kill the demon lord bringing his head back, I can get funds to find my sister and possibly free us from this horrible slavery crest fate.” The girl’s name was Kalintz she was a light skin complexion with orange eyes, and gray hair. Her father sold both her mother and her younger sister to slavery due to her fathers gambling greed. The mother was sold to a Demon lord, the result was she was fed to that demon lords pet beast as a snack. With brimming hate and motivation to save her sister from the shittiest situation in her life, she picks up the churches holy sword and prepares to brave the dungeon.

  Or so she thought
 “What this sigil- W-W-WAIT A MINnn-.” The sigil appeared and whisks away the heroine in the blink of an eye. In the moments later she woke up in a dim room. “What is this
 where’s my sword- what happen to my gear, why do I feel naked but

  â€œWelcome useless bubble bitch.” A voice rang through the room, “looks like your awake good,” the room slowly lit up to a less dim level. As Kalintz adjusted her sight, she noticed something; she was floating off the floor, all while wearing something borderline to being half naked(Lingerie.) “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WHAT THE HELL AM I WEARING! “It’s your birthday suit, get use to it~,” mocking her the voice belonged to a maid that emerged from the dim side of the room.

  â€œI’m your host and servant to the Lord of this castle, Master Zerrato, His personal adjutant, Lilac.” The Maid introduces herself as Zerrato’s Personal Attendant, Lilac. “You let me out now-wwwawawaWA!?” Kalintz fell over hitting the soft surface of her prison, “what is this get me out of this,” she bangs her hand against it but the bubble’s membrane easily resists her attempts. “Forget it, now time for your trial~” in a few moments of shoving the bubble trapped heroine to the rooms center a few hoses appeared.

  The hoses latched on to the bubble holding Kalintz captive, “whats going on, what are you doing?” “Game is simple
” as she spoke, balloons poured out for the hoses from direction. “Pop all the balloons inside your bubble, failure to do so will get you stuck in there
 FOREVER~!” After filling up the bubble to the limit she takes a needle to prick it against the bubble causing it to slowly deflate. “Times ticking~ oh the key to popping the balloons
 follow the imprints instructions and if it drops an item
 use it wisely to beat the trial~!”

  The Bubble goes from 12’’feet diameter to 11’’feet diameter in a slow but steady pace. “Panicking at the sudden situation, she grabs a balloon, it’s imprinted with a female girl labeled [NO NAILS PLEASE], “
 so it’s like an opposite challenge
 “ taking her hands she claws at the imprint. *POP* The balloon exploded into small pieces. “Okay I think I can handle this
 lets try to clear out each and everyone of these rubber air bags out!” Kalintz used every means necessary to destroy the balloons inside the bubble, time passes as she was down to one last and final balloon.

  â€œOkay just one stupid rubber looking blob thing left
!” Kalintz turned her head to the last one. The size was incomparable to the average man’s height, towering around ten feet tall, it’s shape was relatively similar to a person, leaning against the large soap bubble wall as if reserving itself for our heroine. Slightly crawling towards it while keeping her balance(due to the slick environment the bubble’s membrane)Kalintz grabs the massive doll-shaped balloon. “I need to burst this thing and quick!” She strictly reminded herself as she saw the bubble was slowly but surely shrinking in size due to the conditions of the dungeon floor’s failure conditions.

  With the thought of suffering the humiliating loss spurs her into a frantic pace. She searches the doll-shaped balloon for the imprint on  it to ascertain the requirements to break it. “Found-.. 
 Y-Y-YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME, I GOTTA POP IT THE SAME AS THAT ELONGATED RUBBER AIR MASS MOMENTS AGO!????” The imprint was the same as the Airship shaped one, the same cute girl imprinted, the same “DON’T HUMP ME INTO AN OBLIVION~” imprinted on it.“I-I just can’t
I just-!?”

  As she protested the thought of hump-to-popping a balloon again, the bubble was shrinking at a now slightly increased steady pace. Kalintz bites her lips as she sets the giant imprinted balloon with the imprint faced up. Next using the slight slippery walls of her encroaching bubble, along with the giant ten foot doll-shaped balloon in junction as her only leverage, she coordinated her pulling and struggles her way to the top where she has the imprint faced. With nothing but a set of stripped panties and a bra, Kalintz barely makes it to the top and is now where the imprint is. She notice the bubbles top end was just a couple of feet away from her, “do-or -die, I’m gonna beat this stupidly, ridiculous floor!!”

  Meanwhile back at the chambers of the Demon Lord
  â€œHoooo~, seems like she has her motivation to beat this trial.” Zerrato observing the situation on screen awaiting to see the inevitable outcome of the Heroine’s failure. “*pant* *pant* 
 y-you’re too rough my lord
” Lilac groaned laying atop a glossy clear bubble-like balloon, drenched in her body sweat with her love juice coated lingerie.

  â€œâ€Š Well blame the fact I created you too dam well, making you with all my preferences in mind made it much harder to pull my punches on foreplay(LOL!)” Turning her head away from her overlords boisterous reply, Lilacs face was a deep red blush. “Well
 so what now
?” Lilac shyly asked Zerrato, the Demon Lord responded, “hmm, let’s change you up first and get you in another outfit I feel would definitely make it much harder to not relent
like a leotard based one capitalizing on your nice huge bouncy ass!” “W-W-W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAAAA!?”

  Meantime on the trial floor, the bubble shrinks further as Kalintz finally gets atop of the giant doll-shaped balloon. “*pant* *pant* Alright
I know *pant* *pant* I’m exhausted
 but I want to beat this stupid floor
!” Taking the spare aphrodisiac jelly candy she got from popping a few of the previous balloons. “*moaning* Right
if it was a peaceful time, place, or area
*pant* *pant* I would’ve actually like to maybe to take my time with you.” Kalintz slow churned humping and grinding sped up due to the aphrodisiac starting to kick in.

  *SQUEAK* *SQUEAK* *SQUEAK* As the bubble began to convene on Kalintz’s backside. “*Huff* Just Pop, PLEEEEAAAASSE!?” She pleaded to the balloon as the bubble was now entering it’s compression phase, collapsing and distorting the doll balloon into an slight upright position. Her hips driving long and hard into the balloon with her grip tightening. “The bubbles just about to squish me into submission again, not like this!!”

  The Bubble finally contorted and compressed the heroine
 “Uggguuuuuuummmmuuuuu(N-noooooooooooo- help!)” Kalintz was defeated by the challenge of the trial floor. “Well that sucks, rules are rules.” Lilac appears before the defeated Kalintz.

  Kalintz struggling to move, as the soap bubble encases and compresses her body against the lone giant doll shaped balloon. “Forget it loser heroine,  you lose!” With a sharp kick from Lilac, the compound entrapped Kalintz was sent bobbling around for a short bit. Next, Lilac pinches her thumb and index finger into an “O” shape. She took a deep breath and a clear slight rainbow iridescent film of soap formed.

  She continues to breath more air into the bubble film till it was about 8’’-10’’ feet in diameter. With a pinch-to-snap, the flimsy membrane separated and took on a nice round shape naturally. “Now then
”she grabs the bobbling trapped Kalintz and bought her to the bubble she formed. “Alright heroic loser, get in!” With a heft push The compound entrapped Kalintz was now helpless.

  After getting the bubble trapped heroine inside the bubble she made, Lilac gets a simple long strand of string out of her pocket. She attaches it in between the layers of the bubble she formed. “Now to take you to my lords domain so he can decide what to do with you.” Lilac staunchly stated as she pulls the bubble like it was a party balloon along into a teleport sigil. Barely any motion, Kalintz struggles against her predicament, “nn-nnnnmmmmffffffff(I got to get free!)”

  In next moment the sigil next to Zerrato’s Office Domain lit up. “Now to report to my Lord the invading Heroine is subdued.” Lilac steps of the warp sigil and knocks on the door to notify her master she bought the defeated heroine. But upon notice she see’s a note on the door. “Huh a note addressed to me
 *sigh* really now, change of plans, eh
 come here bubble bitch, we gonna get you into your lodgings,” “ggggnnnnnuuuuu(what you mean?!)”

  After a few minutes later, they’ve arrived at a secluded room. The room was a simple bedroom with a bed, a shower/bathroom compartment one door over, a small fridge, a medium sized table with two chairs and a microwave device for cooking instant food. Lilac placed the bubble just above the bed, in the next second with a snap of her fingers
the outer bubble holding the bubble trapped Kalintz burst instantaneously. Next she pinches the soap membrane compressing Kalintz against the doll balloon, she took a long deep breath and blew into the membrane. In moments the compressed bubble went to it’s perfectly round size of 10’’ feet in diameter.

. *huff* *Huff*” On reaction to the bubble returning in size, Kalintz tumbles to the bottom of the bubble out of breath. “Oh- almost forgot *finger snap*” the magic aura on the imprint dissipated. “Feel free to enjoy your time with it till Master Zerrato returns~(LOL!)” “LIKE HELL I WILL!!!”

  A few days later
”oi, bubble heroine dork, get up.” A jostling bangs on her bubble shook Kalintz awake. “W-what- ” before she could react, Lilac attaches a string and drags the bubble along. “Where are you taking me, ANSWER ME, HEEEEEYYYYY!!!” Pounding her fist against the bubble shouting at Lilac as they made there ways to the Demon Lord’s Chambers.

  â€œAh there here, good” Zerrato said to himself. “Bought the defeated hero- um my lord, whose the little girl next to you?” Lilac was perplex at who the little girl was, “I picked  her up during my excursion out the other day.” As Kalintz shifted her position to see who the demon lord’s face
I’ll- K-Kamu?!”

  â€œOh you know this small girl,” Lilac questioned the girl in the bubble. “GET AWAY FROM MY LITTLE SISTER RIGHT NOW,” banging against the bubble holding her back she thrashed in there. “So making demands while I’m the one making myself exercise leniency against you, how rude.” Zerrato retorted back, “sister, sister Is that you?” The little girl tried to talk but  the demon lord hushed her, “now lets get down to business, join my legion.”

  â€œWhy would I join a demon lord’s ranks? Kalintz protests her disagreement of the offer, “hoho
you think you have a reason and purchase to stand on?” Zerrato clicks a button on his desk, a monitor emerged from the wall and turned on. “You think the kingdom would help you get your sister back, the church is no different since they hired assassins to kill you to take the holy sword from you, and your father along with the village chief sold you and your sister off to slavery in the kingdom or abroad.” As Zerrato Said his piece bluntly, the monitor displayed all of the happenings Kalintz had went through before going against the new born demon lord.

  Dismayed, destroyed, and her spirit crushed at all the revelations smacked in her face, she collapsed
to the bottom of the bubble holding her captive. “M-Mr
 please stop bullying my sister,” Kamu pulled at Zerrato’s coat tails, “I’m not little one, I’m giving her [an out] to her bloody cycle of hopelessness that your father has put you both through, the greater question is
will she accept or not
?” As his words ringed through Kalintz’s ears, she murmured to her captor
 “whats in it for me, what are you going to do to my sister if I refuse
?” “Hmm, I’ll keep her as a subordinate and have Lilac raise her as HER younger sister, but if you accept my offer
” He pulls a display screen to show the pros, “first; you get a roof over your head so no more sleeping in tents or homelessness, second; you get your sister back safe and sound, third; you get a stable income as a vassal of mines.” With the pro’s and cons set Kalintz took in the time to think about the ultimatum presented before her.

 but don’t get any funny Ideas doing anything perverted to my sister like you did to me with your crazy nut job dungeon!!!” After sone time with the situation of the intruding hero being subdued(along with domestication of her into his leigon,)Zerrato was at work working on a new attire to dress his personal aide lilac in. *knock* *knock* “Hm, enter
” the door open with Kalintz complaining furiously to Zerrato, “YOU PERVERTED BASTARD, HOW DARE YOU-HOW DARE YOU!” “What is it now, your being too high maintenance,” “high maintenance my ass, my little sister keeps doing those weird things to those things you call balloons, and now she either wears those weird under cloths like bikini armor stuff,” “their called panties and they aren’t bikini armor it’s feminine lingerie, know your cloths wench.” The two bickered back and forth as if they were a married couple.

  â€œThose two look like they get along~” Kamu giggled to herself. “Seems like they’re at each others throats again
” sighed Lilac. “Um Ms. Lilac,” Kamu asked, “what is it squirt,” bluntly replying to her. “Can you do that thing again with me like yesterday, you
 k-know.” Kamu’s face turn red at her silly request.

  As if slightly perturbed by the younger siblings innocence, Lilac gesture her to follow her to her personal quarters. Kamu followed quietly, leaving the two former enemies arguing. “That time a day ago
” as if nonchalantly speaking she forms a slim film of bubble and twist it in a thread like fashion around Kamu with out warning. Kamu felt a bizarre tightness that contracted her, in the next moments notice, she was now inside a giant soap bubble
 except she was in a compressed vacuumed state frog spread position. “Like this right~???”

  The girl’s body was completely sealed as Lilac examined her handiwork, grabbing the bubble pressed younger sibling of the now former hero, she slowly phases through the bubble’s membrane. Rolling the entire bubbles position she takes an item out of her item box space, “really, your sister truly despises wearing legitimately superior female underwear.” As she states those words to Kamu, Lilac phases her hand through the membrane of the bubble compressing Kamu, taking off the boring puffy under garbs and putting on kids panties for her.  Next stripping off the old clothes Kamu had on, she takes out a primary schoolers uniform and dresses her in it. “All done now then
” shifting the bubble and straddling her, Lilac glossed her hands at the helpless girls leisure, “NNNNNNHHHHHHGGGGGGNNNNNN(Lilac big sis, she’s doing it again~!)”

  Meantime back at Zerrato’s Domain
few days later
 “how did I end up in this situation
?” Kalintz was laying in bed next to the demon lord topless in strange under garbs(lingerie,) “well I must say that 1500 wide custom blimp can handle single ride rounds of couples getting it on,” Zerrato chimed in, “w-whatever don’t get any funny ideas it’s part of the contract agreement so yeah.”

“Right, well looking forward to the rest of these days to come.”

{986/1000}|-1Voucher Used


  • Removing Slave Crest of of (Former Heroine of the Holy sword)Kalintz/(Kalintz Younger Sister)Kamu

End/To Be Continued


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