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hi everyone thought I’d share some of the work i did this semester! Like I said its only some and only from one of the modules I did! This was the more experimental module so it was less in my style and more just for whatever brief we were given that day. I chose the module based on the workload, I knew it wouldn’t be as much in comparison to my other two modules…. At the time I didn’t feel challenged at all and that was my main issue. Though I’m glad it eased my workload like I had planned I wish we did things a little more…. stimulating if that makes sense! I’ll explain what I did with my favourite pieces down below!


for this piece we had to choose three lines from a song and make a collage out of it!! I chose “them changes” by thundercat. the three lines were: “nobody move, theres blood on the floor, and I can’t find my heart”

thundercat is such an amazing artist and I thought I could have so much fun doing this. I wanted to create a collage of a club scene and the people surrounding the main subject were the suspects. I kind of wanted it to look like a cluedo box!

eagle, baller and the astronaut

this was apart of a workshop where we had to gather different materials and use them to draw different images within a set amount of time. I can’t remember the exact times but the eagle was with water colour and I think 10 minutes. The baseball player was with a marker and was for 5 minutes and the astronaut was either 10 or 20 minutes with a coloured pencil!

I really enjoyed this workshop because it was fun working with different mediums all at once and it was interesting to find out what I can do with these mediums in certain times and what they may be useful for!! My pieces didn’t look exactly like the images but I found I learnt a lot about what I find to be the most important when drawing and what to capture or exaggerate to replicate the image best!

shadow work

this piece was probably the most experimental piece I’ve ever done. We had to collect multiple objects, arrange them and then light a candle. The shapes and shadows made from the candlelight would be what we drew. At first I was struggling with this because I just ended up drawing the shapes that I made and it was more like I was just drawing an amalgamation of objects rather than finding shapes in the shadow.

I used measuring cups and my perfume bottle and here are some of the first drawings I did.

I didn’t get a picture of the set up for my favourite drawing but as you can see, this prompt was really hard. My tutor had just asked us to bring in items I had no idea what we were using them for. Though it made some interesting shapes it was hard to arrange them in a way that would make something interesting. But I ended up liking my fave piece as I feel you can create a shape / interpret something from it. I personally see someone kneeling on the floor with a knife in their hand ready to stab something on the floor, what do you see?



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