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Hello again!  I've got the textless version of this page ready to roll.  I'm gonna keep this short like always so I can get back to it.

The scene after this page is done will shift to an indoor shot, which I'm looking forward to, since I'm not 100% on the snowflakes painted in this page.  I think the effect looks good in depth of field shots, where I can put a lot of little flakes far away and a few big ones up close to simulate depth and volume of space, but the shot with Lizzie sticking out the window has about one kind of snowflake, and I think the effect doesn't hit as well.  A lot of that panel is gonna be covered with word balloons so it'll be fine, but I am looking forward to not blotching in the blobs for a few pages.

When I write pages I generally have a broad idea of what I want the page to say, I'll prioritize the character acting and camerawork and I tend to leave the specifics of the dialogue for the very end.  That's usually fine, but for this page I've been thinking about how to specifically word Pat's pleading, what bits of information to include in it, what he wants to say and what he would shout out loud if he knew someone might be listening.  I need to inform the reader but I also need to settle on what Pat would yell up to a window, so I might be fiddling with those lines a little bit.  I know what Lizzie's response is, I just need the bit in front of it.  

That'll be it for now. I'll have this page up on the site before I go to bed, and then the rest of this week I'm gonna work on gamedev stuff, so it'll probably be a gamedev-only update next Friday.  Thanks for checking in, I'll catch you round the way.



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