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As you may know, the first goal in this Patreon has been reached, which not only means that I'm glad for your support, but it also means I'll have some more time to draw for you as well as other things, such as the subject of this post: the beginning of a webcomic, updated regularly. 

However, I do remember there's another, shorter project that I promised to you and that is nearly finished, so here's how it will go: once that is uploaded here for your enjoyment, I'll begin working on the new project so that I can dedicate the time it needs to keep it flowing.

Just be patient; I promise to do my best for it to be worth it.



Awesome! I'm so glad to hear that all is working out for you, and that we're soon to see the fruits of your labours. I eagerly await it!


You can count with my best effort to give you the finest quality my own learning can ´provide, AmoreInc. Thank you!!