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I want to apologize if I took a while, I'm doing three drawings at the same time, well I'll tell you the context, lately I have recovered my love for castlevania thanks to the advance collection that came out on Steam, so I started to do it in I set some concepts from my history located in the era of the inquisition, where monster hunters roamed the lands of Corinto hunting the creatures of the night.

In fact, this has made me reconsider that it might be good to start with this period of my history, which, frankly, I find fascinating, so I am already working on it and to start I show you a skeleton of the Binnenoun race, what do you think?




Pues yo digo que si me anda tronando los huesitos si se me aparece en un calabozo XD Te quedó genial muchacho 💖🐻‍❄️💖