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My kamvas pro 20 stylus is partially dead, if the one of the new tablet that I bought, I just ordered a spare by amazon to continue working, but of course I will validate the warranty that will take even longer but I can not be without work, in fact, I already I've been long overdue, this post is just to warn and ask for your help promoting my page and my gumroad packs, really thank you very much for everything guys.

The replacement will arrive on May 14 if everything goes well, hopefully yes and of course I will inform you and show photos of the order, this year it has been spending on gadgets, my external hard drive died although fortunately I was able to save my information and not My projects were lost, my mouse gamer also failed and I had to buy a more modest one and also the keyboard had to be replaced, I hope 2020 does not continue to surprise me with unpleasant surprises.



2020 has a major grudge with the world it seems, pulling no punches with anyone. So sorry you've been having so much tech trouble with things lately Socrates, I can't imagine how frustrating that must feel when it intrudes on your work so often, but I do wish you all the best and hope everything goes smoothly for you soon again mate!


Hoy creó que no es el año de nadie la verdad.