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This is the great notice, for Christmas reasons and only for this month you have the opportunity to receive 2 free monthly packs, yes! Anyone you want, is my Christmas gift to all who support my patreon, to get them read the following rules and conditions.

To receive these two packs, you must be an active member of patreon.

When will I receive my rewards?

I deliver the rewards at the beginning of each month, when the pledges have been completed, when this happens, you must send me a private note (such as writing your letter to Santa Claus, ha!) Indicating the months you wish to receive, remember that they are only 2 apart from your monthly reward.

The rewards will be the highest tiers of each month, Sybarite and counselor (remember that the tier sybarite was added just this year).

In case you do not receive your note, the packs that will be sent to you will be random but chosen based on your support in Patreon, for example, if you have been supporting for 5 months, the non-month packs will be sent automatically, although it is preferable that I sent your note to me, indicating what packs you want to obtain.

This gift applies to all Tiers and is ONLY FOR THIS MONTH.

If there is any doubt, please ask me.




Demonios XD Un premio digno de los dioses Solo los elegidos podrán disfrutar e ese contenido único 🤩 Jmjmjm aver que pasa ✨


si no me equivoco creo que tengo todo, pero me parece que me faltan algunas cosas de Sybarite o MUY viejas (antes de 2015)


Entonces la carta (xD) la escribiremos hasta enero?


Okay, fiuf, a ver cuales elijo xd

爾 凱

So if i want the rewards i need to write the note is that it?


Can we have a link to somewhere we can see the old packs or something? I don't know which ones there are.


at the start of the month when your pledge is fullfilled you sent me the note with the two monthly packs that you wish


Una dinámica interesante, quizás si pueda tener los trabajos clásicos después de todo.


Send you the list after new years, correct.


Also, is there a way to see how long I've been your patron? So I can see what I have.


is there a list somewhere?


Probably a lot of work but having a list of what was offered would be great. I have been a long time patron and it is difficult to know what I have missed out on when my current tier offers "some of the images in high resolution"