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Hello again!  I've got the textless version of this page ready to share with you on this spooky hallow's eve.  This one's gonna be quick, since the dialogue on this page is basically two words, I'll have it live on the site before this notification hits your email box!  Maybe.  It'll be pretty fast, regardless.

One of the major visual things I wanted to achieve with this page was to build a sense of coziness.  the opening shots of the snowy exterior at night is there to cast a sense of what's outside, and then the soft-light interior with the snow falling in the window is like a warm little pocket, tucked away from the cold.  The little detail I'm most happy with is the comforter on top of the bed in the big central panel, particularly the way the little pulls in the sheets imply the figures underneath.  Rendering folds as areas of contrast, where brighter highlights meet darker shadows, helps convey a sense of softness or thickness to fabric, which was what I was aiming to achieve here.  It feels tucked-in and comfy.  I'm happy with it.

This week I'm gonna try to get my next gamedev task rolling, so this Friday will be a game-centric update for you.  I've got a few ideas what that'll be but I'll have to see which way the Wednesday winds blow.  Well find out together on Friday, so until then, take it easy and have a Happy Halloween!



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