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Before reading, keep in mind that this is a very brief summary of my story, within what I call "AGES" there were periods of time, in addition to only mentioning the three great kingdoms that will be seen in history while others are will see partially or anecdotally, in addition to omitting to narrate major conflicts, only the most notable for “AGE”, this is also a kind of historical and global computation, not all races contemplate or divide their time in this way, as i show you More of my story more data will be revealed.



During this period of time there were no notable events, the formation of the world went according to the natural order, although in the beginning there was no place for life, according to the speculations of the wise who study the magical arts, at some point in these eons The breath of magic covered the planet giving rise to the peculiar evolution of the Corinthian species, although for them that is the natural order of things.



Also called the age of communion, this time is highlighted by the clash and cultural encounters that were in Corinto, in addition to several species founded their homelands, Queen binnenoun (polar bear) Hereldein unifies all clans of her species and was born the Florengard country, in the center of Corinto, King Vassilion Octavious of the Equ'fera (Horses and unicorns) guided his people and settled in Mag pranius, along with other smaller species such as leporis (Hares), together they fought with the Varanu'eri (Dracos) barbarians until in the end the latter were expelled to the southwest of Corinto where they founded Rhajat erisur along with other species from those lands, the subsequent meeting of the Binnenoun and the Equ’fera led to an alliance that allowed the defense of Mag pranius in the leporis invasion and the second Rhajat erisur invasion, in exchange for the binnenoun were allowed to loot both material and magical goods for their study which enriches Laugh his lax use of magic.

This era ended with the rupture of the alliance between the equ’fera and the binnenoun and the birth of the last nation of Huatli.



Also known as the time of the routes or the age of commerce, it was the most peaceful era of Corinto, of course there were certain wars and death but much progress was made in alliances and trade between nations, also fantastic places were discovered, the kingdom of mag Pranius expanded his empire through the Leporis meadows while they lay in their underground cities, enriching themselves with their prolific mining, the Binnenoun left Florengard towards the Arquidios sea and discovered the exotic lands of Lepanto that they tried to conquer, the pirates of Rahjat Erisur and other adjoining charged with looting and stealing some of the magnificent binnenoun coffers, in addition to the fact that the Varanu became kings by the trade of fine fabrics and delicious spices, remains of an ancient country dating back to times before the age of the ancestors were discovered, and in general other nations also prospered and some disappeared.

This period ended with the arrival of the pale sun.



During the explorations of the old Amisrri of Pangea, he came across the ruins of an unnamed civilization, older than the binnenoun titans and that any known form of life, his expedition had a fateful destiny when the primal dead called Dyphiliaem woke up and with them the pale sun could manifest itself in the world, with them came black magic, previously magic was only used by those beings that possessed horns and some needed to use glyphs or runes worked by magicians, but with black magic one could deliver blood, flesh or other mortal coins to obtain and feed it, this led to the birth of the Liches Kings in Rahjat erisur, vampires, necromancers and other despicable beings, also curses such as the direwelf or female beasts, creatures were created for the dark arts like the infamous saradin, the golems of life and so on, while the pale sun advanced with its 12 diciples All of Corinthian beings knew fear, the population was almost extinct but in the end by a large sacrifice and a ritual that required pharaonic tasks they managed to sleep the dyphiliaem for a while and in that lethargy the pale sun disappeared, for they served as chain between this world and the plane of the pale sun.

This was over when the dyphiliaem were locked in Bloodhorn and remained there, until the magic barrier fell.



Also called the time of the inquisitors, at this age the witch hunters, the bounty hunters and the professionals against the black magic found their height, although there were conflicts between the different clerical institutions and those of independent magic in addition to the hunters who were going on their own, they coexisted except in some cases where there were conflicts, but more priority was given to clearing the corinthian lands of the black magic redoubts, very strict magic reforms were established, anyone who wanted to practice it should be certified by the crown or any government that ruled over his country, dark times of blasphemy and infamy, but slight lights shone in the abyss, and life found a way to continue.

This age ended with the fall of the great pillars of Mazdath a vampire organization, perhaps the largest the world has ever seen.



Also called the age of the lights or time of hope was a time illustrated and of great contrasts, the peasants and the plebs were looking for a way to resume their lives, the aristocrats and well-off people took refuge in large banquets and writing philosophy, it was a great time for art because beauty was desperately sought, great kings and rich patrons fought for great artists who portrayed them or who composed great songs to never be forgotten, they tried to fall into a denial of death and in general the class high felt winning, and although the plain people were in utmost misery they shared the catharsis of their masters, and the game began again, political intrigues began again and such abrupt changes in power led to great revolts, the most Remarkable happened in Mag Pranius, where the unicorns took a coup d'etat and took power, renamed the country and formed an empire they called AURUM DEA.

This age ended with the beginning of the expansion of the aurum dea empire by Emperor Nervo Maxima.



During this period the private armies also called free companies prospered, during the time of rebirth, the kingdoms could not be fully recovered and bandits such as the aurum dea empire were a threat to the agenda, these kingdoms resorted to hiring free companies , the most famous were undoubtedly The Vermillions de Blanch directed by Gerolt and Valka of Blanch, The speckled coats directed by Robert the Ragged Prince, The purple blood directed by Damon the exiled son, were the largest and most honorable, never missed a contract and they didn't betray their word.

This age is the one in the first story I will show, so it is not over.


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