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Well guys, I hope you read the following because it is something important for which I require your opinion, because at the end of the day you are my clients, as you know, it has been almost a year that I am dedicating to making content for my story, until now I had been able to maintain myself more or less stable, but lately money has become a problem for me, I earn barely 190 usd a month, plus adding inflation and the increasingly low dollar against the Mexican peso makes the money I receive even less, which it leaves me with a salary with which I can barely survive, with that harsh reality I come to ask you if you want me to go back to doing nsfw like in the old days, you know, things like halo, or warframe even now that it is becoming fashionable, also warhammer .

I will not leave my story aside, although you will see it less frequently since all my effort will go to the nsfw, so I need you to participate and leave your valuable opinion.



Oh amigo, te he estado siguiendo tanto por tus proyectos como por tus cosas interesantes. Sé que hacer un cómic es una tarea agotadora, quizás lo mejor sería que en caso de que quieras continuar la historia de tu mundo, podrías hacerlo a través de historias escritas como nos mostraste hace un tiempo, agregando una o dos imágenes. imágenes clave para que el lector tenga un hilo en la historia. Además de otra cosa, siempre he tenido dudas sobre cómo serían los burdeles de las osas polares, sabiendo que los papeles están invertidos, igual puede funcionar mostrar uno u otro lado herotico de Corinto. Y finalmente podrías tuitear el antes y el después de tu arte nsfw para tentar a nuevos clientes potenciales a comprar tus paquetes.