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Siley POV

That Hag from Whitewood’s Castle is clearly trying to provoke him again, with the challeging looks she was throwing towards him.

Siley may be a hothead, but one doesn’t become a Rank 2 magus or leader of a whole academy by being an idiot. There was no way he would react to her provocation.

She would pay one day.

He stood in a row with the old Hag and that Asshole from Sage Gotham’s Hut, respectfully waiting. There was no way he would act up with that person here.

Only a suicidal fool would disrespect a Rank 3 magus.

The black-robed Magus from the Lighthouse of the Night suddenly spoke up, addressing all the Magi present, including the lower-ranked professors, “The time limit is coming to an end. Don’t forget I won’t tolerate any breach of the contract. This war is o-”

Suddenly he whirled around and stared in the direction where the Spell Formation anchoring the Secret Plane was waiting.

“What is going on?” Asked one of the professors confused.

Siley was too distracted to identify the person who had spoken, “Something is wrong.” He muttered as he saw the formation. It had begun to flicker wildly.

“It isn’t time yet. They still have at least half an hour.” The Hag from Whitewoods Castle injected.

“No, this isn’t the time limit. This should be impossible. No, Acolyte has the power to do something like this. The secret plane is collapsing.” The representative from the Lighthouse of the Night said.

Damn, this will definitely cost extra. Siley had already paid a high price for getting the Lighthouse to step in and stop the war. Now they even had destroyed a secret plane they had loaned them.

He had to shift the blame on someone else, or at least share it with the other two.

Just who had caused this?

“How can the acolytes have done this?”

Before that question was answered, a rift appeared above the formation.

Unlike the dazzling Rainbow Bridge that should appear to collect all the living students still having a badge, the weaklings who have bargained to save their lives deserve to die. This Rift was sickly green, burning through the world as darkness was seeping out of it.

Originally he had expected to see the secret plane behind it, but this sight wasn’t anything like it.

No way any of the acolytes would survive in there.

It was a world filled with darkness and green fire; even parts of the plane had already collapsed as space rifts were spread all over the place.

But the most shocking sight was the Shape of the Black Dragon, with green fire seeping out of it’s skin that was directly starring malevolently at them as if their existence offended it.

Siley was feeling fear. He was feeling as if he were staring at death itself.

And he wasn’t the only one.

Suddenly the shape of the dragon shrank and dissipated in black shadows and green flames.

Leaving a far smaller humanoid form at the entrance of the Rift behind. With a loud bang, the Rift closed.

At first, Siley didn’t recognize him until he realized that he looked similar to one of his acolytes but changed. What was his name?

“Harry!?” Kroft, one of the professors from his academy called out.

Yes, him.

What happened to him?

As far as Siley was aware, the boy always had a distinctive look, making him stand out from his peers.

Now, he was handsome beyond any human, with a tall muscular shape. His hair was black like pure darkness, swallowing the light around them.

The features of his face were hawklike, sharp, and elegant, even more than before.

A natural air of nobility and superiority was around him.

The one thing standing out the most were his eyes. They were glowing green, and his pupils were slits, like a dragon.

“What happened to you, Brat?" Siley asked, wanting to get to the truth.

And then he finally noticed it.

The boy, no, the man in front of him, gave off the energy waves of a magus.

He felt like a Rank 1 Magus, but Siley felt all the alarm bells in his head ringing as the green eyes with the black slits inside fell on him.


Harry Potter POV

Harry felt the power of the thousands of high-grade souls involved in his ascension entering into his own soul, empowering and progressing the transformation of his human soul into a dragon soul.

The name of his meditation technique is Dragon’s Ascension after all.

It will turn him into a human-shaped dragon, but the energy requirements were massive.

Alone, the first rank requires thousands of powerful souls and a whole secret plane.

[ Bloodline transformation complete! ]

[ Dragon Soul has formed! ]

[ Soul and Bloodline are in synch. ]

His whole body had reshaped; it was like a living beast now. Far stronger than originally.

He could feel the power of his newly transformed soul through him.

Harry Potter is now a dragon in human shape.

While he had based his meditation technique on Warlocks, he technically was already a Warlock. As Dragon Rider, he had inherited a Draconic bloodline through the Elvish pact.

This allowed him to go a step further than any Warlock at this stage. He had transformed his very essence into the one of a dragon.

[ Successful Completion of the First Level of Dragon’s Ascension! Congratulations on advancing to Rank 1 Magus. All stats have been significantly boosted. ]

Harry smirked. Yes, he could feel that.

And it seems he had been successful. He had become a Rank 1 Magus, not a Warlock.

After all, he didn’t use a bloodline that is under the control of someone else. Sure, he knew there are dragons out there. But they are completely unrelated to him.

His bloodline is his own. He is already beyond the level of any dragon in Alagäsia. There are no Bloodline Shackles for him.

Harry Potter is his own man. Dragon?

[ Beep! Scanning new stats! ]

[ Harry Potter, Rank 1 Magus (Dragon of Death) / Wizard (uncultivated), Strength: 30.3, Agility: 31.5, Vitality: 33, Spiritual Force: 56 (223), Magic Power: 279, Status: Healthy. ]

He is strong. Impossibly strong for a freshly advanced Rank 1 magus.

But it’s no wonder; after all, he had designed his bloodline himself and constructed it wit the mental image of an powerful dragon like Deathwing. The Destroyer. The Worldbreaker.

His elements are death and fire.

While he had taken a lot of inspiration from Keyomin’s pupil and his Philosopher Stone research, after all, at its base, his Dragon Soul was a powerful Philosopher Stone, the most crucial piece of information he had gained from his Invisibility Cloak.

Still, he only scratched the Surface. His current theory was that it contains the Law’s of Death.

Something on the conceptual level, granting him a powerful body through his own bloodline, the Dragon of Death.

And this doesn’t even show the strength of his dragon soul.

‘Can you not display my souls strength?’

[ Negative. Lacking comparative data related to a soul's Strength. Host should seek out databases with data sets related to Rank 4 Magi. ]

‘Yeah, no way I will find anything like this on the South Coast.’

[ Warning! Temporary materialized Dragon Avatar stabilizing the remains of the Secret Plane is about to collapse. [The host is recommended to move towards the spatial rift that has formed. ]

Harry had been too distracted himself to notice that the Dragon Avatar manifested by his bloodline had begun to dissipate.

If he stayed here, he would land outside of the world in the Void between Worlds.

He couldn’t survive this yet.

Wasting no time, he began to move.

Transfiguring the still unconscious Molly, still lying on the only unchanged piece of ground, into a pebble and throwing her into his inventory. He couldn’t do this directly because anything inside the circle, even his inventory, would have been affected by the ritual.

Next, he grabbed the three Eldunari. He could feel them now closer than ever.

There is now an unbreakable connection like parent and child between them.

Creating something like a Dragon Soul was impossible for someone on his level, but if one possessed a piece already, it could be strengthened. And Harry had used pieces from all three of them to create his own.

It was a double win.

Harry’s soul has transformed into something far more powerful.

And now he could slowly but safely heal the Eldunari.

After all, before he couldn’t directly interfere with the souls, because a soul is too fragile for someone inexperienced to handle. He was an outsider, and the soul would naturally resist.

A problem if he didn’t want to hurt them. If it was the soul of someone he didn’t care about, he would have just tried it without a care; these ones were his friends. Once they truly shatter, they were gone forever.

But now his own soul was based on theirs. He could use that newly formed connection to heal them. It will still take some time.

Having anything of value, he directly rushed towards the rift that had formed at what was supposed to be the original exit. Still protected by the Dragon Avatar, with his strong body, he reached it instantly.

He is a beast in human form, just as strong as a young dragon.

Right as the Avatar formed from his own bloodline shattered, Harry was through the Rift.

The shadows that had obstructed his vision as he heard a voice call out, “Harry!?”

It was Kroft who had recognized him out of a crowd full of Magi that were looking at him full of confusion.

But the first few began to realize what had happened, amongst them the principals and a particular strong man in black Robes, whom Harry knew was the represantive from the Lighthouse of the Night.

Fitting to his hotheaded personality, it was Siley who opened his mouth first, “What happened to you, Brat?”

“Me? Oh, I just decided to advance.” Harry replied bored.

“What? You found some ancient relic containing a meditation technique?" Siley questioned further.

“Yep.” He popped the P particularly as he saw a vein form on Siley’s forehead from the disrespect.

“What happened to the other acolytes?" A beautiful blonde-haired woman from besides Siley asked. She was the principal from Whitewood’s Castle.

“Oh, them. They are dead. I sacrified them during my advancement.” Harry answered honestly, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Leaving the other Magi speechless about his balls.

Harry could even see a flicker of amusement and intrigue flicker in the eyes of the Represantive from the Lighthouse of the Night.

“You…” She tried to say, but got interrupted by the Laugther of Siley. Who had forgotten Harry’s disrespect as he saw how he handled her?

But someone else didn’t take it well at all. “Not my torash! How dare you, Brat? Just because you managed to become a Magus, don’t think you are anything special.” A blue-haired old man shouted as a thunderstorm formed above his head.

The moment Harry’s green, glowing eyes fell on him, he frozen as Harry broke through his mental shields with ease, stealing all the knowledge, before the man began to burn from the inside.

“Noooooooo… Stooooop.” He screamed as the flames devoured him.

This made all the present Magi stop and consider Harry in a new light.

Sure, the boy didn’t use Grine Water, but an advanced meditation technique. But he just advanced a few moments ago.

And the Blue Haired geezer hadn’t been anyone. It was a magus, at the peak of rank 1, who had converted almost the entirety of his body into his main element. One of the requirements before advancing to Rank 2.

The strength between a freshly advanced Magus and someone like the Geezer was like the one between Acolytes and Official Magi. Just what method did he use?

“I won't tolerate any further breaches of the peace treaty. While you haven't signed it, which technically exempts you, you're still a member of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy," said the representative from the Lighthouse of the Night.

Though he hadn't made any move to stop Harry, it was clear he wanted to test the boy he had been watching closely since his arrival. "Additionally, I require you to accompany me for an official inquiry into recent events. Any breach of the Ancient Agreement concerning the regulation of meditation techniques must be thoroughly investigated. You will also need to sign the Ancient Agreement, just like everyone else."

Harry looked at him for a moment before replying, “How about no?”



Thanks for not harming the Eldunarí!!!