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I have noticed that many patrons are disappointed because they do not know how to receive the pack and directly decline, so in this post onwards I will try to answer your questions about how you can receive the monthly pack, I hope it works!

How do I get the pack?

Simply fulfilling your pledge !, I recommend reviewing your payment information because sometimes when there is a balance or the information is incorrect, it automatically declines.

If I decline I don't have the opportunity to get the pack anymore?

At all, you can authorize at any time and you will receive it, if this happens within the first five days of the month, you will receive it automatically because I always check if those who declined fulfilled their pledge, if it is from day 5 onwards you will have to send me a message and I will gladly send it.

When is the pack delivered?

Every day 1 of each month the pack of the month is delivered, that is, the one that has been working (for example, if February has just begun, the pack that must be delivered is that of January) deliveries begin at 2: 00 pm onwards, during the first 5 days of the month.

How do I get all the images?

Check your tier well, in the images above it is said that it comes with each tier, royal, counselor and sybarite, the latter being the one that contains all the images, so check your pledge!




Por mi parte esta todo ok