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These are some sketches of the Ivernias, each one wears clothing according to the work they perform within their military forces, as I already explained to you once, they tend to go naked except for some skins or helmets for battle, which they wear The birds of terror usually wear a simple nightgown.

The Ivernias usually fight in this way in honor of the goddess Svlanyar, who used to go into battle completely naked, armed with nothing more than a hammer and a cloak of skin from large beasts that she hunted. After the goddess cut the great snake Jorvamund in two, she had to use the reptile's blood as a war paint that, according to legend, provided protection to the deity.

There are variants of these sketches, but I will show them as they are colored, I hope you like them!


Estos son algunos bocetos de las Ivernias, cada una porta una indumentaria de acuerdo a la labor que desempeña dentro de sus fuerzas militares, como ya os expliqué una vez, tienden a ir desnudas salvo por algunas pieles o cascos para la batalla, las que montan sobre aves del terror suelen vestir un camisón sencillo.

La ivernias suelen pelear de esta manera en honor a la diosa Svlanyar, quien solía ir a la batalla totalmente desnuda, armada con nada mas que un martillo y alguna capa de piel de grandes bestias a las que cazaba. Después de que la diosa partiera en dos a la gran serpiente Jorvamund, hubo de usar la sangre del reptil a modo de pintura de guerra que según dice la leyenda, proveía protección a la deidad.

De estos bocetos hay variantes, pero esa las mostrare conforme sean coloreadas, espero os gusten!



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