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I have been busy this month drawing like crazy to have this month's pack ready, however, I have come across the unpleasant surprise that a person or several people are filtering my content, I have been reporting these galleries for several days with no response from e621 or from e hentai galleries.

Personally, it doesn't bother me that one or two things are leaked but the fact that each thing and every month that I go up is leaking is the most overwhelming for me, I live from my job, I don't even earn much, just enough to live more or less well in my country, all I want is for what I do to be respected, I don't see the filtered work of slb or other fellow artists on this platform, and I want it to be the same for everyone.

I am not going to ask you for anything, only if someone wants to advise me on how to make those pages that I mention take my report I would appreciate it, but please I need help I am somewhat desperate and sad and I do not know very well what to do.



Understand 👍


hay varios que se estan cambiando a suscribestar o pixiv fanbox, son opciones


limitar las filtraciones y de paso dejar de pelear con los controles de patreon


respecto a los reportes en otros sitios podes pasar los links en discord asi nosotros los reportamos tambien

Calvin Clarence

You work hard and im sorry this is happening


e621 seems to take DNP seriously (at least for artists like Boorad13y/Sirmonsterfucko) Keep trying until you get a response from them at least?

Pyramid Pug

It was Bob! I saw him stealing cookies and kicking puppies as well! 👈👀 Seriously tho, sucks man. My stuff gets uploaded to e621 as well and tho I don't mind, the comments there... sheesh. Still I don't mind because I don't make a living out of this, which is not the case with ya (and even if it were, it's your art and you should have the final say where it goes). Hope stuff gets sorted in your favour!


Honestly there is no way to stop people from leaking your art. The more popular you are the more likely and more frequently it will happen. However in places like e621 and if people claim your art as their own then I believe actions can be taken to remove any stolen posts. Sorry to hear this is happening to you, and I hope that your mood/situation improves.


I don't know man, the majority of stuff on e621 is from when you posted you work more publicly on Furaffinty, Devintart, and Tumblr, I wouldn't say it got leaked from Patreon, not sure how you feel about that, but they were at least public or semi-public at some point, the stuff on e-hentai however was uploaded within the last couple months by 1 person , and includes many monthly packs as well as the Year 1 and 2 packs from gumroad. Either way, e621 staff should get back to you at some point or another and you can have the images removed (be carful though, some of images were gifts or commissions you made and may have been uploaded by the commissioners or gift recipients themselves), not sure about e-hentai though, never interacted much with them.


I think I did not explain well, e621 are good and they attended to me quickly, the problem is e hentai, literally there is a subject that filters all my work and the administrators do not care, a friend of mine made a post and they ignored us and closed the post.


Not sure what you mean with filtering, but if it is leaking, then i can understand you there. As others said. The more popular you get, the more likely your stuff gets leaked somewhere. Personally i can admit that i do give a really good friend maybe one picture just to nudge them into your direction or if they complain about what you did long time ago still. Censoring the most important parts to the point of not knowing what you gonna get at the end. That is like you would buy a car with the hopes of it having a engine inside or not. But i never ever will give more than that to anyone especially not people i don't even know. Even the rare times i do give a good friend a picture, i tell them right away that they should get themselves to pay you to see it. But aside from that, i can only say this: People who do not want to give you money and want to see your art will always find a way sooner or later. Those who do want to give you money for it will give it to you regardless. Trying to fight those who always try to "steal" art is a fight against a windmill. You can't win it or stop it completely and forever. You might find a few and stop them, but eventually it starts all over again. So try to focus more on those who are paying. On the other hand i can even understand some people who "steal" art in this form. It is your art for sure and it is your decision how you publish it and where you do publish it. If you want to take money for it or not. But the more paywalls you implement or the more walls in general you start to build up where people have to get by first, the less likely people are willing to pay again, even if it saves your art longer before it gets leaked again. So in other words on that. Other artists do this by now and implement 2-3 different sites you have to look at first before you can finally see the art you paid for in Patreon. Where i absolutely agree that Patreon needs to implement a better security for artists, seeing so many Patreon-paywall sites now, where you have to make another account, link your profile, wait for authentication, maybe even have to pay them so you get acess to the gallery... it gets frustrating for those people who are willing to pay you, but aren't willing to pay others or over and over and over register on 5 different sites. So i am split with my opinion. I can understand those who don't want to pay to some degree but i fully agree as well that they shouldn't do it.