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Before starting this little writing, I must clarify that this is my opinion and is not attached to a scientific rigor, although it is also fair to mention that these are things that I have noticed and thoroughly analyzed in my stay in social networks .

I would like to say that the reason why I write thisbible is because I have been dealing with a type of thought that tends to appear in the comments box of drawings or paintings that show young ladies of good looks, of notable attributes or as they say some "exaggerated", and are the typical replicas of "Why is so sexualized?" "How that hinders or does not hurt your back?" and the consequent responses of "is what sells the most" "Is that they are childish fantasies" (Comments that curiously are only made when the subject is a graceful woman).

It is something that really exasperates me and although they have always had that type of prejudice, now there is even more emphasis on that (or is my perception due to social networks) and also makes me a reverend hypocrisy because it is assumed that the line of thought of the times that run is more liberal and despite the fact that the acceptance of other things is sought (even more harmful) sexuality in that aspect is relegated, understand the "normative" beauty, and I have to say, it bothers me, it bothers me.

I'm not going to be hypocritical and pretend that the artist or the aspirant expresses his feelings and desires in what he does, and it's valid but to label him childish as immature just because someone enjoys drawing big buttocks or breasts, because if so, then Rubens was a mentally pajero adolescent, and I will not deny that there are certainly people who do not know how to sublimate their fetishes and give way to aberrations, but put us all in the same bag if it is a bit of a mental cortito, there are reasons for him to draw what I draw, so that my characters see one way or another, even if it makes it functional and everything they want I always look for them to look like I want to take care of the lore and the rules of my world, but it's because I want and I want to do it So, if an explanation is required, I feel that this is the one who deserves it, if they want to make ugly, horrible characters with defects that may be aberrant for those who see them, well, do it but do not pretend to give it "Representation" to those less favored by genetics, makes them superior or more mature mentally than those who prefer aesthetic beauty.

I had to take it out and I could extend myself even more, but there will be time for that in this way that I walk, if you read this complete, I sincerely appreciate it.



You shouldn't have to worry about people questioning how you draw your artwork. You are the artist, it is your choice how and what you draw. If people don't like it they can just move on and find someone else that pleases them. You're honestly a very talented person and your unique style of shading and colouring is what makes you stand out from other artists out there. Keep up the good stuff and don't let negative opinions get you down.


I do appreciate your works even if some are out of my personal preferences. What matters most is how you enjoy and take pride in the content you create. It's good that you are observing why they are funding you to begin with, but do keep in mind what you the artist want to make. Whether you want to expand your audience with what you're known for or to attract another audience with experimental pieces is your decision.


If I am being honest, the only reason I have Patreon is to follow you and all of your work. I remember when I first came across your work a few years ago and it took me so long to figure out the nme if the artist and find out how I could see more of your work. I have a very open mind to different preferences in aesthetic quality's you put into each and every drawing you produce, that is what I love about your work, no one character is similar and they all have their own personalities that the viewer doesn't even need words to understand what kind of character they are. Unfortunately how the world is today there are a lot of people who are able to have a problem with anyone for any reason, those who want to have a problem with you can't handle you having a problem with them and that's where you get all of the "Triggered" "offended" and "snowflakes" kind of people we have today and it's a shame how weak minded people are. But please dont let those people comments weigh you down, you are a very talented artist and I appreciate every character, species and culture you display for your loving followers. Keep up the good work!


If you would have say that you just like drawing those kind of girls and it fills your heart with happines you could have save a lot of time. Art is just a complex way to draw simple shapes like squares or circles. Your art is just made out of perfect round shapes that attracts the human eye. And you are doing a very good job with that, easy as that. Also, your shading is really advanced and stylish. Keep going and don't care about the childish comments. You have better things to do than dealing with ppl that do not understand your style