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Alright, everyone! It's that wonderful time when you get to pick our next vic... guest. To begin the new year, let's do it from a fine starting point: yourselves!

List rules, as always: simply name a character you want to see tangled, spellbound, tied, etc. That's it. She can be from videogames, literature, anime, movies... even your own OC! You can feel free to include details of how you want to see the selected damsel, but that's optional. Once the list is complete, I'll do my best to work with as many damsels from it as possible: if there are too many names, they'll be picked randomly.

So let the naming begin and enjoy seeing the lady of your dreams in a bondage-y situation!


Uber Terminator

I hope I'm not too late. Jessica Rabbit, tied to train tracks.


The hot redhead will be a fine addition to the list.