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Ta da ! Heres the full process for the Knight of Flowers piece!! I actually used multiple softwares for this piece. When I say multiple I mean more than 1 - being PTS and Procreate. I used procreate for the background because there is a more variety of brushes there. I could probably get everything I needed if I used Clip Studio, I do have it. I bought it a couple years back when it was on sale and I did try it. If you've been a patron for a while you might remember ? But yes I'm slightly intimidated by it tbh, the interface is very overwhelming. But if I do learn to paint on there idk if I would swap it for SAI, SAI is my baby 😭

Here are the individual shots, I understand if the gif goes by too fast lmao

okay so as usual I start with the sketch. I omitted a lot of the orginal characters because I had to reposition them for the book anyways. I still like the hairstyle of the knight here it just didn't work out

Instead of doing line art I just cleaned up the sketch, it was easier and less time consuming. I hadn't decided on the colours of the flowers these were just place holders so u guys can see everything ! 

I finally got down the flat colours, it wasn't difficult because I just used a similar palette from the original

I started shading, doing the shadows first

then I did the left sides lighting 

then the right sides 

now I finally started painting! Stsrted mostly on the right! I was most excited to paint the flowers on this side, thats why I started there

I ended up changing the knights face here, I change it a lot throughout the piece. I found it really hard to stick with the original expression, so I experimented a lot. I also began shading the bodies of the other characters. I completed the Rose, Begonia, Peony and Wisteria's faces and hair on the right and the Hydrangeas Face and Orange Lily's body and face on the left.

I just begam shading and perfecting everything more, I finished the hydrabngeas afro here on procreate !

I did the orchids face and body (left), their flower was the one I paid the least attention to and is more like a decoration then apart of their body like some of the other flowers. Also another change for the knights face. I also painted their sleeves here.

I began the finish the rendering of all the bodies here. 

This where I did the background over on procreate ! 

I also did some of the plants on procreate. There were some flower brushes I found, it was easier than meticulously doing each flower when they were such small parts of the piece. 

Here I changed the knights expression again, finalised some of the body rendering and perfected the flowers in the hair. I also begun shading the knights armour. 

Here I reworked the Wisterias body and hair and fixed the Knights hair. I also somewhat finished the Knights armour. I also fixed the begonias and hydrangeas bodies here.

more perfecting and editing, adding lighting and overall shading and I changed the knights expression again.  

Here I added some highlights and backlighting

I finished shading all the "flower" characters and the knight themselves. As well as adding a light source.

I added all the plants and cleaned up some messy parts. intially I was done painting here, this is what submitted for the test print! 

then I made a few edits, like the Knights Face and Hair, fixed some mistakes...

re-did the lighting and added more plants - painting is all done !

changed the colours by making some adjustments and I'm all done ! 

thanks for reading πŸ₯°πŸ’–



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