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Helgen is a giant of 7 meters from the region of Blonder'tan, an orphan since she was a baby was taken care of by Yaggnar, who raised her and taught her how to fight, both were displaced when the Diwelvenr war (war of giant clans) took place. it meant the end of the great clans of giants of the northern region of florengard, after the conflict Helgen was taken by her protector to the south of the country where, due to her trip, she was raised in the combat and customs of her people.

Now he is dedicated along with his sister and protector to assault merchant caravans that travel the roads of florengard.

She is kind and somewhat childish, has a taste accentuated by mead and food, especially meat, but does not get fat because her sister always keeps her fit for combat, is very attached to her protector because she has not met much people in her life because they are always traveling.

Okay, I finally finished this drawing, it was difficult but I learned a lot in the process to accelerate my work, what will be faster, especially I was a bit late because I did not want to use photobashing and do all the work by hand, I hope you Like this preview, the complete file will be available as reward, thank you very much!.



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