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Hi everyone!

I’ve been contacted about some concerns regarding lack of updates for the past month or so and general inconsistency. First and foremost I want to say I greatly appreciate everyone who pledges and the fact that people even want to help support me and my art and see more of my art is a comfort compared to nothing else. I really am grateful. I see how these words can fall on deaf ears because of my behaviour not entirely reflecting that considering how long I often leave people in the dark. And though I’m not entitled to anyones support and everyone is free to leave when they wish, that doesn’t mean I can be nonchalant and not communicate to my audience, especially to you guys. Like you give so much to me and me not doing my part in return is disrespectful.

So for claritys sake, the reason why updates have been sporadic to non-existent is because I suffer with severe depression. It leads me to not being able to function in daily life. Been dealing with it for several years now and its effects can come and go in long and short periods of time. Because of this my experience with burnout is worsened and heightened. Which means I barely create or have the energy to do much else. Even when it comes to my university work or just generally looking after myself.

At the start of the month I felt I could’ve provided and made up for the previous months shortcomings but ended up making things worse. This month has been harder than most and because of that there have been a lack of updates. But I have been working towards completing work. But as a precaution I had already paused Aprils charging. That doesn’t mean I won’t be posting though, when I do post its all free of charge until I can get a good groove going again. I don’t want to be disingenuous and act as if I can provide things I can’t.

Thank you for sticking with me for so long. I hope to see you again when I can make better content. I’m also thinking of retiring certain parts of tiers for good because I don’t think I can provide them and I don’t want to make false promises. These would be things like tutorials; I don’t think I can create separate content for you all as well as just making art. If I do do this, it will not be consistent.

Even though I was contacted about these issues and fears of not valuing / using my patrons and my lack professionalism it has pushed me to be more honest with myself and I hope me sharing what has caused these issues has reassured you all. Again, I apologise and I hope I can do better for you all in the future!

Alright thanks for reading !

Rochelle <3


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