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Hi, sorry about that, thanks for waiting.  This week has been a bit more hectic than I anticipated but I made about halfway-progress on the first pass of this page; I'm pretty confident I can get it done in time for my deadline, and that will I think line up with Friday, so if everything runs smoothly I should have the textless page for the usual time this week.  For now, though, let's look at what we got.

When I was going through the inks on this one of the things I wanted to do was emphasize the impact of Pat's crowbar strike in the lower center panel, I felt like the original pencils were a bit weak for a big hit.  The two little features I added from the initial pass were some jagged marks in the linework around the point of impact, and also a lot more stretch marks in the face to emphasize how our friend is enjoying the moment.  I added some linework to pull in his stomach and emphasize his ribcage like he is sucking in his gut to wince, and reserved knuckle marks on his fist for this panel to sell that his hand's grip is tensing up in the moment as well.  They're little things but I feel a lot better about the shot post-inks than I did beforehand.

The painting phase is moving along pretty normally, I think.  There isn't any remarkable difficulty spike that I expect to encounter, it's just "model everyone in that 3Dish kind of way I always do" and get the job done.  The lighting in the crowbar impact panel should be fun to do, I always like painting extreme highlight and shadow shots and this panel should be exactly that.  Other than that, I'm just looking to get this thing over the finish line by the end of this week.

We have some big gamedev news to add as well but that will probably be the big Friday thing to share if I can get this comic page done in time, so games supporters can look forward to that- we got an important gamefeel & accessibility feature working and I got paragraphs to say about it!  Until then I'm gonna get back to it.  Thanks for your patience this weekend, and I'll be back again sooner than later.



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